
Free soccer combo of the day

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Combiné foot du jour – 2/05/20241X2
Fiorentina – Club Brugge (N/2)1.81
Aston Villa – Olympiakos1.344.707.25
Total Rating 2.72

Combiné foot du jour 100% Ligue Europa Conférence avec une première demi-finale qui semble beaucoup plus serré que ne l’imagine les bookmakers entre la Fiorentina, qui a du passer par les prolongations pour se défaire de Plzen et Bruges. Facile vainqueurs du PAOK, les Belges ont les arguments pour venir faire déjouer la viola. On les voit obtenir à minima le match nul de ce déplacement. Après avoir disposé de Lille, on s’attend à ce qu’Aston Villa prenne l’avantage dans cette double confrontation face au club grec.

Combiné foot du jour – 21/04/20241X2
Lille – Strasbourg 1.533.855.30
Aston Villa – Bournemouth 1.783.853.50
Total Rating 2.72

Le LOSC est passé tout près d’obtenir son ticket pour le dernier carré d’Europa Conférence League. Invaincu depuis le 26 septembre au stade Pierre Mauroy, on privilégie une nouvelle victoire des Lillois malgré la bonne dynamique des Alsaciens qui ont remporté 3 de leurs 4 derniers matchs. Vainqueur d’Arsenal (2-0) à l’Emirates Stadium, les Villans peuvent toujours croire au Top 4 synonyme de qualification en Ligue des Champions. Opposés à des Cherries assez inconstants à l’extérieur, on privilégie une victoire des locaux après leur qualification ce jeudi.

Combiné foot du jour – 20/04/20241X2
Union Berlin – Bayern Munich 4.804.201.52
Valence – Betis Seville
Total Rating 3.19

Dans la lignée de sa qualification en demi-finale de Ligue des Champions, le Bayern Munich doit maintenant s’imposer dans la capitale pour conserver sa deuxième place en Bundesliga. Face à une équipe qui n’a inscrit aucun but sur ses 3 derniers matchs et reste sur 2 défaites, on envisage une victoire des joueurs de Thomas Tuchel. En Espagne, duel primordial dans la course aux places européennes entre Valence (7ème) et le Betis (8ème). Vu l’inconstance des Andalous en déplacement, on s’attend à une victoire des locaux qui viennent d’enchainer deux victoires sans encaisser de but.

Combiné foot du jour – 19/04/20241X2
Nice – Lorient 1.454.006.00
Cagliari – Juventus (1/N)1.95
Total Rating 2.83

Les Niçois n’ont plus le droit à l’erreur s’ils ne veulent pas se retrouver hors du Top 6 et donc des places européennes. Face à des Lorientais eux aussi dans le dur avec une seule victoire sur leurs 6 derniers matchs, on privilégie une victoire des Azuréens devant leur public. Après avoir tenu en échec l’Inter Milan (2-2) à l’extérieur, Cagliari accueille un autre cador de la Série A, la Juventus Turin. Invaincu depuis 4 rencontres à domicile avec notamment une victoire contre l’Atalanta (2-1) et un nul contre Naples (1-1), on voit les locaux réussir à prendre au moins 1 point sur cette rencontre.

Combiné foot du jour – 18/04/20241X2
PAOK – Club Brugge 1.833.503.70
Fenerbahce – Olympiakos 1.534.104.80
Total Rating 2.80

Quart de finale retour de Ligue Europa Conférence au programme. Malgré une défaite (3-2) au match aller, les Stanbouliotes ont montré qu’ils avaient leur mot à dire dans cette double confrontation en préservant un espoir après avoir été mener de 3 buts. En Turquie, on s’attend à un match bien différent avec une victoire des coéquipiers d’Edin Dzeko. Même situation en Grèce, où le PAOK aborde ce match avec un but de déficit face aux Belges. Vu la ferveur habituelle en Grèce, on privilégie une victoire des locaux qui ont gagné leurs 4 matchs à domicile dans la compétition.

Combiné foot du jour – 17/04/20241X2
Palmeiras – Internacional 1.553.404.80
Flamengo – Sao Paulo 1.453.655.40
Total Rating 3.64

Combiné foot du jour 100% brésilien au programme ce mercredi. On fait confiance à deux prétendants au titre pour s’imposer sur leur pelouse et ainsi enregistrer une deuxième victoire en 2 journées. Vainqueur de 9 des 10 dernières confrontations directes sur sa pelouse, Palmeiras a les atouts pour disposer d’Internacional. Après avoir perdu son match d’ouverture sur sa pelouse face à Fortaleza (1-2), Sao Paulo devrait une nouvelle fois subir face à Flamengo qui doit confirmer une première victoire dans la douleur.

Combiné foot du jour – 16/04/20241X2
Barcelone – PSG 2.173.702.85
Famalicao – Sporting 8.754.80(H-1)1.68
Total Rating 3.64

Après avoir pris un avantage important en s’imposant au Parc des Princes, les Catalans doivent maintenant confirmer à domicile. Même si les coéquipiers de Kyllian Mbappé devraient avoir un esprit revanchard, on voit les Barcelonais profiter des espaces pour valider leur ticket en demi-finale. Au Portugal, le Sporting leader se déplace sur la pelouse de Famalicao pour ce match en retard. Doté d’un effectif plus conséquent pour jouer ce match en semaine, on s’attend à une large victoire des visiteurs qui ont remporté 10 de leurs 14 matchs à l’extérieur.

Combiné foot du jour – 14/04/20241X2
Clermont – Montpellier 3.103.352.00
Sassuolo – AC Milan 4.303.801.65
Total Rating 3.30

Montpellier a très bien entamé son opération maintien en s’imposant à 2 reprises face à des concurrents directs (2-0). Même si les Clermontois ont tenu en échec Paris (1-1), les Parisiens semblaient peu intéressés par cette rencontre. Deuxième plus mauvaise équipe à domicile avec seulement 10 points en 14 journées, on privilégie une nouvelle défaite des Auvergnats. En Italie, les Milanais ont mis fin à leur série de 7 victoires en s’inclinant contre la Roma en Europa League. On s’attend à une réaction des visiteurs face à Sassuolo qui a remporté qu’un seul de ses 11 derniers matchs.

Combiné foot du jour – 13/04/20241X2
Rennes – Toulouse 1.723.453.95
Torino – Juventus 3.402.852.07
Total Rating 3.56

Après 3 défaites consécutives sans inscrire de but, Rennes doit profiter de ce match à domicile pour se relancer. Vainqueurs de 6 de leurs 7 matchs devant leur public, les Bretons vont affronter une équipe toulousaine qui alterne entre victoires et défaites en déplacement. Dans l’obligation de l’emporter pour espérer jouer l’Europe l’an prochain, on privilégie une victoire des locaux. Dans le derby de Turin, on donne un avantage à la Juventus qui a gagné les dernières confrontations directes et qui reste sur 2 victoires sans encaisser de but. Même si les visiteurs ont de mauvais résultats à l’extérieur, on privilégie une victoire de ces derniers à l’expérience.

Combiné foot du jour – 12/04/20241X2
Augsburg – Union Berlin 1.933.303.30
Plymouth – Leicester
Total Rating 2.64

Après une défaite sans réellement avoir été dans le match, Leicester doit immédiatement se ressaisir s’il ne veut pas voir ses deux concurrents directs le dépasser. Ce match face à Plymouth est l’occasion parfaite pour se relancer contre une équipe qui n’a plus gagné depuis 8 rencontres à domicile. On privilégie une victoire des Foxes. Face à une formation de l’Union Berlin qui devrait éviter la relégation, Augsburg se doit de l’emporter pour toujours croire en une qualification pour la coupe d’Europe l’an prochain. On envisage une victoire des locaux qui ont déjà eu de bons résultats sur leur pelouse.

Combiné foot du jour – 11/04/20241X2
Bruges - PAOK1.733.454.50
AC Milan – AS Roma 1.683.604.30
Total Rating 2.90

Première manche des quarts de finale de C3 et C4 ce jeudi soir. Très sérieux à domicile, on s’attend à une victoire de Bruges face à une équipe du PAOK qui a montré ses limites à l’extérieur au tour précédent avec une défaite (0-2) à Zagreb. Victoire impérative des Belges avant un déplacement périlleux en Grèce. Dans un choc 100% italien, l’AC Milan a l’avantage du terrain et la dynamique pour venir l’AS Roma qui connait des difficultés en déplacement. On privilégie une victoire des coéquipiers d’Olivier Giroud pour ce combiné foot du jour.

Combiné foot du jour – 10/04/20241X2
Ipswich – Watford 1.344.205.70
Bristol City – Blackburn 2.352.902.55
Total Rating 2.80

On reste en Championship ce mercredi avec en premier prono, la victoire d’Ipswich sur sa pelouse face à Watford. Toujours à la lutte pour le titre, les locaux ont la possibilité de prendre la tête du championnat en s’imposant sur leur pelouse. Un stade dans lequel ils restent sur 5 victoires de rang. Dans l’autre rencontre, Bristol accueille Blackburn qui possède qu’une faible marge sur la zone de relégation. Même si les hôtes viennent d’enchainer 2 victoires à domicile dont la dernière contre Leicester (1-0), on s’attend à ce que Blackburn puisse glaner 1 point de ce déplacement.

Combiné foot du jour – 09/04/20241X2
Millwall – Leicester 4.403.451.55
Southampton – Coventry (N/2)1.81
Total Rating 2.80

Combiné foot du jour 100% Championship. Après avoir retrouvé sa place de leader, Leicester se déplace sur la pelouse Millwall, tout proche de la zone rouge. Meilleure équipe à l’extérieur, les Foxes vont tenter d’enchainer une troisième victoire de rang contre une formation qui ne compte qu’une seule victoire sur ses 6 derniers matchs. En très grande forme, Coventry affronte Southampton après avoir battu Leeds (2-1). Face à des Saints sans continuité dans leur résultats, on voir les visiteurs obtenir à minima le point du match nul dans cette rencontre et on privilégie une double chance en leur faveur.

Combiné foot du jour – 07/04/20241X2
Manchester Utd – Liverpool 4.404.301.57
Union Sainte Gilloise – Cercle Bruges 1.653.604.20
Total Rating 2.59

Défait par Chelsea dans les dernières minutes aux termes d’un match spectaculaire (4-3), Manchester United enchaine face au leader de Premier League. Même si les Mancuniens ont remporté leur dernière rencontre face aux Reds en Coupe, on s’attend à une réaction des coéquipiers de Mohamed Salah pour s’imposer à Old Trafford. En Belgique, le co leader accueille le Cercle Bruges qui compte 10 points de retard sur son adversaire. Vainqueurs des 4 dernières confrontations directes sur leur pelouse, on privilégie une victoire des locaux pour mettre la pression sur Anderlecht.

Combiné foot du jour – 06/04/20241X2
Aston Villa – Brentford 1.623.954.40
Union Berlin – Bayer Leverkusen 5.604.001.48
Total Rating 2.38

Très à l’aise devant leur public, les Villans ont remporté 3 de leurs 4 derniers matchs à domicile et les deux derniers sans encaisser de but. Opposé à une équipe de Brentford qui reste sur 4 défaites en déplacement et qui n’a ramené que 10 points de ses 15 matchs à l’extérieur, on envisage une victoire d’Aston Villa. Tout tourne en faveur du Bayer ! Pourtant si proche de perdre son invincibilité ses derniers matchs, Leverkusen trouve toujours les ressources pour s’imposer dans les dernières minutes. Face à une formation de l’Union Berlin sans continuité dans ses résultats, on privilégie une victoire des joueurs de Xabi Alonso.

Combiné foot du jour – 05/04/20241X2
Lille – Marseille 2.073.303.40
Malines – Saint Trond 1.933.353.30
Total Rating 4.00

Sur une dynamique très positive notamment à domicile avec une invincibilité de 14 rencontres toutes compétitions confondues, Lille s’apprête à affronter une équipe marseillaise dans le doute. Affaiblis par les blessures, les olympiens viennent d’enchainer une troisième défaite de rang lors du classico et on les voit de nouveau s’incliner dans le Nord. Invaincu depuis 7 rencontres devant son public Malines reçoit Saint Trond qui reste sur 5 défaites de rang en déplacement. Dans ce match très important dans la course à l’Europe, on privilégie une victoire des locaux.

Combiné foot du jour – 04/04/20241X2
Granada - Valencia
Ajax – G.A. Eagles1.394.505.50
Total Rating 3.13

Face à une équipe de Grenade quasiment reléguée et qui n’a plus gagné depuis 10 journées de Liga, Valence est dans l’obligation de se relancer s’il veut toujours croire aux places européennes. Même si les visiteurs sont sur une série de 3 défaites en déplacement, on privilégie une victoire de ces derniers. Au Pays-Bas, l’Ajax reçoit les Eagles pour une rencontre qui s’annonce très plaisante offensivement. Après une série de matchs nuls devant son public, on s’attend à une réaction du club d’Amsterdam pour ce combiné foot du jour.

Combiné foot du jour – 03/04/20241X2
PSG - Rennes 1.374.906.75
Brentford – Brighton 2.403.602.57
Total Rating 3.67

Deuxième demi-finale de Coupe de France entre Paris et Rennes. Invaincus depuis le 7 novembre toutes compétitions confondues, les Parisiens sont légitimement favoris pour cette rencontre. Même si on voit les Rennais venir embeter les joueurs de Luis Enrique, on privilégie une victoire des locaux. Après avoir tenu en échec Manchester United (1-1), Brentford accueille Brighton cette fois-ci. Face à des visiteurs qui ont perdu 6 de leurs 7 derniers déplacements, on s’attend à un score de parité pour ce combiné foot du jour.

Combiné foot du jour – 02/04/2024 1X2
Bournemouth – Everton 1.883.553.65
Saarbrucken – Dusseldorf (Qualification)1.951.65
Total Rating 3.67

Vainqueur de ses deux derniers matchs, grâce notamment à son avant-centre Dominik Solanke, Bournemouth confirme que c’est une équipe très joueuse capable de belles prestations. Face à Crystal Palace qui reste sur 10 déplacements sans la moindre victoire, on privilégie un succès des Cherries. En Allemagne, le petit poucet est au porte de la finale. Après avoir éliminé Francfort, le Bayern Munich et plus recemment Monchengladbach, on voit les locaux venir à bout d’une équipe légèrement plus à leur portée pour ce combiné foot du jour.

Combiné foot du jour – 31/03/2024 1X2
Gérone – Betis Séville1.713.804.20
Strasbourg – Rennes 3.003.352.25
Total Rating 3.84

Quasiment irréprochable sur sa pelouse, Gérone accueille le Betis qui reste sur 2 défaites à l’extérieur dont la dernière contre le Rayo (0-2). De belles prestations à domicile qui s’explique par une belle solidité défensive. Malgré le collectif andalous talentueux, on privilégie une victoire des Catalans. En Ligue 1, Strasbourg reçoit le Stade Rennais. Même si les Alsaciens se sont rassurés en s’imposant (3-1) à Nantes, ils restent sur 4 défaites consécutives sur leur pelouse. Invaincus depuis 6 déplacements en Ligue 1, on s’attend à une victoire des Bretons.

Combiné foot du jour – 30/03/2024 1X2
Brentford – Manchester United 2.923.702.20
Metz – Monaco
Total Rating 3.48

Relancé par sa victoire contre Liverpool après prolongation en coupe, Manchester United doit maintenant confirmer. Contre une équipe de Brentford qui a perdu 5 de ses 6 derniers matchs, on prédit une victoire des Red Devils qui ont remporté 4 des 5 dernières confrontations pour ce combiné foot du jour. Toujours englué dans la zone rouge de Ligue 1, Metz s’apprête à affronter les Monégasques, sur la plus petite marche du podium. Sur une série de 3 victoires de rang à l’extérieur, les coéquipiers de Folarin Balogun trouve enfin de la continuité loin de leur base. Face à des Messins dans le dur et lancé dans une longue opération maintien, on privilégie une victoire des visiteurs.

Combiné foot du jour – 29/03/2024 1X2
La Gantoise – Standard Liège 1.583.754.40
Bristol City – Leicester 4.503.501.58
Total Rating 2.50

Reversé en groupe conférence league, La Gantoise s’apprête à lancer cette deuxième partie de saison face au Standard Liège. Contre une équipe qui n’a plus gagné depuis 11 rencontres, les locaux pourront profiter de l’avantage du terrain pour s’imposer comme ils l’ont fait lors de 7 des 8 dernières confrontations sur leur pelouse. Après avoir perdu sa première place, Leicester doit se relancer contre un adversaire qui a connu la défaite à 5 reprises sur ses 6 derniers matchs. Après la pause internationale, on privilégie une victoire des Foxes pour ce combiné foot du jour.

Combiné foot du jour – 26/03/2024 1X2
Pays de Galles – Pologne 2.522.902.85
Ukraine – Islande 1.483.956.10
Total Rating 3.73

Ces 4 nations sont à une rencontre de disputer le prochain Euro en Allemagne cet été. Facile vainqueur de la Finlande (4-1), le Pays de Galles accueille cette fois-ci la Pologne. Même si les Polonais semblent être un adversaire de taille, on pense que la jeunesse et la fougue galloise peut venir créer la surprise devant leur public. L’Ukraine affronte elle l’Islande qui a profité de circonstances en sa faveur pour se défaire d’Israël. Face à des ukrainiens pétris de talents, on s’attend à une victoire des coéquipiers d’Artem Dovbyk pour ce combiné foot du jour.

Combiné foot du jour – 24/03/2024 1X2
Bucaramanga - Envigado1.633.504.80
Levante – Elche 2.372.852.80
Total Rating 4.65

Auteur d’un bon début de saison notamment à domicile avec 5 matchs sans défaite, Bucaramanga accueille Envigado. Des visiteurs qui n’ont gagné qu’un seul de leurs 6 déplacements cette saison. Pour ces raisons, on privilégie une victoire des locaux en Colombie. Même si Elche reste sur 4 victoires de rang, il est toujours difficile de venir faire un résultat sur la pelouse de Levante. Invaincus depuis 6 rencontres devant leur public, on voit les locaux tenir en échec leur adversaire.

Combiné foot du jour – 23/03/2024 1X2
Espanyol – Tenerife1.852.904.00
Tunisie – Croatie 5.603.901.51
Total Rating 2.79

Face à une sélection tunisienne qui peine à renouveler son effectif vieillissant, on s’attend à ce que la qualité technique des Croates puisse faire la différence sur ce match amical. En Espagne, les Catalans accueillent Tenerife qui n’a plus gagner depuis 6 matchs en déplacement. Supérieurs à leur adversaire, on voit les locaux s’imposer pour poursuivre leur série d’invincibilité.

Combiné foot du jour – 22/03/2024 1X2
Espagne – Colombie 1.673.554.20
Norvège – République Tchèque 1.903.303.45
Total Rating 3.17

Combiné 100% matchs amicaux ce vendredi. Même si les match amicaux peuvent se montrer aléatoires, on fait confiance aux talents individuels de la Norvège et de l’Espagne pour prendre le dessus sur leurs adversaires du jour. Auteurs d’une qualification pour l’Euro quasi sans faute, les Espagnols doivent profiter de cette belle confrontation pour régler les derniers détails. Avec ou sans Haaland, on s’attend à une victoire des Norvégiens autour de Martin Odegaard.

Combiné foot du jour – 21/03/2024 1X2
Wales - Finland 1.813.204.60
Greece - Kazakhstan1.314.709.75
Total Rating 2.37

Premières confrontations des barrages pour l’Euro 2024 ! Dans la continuité des années précédentes, les Gallois deviennent une nation capable de proposer un beau jeu avec une jeune génération. Devant leur public face à des Finlandais peu rassurants, on privilégie une victoire des locaux. Il est toujours difficile de venir faire un résultat en Grèce, en démontre le récent nul des Bleus (2-2). Contre les Kazakh, on s’attend à une victoire des Grecs pour prendre les devants dans cette double confrontation.

Soccer match of the day - 03/17/2024 1X2
Sevilla - Celta Vigo 1.993.403.85
Inter Milan - Napoli 1.583.955.00
Total Rating 3.14

In a nightmarish season for Sevilla, the Andalusians are back in the spotlight, particularly at home where they are coming off two wins over Atletico (1-0) and La Sociedad (3-2). Faced with Celta, who suffer from defensive lapses on the road, we'd prefer the home side to win. On an 8-game home winning streak, it's hard to see Napoli putting an end to Inter's momentum, especially as they have won just one of their last 9 away games.

Soccer match of the day - 16/03/2024 1X2
Hoffenheim - Stuttgart 3.553.901.78
Bilbao - Alaves 1.533.956.50
Total Rating 2.72

As realistic as ever this season, Stuttgart travel to Hoffenheim, capable of the best and the worst. With only one defeat in their last 8 matches, the visitors are expected to win to consolidate their place on the Bundesliga podium. Basque derby in Spain between Bilbao and Alaves. On a run of 10 home wins before a 0-0 stoppage against Barça, the home side are expected to bounce back against an inconsistent away team.

Soccer match of the day - 03/15/2024 1X2
Cologne - Leipzig 5.804.401.51
Toulouse - Lyon2.673.302.67
Total Rating 4.98

Eliminated from the Champions League, Leipzig can now concentrate on the Bundesliga. After two wins against clubs at the same level as their future opponents, the visitors are expected to win again against a team that has lost 3 of its last 4 home games. The match could be spectacular, with Toulouse having just beaten Nice and Lille in front of their home fans, and Lyon in fine form. Although Alexandre Lacazette's team-mates are on a 4-game winning streak away from home, TFC are expected to put up a good fight to secure a draw.

Soccer match of the day - 14/03/2024 1X2
West Ham - Freiburg 1.723.854.60
Fenerbahce - Union Sainte Gilloise 1.823.8583.80
Total Rating 3.13

West Ham have their backs against the wall after losing 1-0 at Freiburg. The Londoners need to get their act together quickly, and we see them dominating the game against a Freiburg side that has won just one of its last 6 away games. Very solid at home, we're favouring a win for the home side. The situation is different for Fenerbahce, who won (3-0) in Belgium. Despite this large advantage, we expect the Stanbouliotes to do everything in their power to win this match in front of their home crowd, where they haven't lost since November 4!

Soccer match of the day - 13/03/2024 1X2
Dortmund - PSV2.173.753.00
PSG - Nice 1.474.506.40
Total Rating 3.19

Having beaten PSV on their own turf, Borussia must now confirm this result in front of their home fans. Particularly as the visitors have already struggled on their travels, losing 0-4 at Arsenal. In the Coupe de France, Paris should have no trouble overcoming a Nice side who have lost 4 of their last 5 matches. At Le Parc, the team-mates of Kyllian M'bappé, who is set to make his return to the starting line-up, are expected to win.

Soccer match of the day - 12/03/2024 1X2
Saarbrucken - Mönchengladbach
Barcelona - Napoli 1.803.854.20
Total Rating

Saarbrucken out to make history! After knocking out Bayern Munich and Frankfurt, the minnows take on Mönchengladbach. Against a team in doubt, the home side push the match to extra time. In the Champions League, Barça welcome Napoli after a 1-1 draw in Italy. In front of their home crowd, the Catalans dominated the match to win and continue their European adventure.

Soccer match of the day - 11/03/2024 1X2
Lazio Roma - Udinese1.853.404.50
Grenoble - Laval2.352.773.15
Total Rating 5.82

Grenoblois are sinking! They have just racked up a fourth successive victory at Bastia. With these 4 defeats, GF 38 have dropped to 6th place in the Ligue 2 standings. Laval are unbeaten in their last 4 matches and will be hoping for a win! Lazio must bounce back after 3 straight defeats! They host 17th-placed Udinese tonight, and the players from the capital should win.

Soccer match of the day - 10/03/2024 1X2
West Ham - Burnley 1.783.804.10
Marseille - Nantes1.414.507.00
Total Rating 2.50

Both teams are expected to be at home on Sunday. Back to their best and fresh from their 4-0 win over Villareal, the Olympians are expected to win against the inconsistent Canaries. The same goes for West Ham, who must assert their superiority in front of their home fans against a team on a run of 5 away defeats.

Soccer match of the day - 09/03/2024 1X2
Hull - Leicester
Bologna - Inter Milan 3.403.302.17
Total Rating 4.45

We're putting our faith in the Championship and Serie A leaders for today's soccer combo. Leicester and Inter face two tough opponents, and we think they'll be able to dispose of both thanks to the superiority of their collective strengths.

Soccer match of the day - 08/03/2024 1X2
Stuttgart - Union Berlin 1.434.306.50
Nice - Montpellier 1.773.754.50
Total Rating 2.50

We're once again starting with both teams at home. Even if Les Niçois are in a bad way at the moment. In front of their home crowd, we're favouring an Eagles victory. Irresistible at home, we see Stuttgart disposing of Union Berlin, who are still struggling despite a return to form.

Soccer match of the day - 07/03/2024 1X2
Marseille - Villareal 1.783.804.10
AC Milan - Slavia Prague 1.414.507.00
Total Rating 2.50

Both teams are expected to be at home in the Europa League Round of 8. Back to their best against a Villareal team that could be missing a lot of players, we're expecting the Olympians to win. The same goes for Milan, who must assert their superiority in front of their home fans.

Soccer match of the day - 06/03/2024 1X2
Sporting - Atalanta 2.003.503.45
Real Madrid - Leipzig 1.554.405.40
Total Rating 3.10

The match between Sporting and Atalanta is set to be a spectacular affair, with both teams playing very well. Nevertheless, the visitors are coming off 2 defeats, while the home side are proving unbeatable at home. The latter are expected to win. The same goes for Real, who are letting few points slip away at home. Against a Leipzig team obliged to attack, the Madrilenians look dangerous on the counter-attack.

Soccer match of the day - 02/27/2024 1X2
Bournemouth - Leicester1.574.204.80
Luton - Man City10.55.901.24
Total Rating

Today's FA Cup soccer combo! And today we're talking about two away wins. The first is Leicester's against Bournemouth: the Foxes are very good this season (1st in the table) and have the weapons to compete against a Bournemouth team that has been in poor form in recent weeks. The other match will be Manchester City's, who should make short work of PL Luton Town.

Soccer match of the day - 02/25/2024 1X2
Toulouse - Lille 4.003.551.91
Cagliari - Napoli 4.003.701.85
Total Rating

After coming agonizingly close to a historic qualification against Benfica in the Europa League, Toulouse are back in Ligue 1. Without a win in 7 games at the Stadium, TFC have been struggling at home. In contrast, Lille have been on a roll lately, coming off a fine 3-0 win over Le Havre. We're favouring a win for the physically fresher visitors. Despite Napoli's poor form, we're expecting them to win against a Cagliari team that has won just one of its last 11 games.

Soccer match of the day - 24/02/2024 1X2
Manchester United - Fulham 1.534.405.60
Bayer Munich - Leipzig 1.684.304.30
Total Rating 2.57

On a run of 5 consecutive wins in all competitions, Manchester United have finally got their season off to a flying start. Fulham, meanwhile, are on a 6-game winless streak away from home and have lost 4 of their head-to-head meetings. A Red Devils victory at Old Trafford is the preferred option. In Germany, after 3 straight defeats, Bayern Munich are obliged to bounce back against Leipzig. Even if confidence is more on the opponents' side, Thomas Tuchel's players are expected to bounce back at the Allianz Riviera.

Soccer match of the day - 02/23/2024 1X2
Bologna - Hellas Verona 1.503.756.10
Metz - Lyon 4.503.651.78
Total Rating 2.67

Irresistible on home turf, Bologna have won 10 of their 13 home games and top the home standings ahead of Inter. This augurs well for their next match against Hellas Verona, who are without a win in 13 away games. Having already won the Cup (2-0) against the same team, we're expecting another victory for the home side. The same applies to the Ligue 1 match between Metz and Lyon. Without a win since November 26, we're expecting another defeat for Metz against Lyon, who have regained their confidence at the start of the year.

Soccer match of the day - 22/02/2024 1X2
Marseille - Shakhtar Donetsk 1.673.804.70
Toulouse - Benfica 3.753.601.88
Total Rating 3.14

For Jean Louis Gasset's first match in charge, Marseille are expected to react in front of their home crowd after drawing the first leg in the dying minutes. In a boiling Vélodrome, we're expecting the Olympiens to win against a scrappy Ukrainian side. Having won the first leg by a narrow 2-1 margin, Benfica now have to confirm their form at the Stadium against a valiant Toulouse side. After dominating the first half despite an unflattering result, we're expecting another win for the Lisbon outfit in today's soccer match.

Soccer match of the day - 02/21/2024 1X2
Napoli - Barcelona 2.853.502.37
Porto - Arsenal 5.403.701.65
Total Rating 3.91

Faced with a Neapolitan side in the doldrums, Barça have what it takes to win on Italian soil. As group winners, the Catalans can look forward to victory over a Napoli side without a point of reference, who have won just one of their last 5 matches. In Portugal, Porto welcome a confident Arsenal side who have won 5 times with style. Back to their best, Mikel Arteta's players will be out to get the home side, who have suffered two league stoppages against bottom-of-the-table clubs.

Soccer match of the day - 20/02/2024 1X2
Inter Milan - Dortmund 1.753.554.90
Manchester City - Brentford: City wins both halves 1.83
Total Rating 3.20

Inter, who have been imperious at home this season, welcome the Colchoneros, who are rather shaky on their travels. Last season's runners-up, we'd prefer to see the Milanese come away with a win, as they have now won 5 times at home and are showing great defensive solidity. A late match for the Cityzens against a Brentford team coming off a heavy defeat (1-4) against Liverpool. Much better equipped collectively to play a weekday game, we're expecting a win against Manchester to move back to within 1 point of the leaders in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 18/02/2024 ✅1X2
Frosinone - AS Roma 3.803.701.90
Montpellier - Metz 1.703.404.60
Total Rating 3.23

With just one win from their last 9 games, Frosinone are not in the best of shape ahead of their clash with the Wolves. The Romans have rediscovered an attractive style of play since the arrival of Daniele De Rossi as coach. Although they lost heavily to Inter (2-4), the visitors are expected to bounce back. In France, in a crucial match for survival between Les Héraultais and Les Messins, Montpellier are expected to win in front of their home fans.

Soccer match of the day - 02/17/2024 1X2
Brentford - Liverpool 5.104.401.57
Wolfsburg - Dortmund 3.103.752.15
Total Rating 3.38

Leaders of the Premier League, the Reds have no margin for error if they do not want to see the Cityzens overtake them. Often struggling away from home, Jurgen Klopp's side should nonetheless dispose of a Brentford side that lost heavily to Manchester City (1-3) in their last home match. Back to their best at the start of the year, Borussia have won 4 of their last 5 games, including 3 without conceding a goal. Very much at ease offensively, the visitors arrive full of confidence ahead of their clash with a team that has gone 5 games without a win. Marco Reus' team-mates are expected to win today's soccer match.

Soccer match of the day - 16/02/2024 1X2
Torino - Lecce 1.683.405.00
Cologne - Werder Breme 2.473.352.80
Total Rating 5.63

Unbeaten in their last 6 home games, with 3-0 wins over Napoli and Atalanta, Torino are the logical favourites to take on a Lecce side who have yet to win an away game and have lost all 5 of their matches, scoring just one goal away from home. In the Bundesliga, the first relegation zone hosts Werder. More solid at home of late, Cologne are coming off a 2-0 win over Frankfurt, and could well trouble the visitors for a draw in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 02/15/2024 1X2
Young Boys - Sporting 4.203.851.71
Betis - Dinamo Zagreb 1.583.755.00
Total Rating

The Europa League play-offs kick off with a match between Young Boys, who have been knocked out of the Champions League, and Sporting, who finished second in the group phase behind Atalanta. Despite the Swiss club's fine showing in the C1, we're expecting the Lisbon outfit to make the difference in this encounter, and are favouring a win for the visitors. In the Conference League, Betis welcome Dinamo. Always attractive on their home turf, we're favouring a win for the home side to give themselves a breath of fresh air in Europe.

Soccer match of the day - 14/02/2024 ✅1X2
Bologna - Fiorentina 2.323.153.15
PSG - Real Sociedad 1.653.755.40
Total Rating 3.83

Unbeaten on home turf this season, Bologna have won almost all their home games. Faced with a Fiorentina side on the back of 3 straight away defeats, the last of which came at Lecce (2-3), Thiago Motta's players are expected to win to continue their fine run. In the Champions League, PSG host Real Sociedad in the first leg. After confirming their good form against Lille (3-1), the capital club face a Basque side who have not scored a goal in their last 4 matches. At the Parc des Princes, Ousmane Dembélé's team-mates are expected to win to confirm their status as favourites.

Soccer match of the day - 13/02/2024 ✅1X2
Copenhagen - Manchester City 13.06.30(H-1)1.55
Swansea - Leeds
Total Rating 2.29

The Champions League returns this evening, with the first round of 16 between Copenhagen and Manchester City. Having successfully emerged from their group on merit, the home side now face Pep Guardiola's steamroller. Reigning champions, the Citizens are expected to set the standard with an easy win. In England, despite their last victory over Hull (1-0), Swansea were on a run of 4 straight defeats. Up against Leeds, who have won 8 of their last 9 games, we're favouring a win for the visitors in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 12/02/2024 1X2
Saint Etienne - Troyes1.733.554.30
Almeria - Ath Bilbao4.403.501.75
Total Rating 3.02

Last match of the 24th day in Ligue 2 between Saint Etienne and Troyes! The Stéphanois have lost two consecutive Ligue 2 matches without scoring a goal, and are seeing clubs such as Bordeaux and Concarneau come back at them. Against Troyes, who are 16th, we're expecting the Greens to win in the cauldron. Still 0 wins for Almeria, the only club in Europe's top 5 without a win. Almeria are heading straight for Liga 2, and their visit to Bilbao is unlikely to help. A win for the Basques could see them join Atletico in fourth place in the Spanish league.

Soccer match of the day - 11/02/2024 1X2
West Ham - Arsenal 5.604.301.53
Clermont - Brest 3.553.202.00
Total Rating 3.06

After a long spell in the doldrums, Arsenal are back to their best and are coming off a convincing 3-1 win over Liverpool. Against a West Ham side who haven't won in 6 games, we're expecting a Gunners victory. This season's surprise package in Ligue 1 travels to the red lantern. The second-best away team behind PSG, we're favouring a Bretons win against a Clermont-Ferrand side who have only won one home game.

Soccer match of the day - 10/02/2024 1X2
Wolves - Brentford 2.003.453.20
AS Roma - Inter Milan 4.203.401.87
Total Rating 3.74

On a run of 6 defeats away from home, Brentford are one of the worst away teams with 7 defeats in 10 matches. Faced with Wolves, who look very attractive on their home turf despite their last defeat (3-4) against the Red Devils, we're expecting the home side to win. This weekend's Serie A fixture pits Roma, who have rediscovered their form since the arrival of De Rossi, against Inter, who have 18 wins in 22 matches. Even if Roma can rely on their home stadium, Marcus Thuram's team-mates are expected to win.

Soccer match of the day - 09/02/2024 1X2
Dortmund - Freiburg1.524.605.40
Cadiz - Betis Seville 2.853.052.62
Total Rating 4.63

Back to their best despite a 0-0 stalemate at Heidenheim, Dortmund should win in front of their home crowd against a Freiburg side who have lost 4 of their last 6 away games. In Spain, Cadiz welcome Betis Seville. While the match may appear unbalanced on paper, the Andalusians have won just 2 of their 11 away games. Faced with a team that has already held Bilbao (0-0) and La Sociedad to the same scoreline, we'd prefer a draw.

Soccer match of the day - 08/02/2024 1X2
Rouen - Monaco 9.005.70(H-1) 1.58
Junior (clean sheet) - Pasto 1.784.206.40
Total Rating 2.81

Few games today, so it's off to the Coupe de France for the last match of the round of 8. Despite a fine run of form so far, including victory over Toulouse, the home side were largely outplayed in this match, losing by a margin of at least 2 goals. In Colombia, victorious in their last 10 home games, we're expecting another clean sheet from the reigning champions against a bottom-of-the-table team.

Soccer match of the day - 07/02/2024 1X2
Aston Villa - Chelsea 1.933.603.25
Atletico Madrid - Athletic Bilbao1.923.303.80
Total Rating

Today's soccer combo 100% cup. After suffering their first home defeat of the season against Newcastle (1-3), Aston Villa need to get back to winning ways against the Blues, who are completely out of their depth and are coming off a heavy defeat (2-4) against Wolves. The Villans are expected to win. Big clash in Spain between the Colchoneros and Bilbao. Although the Basques are in fine form at the moment, the fact that this match is being played in the capital gives Diego Simeone's players an advantage over a team that has lost and drawn its last two away games.

Soccer match of the day - 06/02/2024 1X2
Plymouth - Leeds 4.604.201.55
Mallorca - Real Sociedad 3.502.772.20
Total Rating

In England, it's 100% Championship in the FA Cup. After drawing 1-1 despite dominating the first match, Leeds must now assume their favourite's status against a club from the second half of the table. Even if Plymouth make a good comeback, we'd prefer the visitors to win. In Spain, we're expecting a tight game between Mallorca, who are very solid at home, and the Basques, who are without a number of players.

Soccer match of the day - 05/02/2024 1X2
SC Bastia - Ajaccio2.372.823.35
Vallecano - Sevilla2.153.253.55
Total Rating 5.09

In a Corsican derby, Bastia need to pick up points to move away from the relegation zone. What's more, Bastia's home record is good, with just one defeat in their last 8 matches. Bastia have also won the home derby 6 times out of the last 7 head-to-head meetings. In Spain, a duel between two teams in poor form, but this clash should turn out in favor of Rayo, who are playing at home!

Soccer match of the day - 04/02/2024 ✅1X2
Manchester United - West Ham 1.674.004.70
Atalanta - Lazio Rome 2.053.353.70
Total Rating

Winners in the dying seconds of a midweek match (4-3), the Red Devils are having serious problems at the back. Faced with a West Ham side in doubt after going 5 games without a win, we'd prefer the Mancunians to win at home. On a run of 7 home wins in a row, Atalanta seem to have found the recipe in front of their home fans. In contrast, the Romans have lost 5 of their last 8 away games. The home side are expected to win today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 03/02/2024 1X2
Cologne - Frankfurt
Everton - Tottenham 2.903.602.30
Total Rating 4.95

Mired in the red zone, Cologne have now gone 7 games without a win and suffered a heavy defeat (0-4) at the hands of Dortmund in their last home match. The visitors are expected to win against a Frankfurt side that has already produced some fine performances on the road. Despite the absence of Heung Min Son, Spurs are currently enjoying a good run of form, and have every chance of winning against the Toffees, who are in a slump. We prefer a Tottenham victory in this derby.

Soccer match of the day - 02/02/2024 ✅1X2
Heidenheim - Dortmund 4.104.301.72
Nigeria - Angola 1.653.255.60
Total Rating 2.84

In fine form since the start of 2024, Dortmund have just notched up a third successive victory with 10 goals in 3 matches. Opposite them, Heidenheim have drawn 1-1 on 3 occasions. Given their current form, we're expecting Borussia to come out on top and keep up the momentum. Angola's CAN campaign has been more than encouraging, but it's likely to come to an end this Friday against Nigeria. Very solid defensively, with just one goal conceded, we're favouring a win for Osimhen's team-mates in today's soccer match.

Soccer match of the day - 01/02/2024 ✅1X2
Getafe - Real Madrid
Junior - Medellin 1.953.153.55
Total Rating 2.93

Still battling with Girona for top spot, Real Madrid have no room for error this evening and must win to regain the lead in La Liga. Although Getafe have lost just once on their home turf this season, a Real Madrid victory is expected in today's soccer fixture. On a 9-game winning streak in front of their home fans, Junior are expected to win, as they did in the first leg of last season's final.

Soccer match of the day - 31/01/2023 ✅1X2
Tottenham - Brentford 1.634.204.70
Atletico Madrid - Rayo Vallecano 1.504.206.50
Total Rating

Prior to a 1-0 defeat by Manchester City in the cup, Spurs had won 4 home games in a row. Despite a number of absentees, Tottenham must assert their favourites' status against a team that has lost its last 5 away games. In Spain, the Madrid derby between Atlético and Rayo Vallecano. Antoine Griezmann's team-mates are expected to win today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 30/01/2023 1X2
Aston Villa - Newcastle 1.833.903.80
St. Pauli - Dusseldorf 1.753.704.20
Total Rating

With just one home defeat this season in all competitions, many teams have stumbled when it comes to facing Aston Villa. Although the Magpies have won their last two away games without conceding a goal, the Villans are expected to win in front of their home crowd. Revenge match in Germany between St. Pauli and Dusseldorf. Having won 2-1 on their opponents' home turf at the weekend, we're counting on another win for the home side to reach the semi-finals of the German Cup.

Soccer match of the day - 29/01/2023 1X2
Salernitana - AS Roma5.103.601.65
Getafe - Granada1.783.304.50
Total Rating 2.93

In 10th place, Getafe can plunge Granada further into the depths of the LaLiga standings. Getafe haven't been doing too well of late, but they've only lost twice at home this season, both of them coming in 2024. Against Granada, who have won two league games this season, we'll give the home side the edge. We now head for Italy, where Salernitana, on a run of 4 straight defeats, face AS Roma, who recently parted company with José Mourinho. A Roma victory is on the cards!

Soccer match of the day - 28/01/2023 1X2
Fiorentina - Inter Milan 5.103.501.67
Cadiz - Athletic Bilbao 4.003.601.88
Total Rating 3.14

Having slipped back to 2nd place, Inter travel to the Viola (4th). With 16 wins from 20 games, the Milanese are virtually unblemished this season, and this match is an opportunity for them to reclaim their top spot. All the more so against a team that has just suffered two stoppages. In La Liga, Bilbao, who have won 7 of their last 8 matches, are expected to win against the Andalusians, who have gone 11 games without a win in all competitions in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 27/01/2023 1X2
Angola - Namibia 2.102.873.65
Real Sociedad - Vallecano 1.633.605.60
Total Rating 3.42

The final phase of the CAN 2024 kicks off. A rather atypical line-up, with Angola finishing top of their group at the expense of Algeria, and Namibia finishing among the best third-placed teams. The Namibians scored just one goal in 3 matches and lost heavily to South Africa (0-4). The Angolans, who have been very convincing so far, are expected to win. In Spain, we're expecting a win for the Basques, who have won 3 in a row against a team struggling at the start of the year.

Soccer match of the day - 26/01/2023 1X2
Tottenham - Manchester City 4.604.201.53
Frankfurt - Mainz 1.933.403.65
Total Rating 2.95

1/16 FA Cup final on the agenda for today's soccer fixture. Still without Heug Min Son and James Madisson, Spurs will be hard pressed to contain Cityzens, who are on a 6-game winning streak. In a knockout match, we'd prefer the visitors to win. Next up in the Bundesliga, Frankfurt take on Mainz. After beating Monchengladbach and Bayern (5-1) at home, Eintracht face a team still without an away win. Niels N'kounkou's team-mates are expected to win.

Soccer match of the day - 25/01/2023 ✅1X2
Fortaleza - Patriotas 1.853.303.75
Atletico Madrid - FC Sevilla 1.484.305.90
Total Rating 2.74

Exotic soccer combination of the day on Thursday, with a match from the Colombian top flight. In their opening match, Fortaleza won (1-0) at Tolima, one of last season's top teams. A good omen before facing a club they have beaten 3 times in the last 4 head-to-head meetings. In Spain, it's hard not to see Atletico winning at home against Sevilla, who are still without a solution this season. After taking their revenge on Real in the quarter-finals, we'd prefer to see the Colchoneros win.

Soccer match of the day - 24/01/2023 1X2
Namibia - Mali 6.203.501.60
Majorca - Girona 3.603.252.05
Total Rating 3.28

In a group where anything is possible, Mali must win to secure qualification and top spot. Faced with a Namibian side on the back of a 0-4 defeat, the Eagles are expected to win to advance to the last 16. In Spain, surprise package Girona travel to Mallorca. Although the hosts have just one home defeat to their name, the Catalans look superior, and given their current momentum, we're favouring a win for the visitors in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 23/01/2023 ✅1X2
Gambia - Cameroon 7.003.701.51
Angers - QRM 1.953.253.60
Total Rating 2.94

With their backs against the wall in this CAN, Cameroon must win to have any chance of continuing in the competition. Faced with the weakest team in the group, George Kevin N'koudou's team-mates are expected to win against an opponent who has yet to score a goal. For the second prediction in today's soccer combine, the Angevins, who have won their last 8 home games, welcome QRM. The visitors have just one away win to their name. The leaders are expected to dominate the 90 minutes.

Soccer match of the day - 21/01/2023 1X2
Lecce - Juventus 5.503.401.57
Sheffield - West Ham 3.353.302.10
Total Rating 3.30

The only team to keep pace with Inter, Juve are on a 6-game winning streak and will be expected to win against a Lecce side who have won just one of their last 8 at their home stadium. Winners of 3 of their last 4 Premier League games, West Ham must continue this run against the bottom club. With just 7 points from 10 games at home, Sheffield are expected to lose again in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 20/01/2023 ✅1X2
Bordeaux - Nice 3.553.301.99
Cologne - Dortmund 4.304.101.65
Total Rating 3.28

Having struggled in the league, the Girondins could well let their heads drop in the French Cup against a Nice side enjoying a fine season. Even though Nice have lost 3 away games so far, we're expecting the Aiglons to win against Bordeaux, who have won just one of their last 7 home games. After a convincing 3-0 win over Darmstadt, Dortmund must confirm their position against a similar opponent in 17th position.

Soccer match of the day - 19/01/2023 ✅1X2
Alaves - Cadiz 1.703.204.70
Senegal - Cameroon 1.872.923.85
Total Rating 3.17

Still without an away win, it's hard to see Cádiz worrying Alaves, who have been playing attractively of late, winning 3 of their last 5 games. After a heavy defeat on their home turf against Valencia (1-4), the visitors are expected to lose again in today's soccer match. Very serious in their first match with a victory (3-0), we're favouring another win for the Senegalese against the unconvincing Cameroonians in their opening match.

Soccer match of the day - 18/01/2023 1X2
Famalicao - Braga 4.003.651.75
Egypt - Ghana 1.912.854.20
Total Rating 3.34

Although they've made a very good start to the season so far, Famalicao's challenge against Braga looks set to be too high. Although the visitors are coming off 2 defeats away from home against Portugal's two best teams, they are expected to win, having won 6 of their 9 away matches. A crucial match in this CAN between the Egyptians, who had to concede a draw, and the Ghanaians, who lost their opening match to Cape Verde (1-2). Nevertheless, Mo Salah's team-mates have the edge in this match.

Soccer match of the day - 17/01/2023 1X2
Blackpool - Nottingham 3.653.601.87
Gerona - Vallecano1.653.804.60
Total Rating 3.08

After conceding 2 early goals to draw the game, the visitors dominated for the rest of the match, but failed to score the winning goal. Although this time the match is being played on Blackpool's home turf, the difference in level should speak in Nottingham's favor. Gerona's home stadium is the logical place for them to start the season. The Catalans are expected to win today's soccer fixture after a disappointing match against Almeria.

Soccer match of the day - 16/01/2023 1X2
Bristol City - West Ham 4.103.501.78
Athletic Bilbao - Alaves 1.434.206.75
Total Rating 2.55

There's no room for error for the Londoners if they want to continue their FA Cup run. After a draw at home, the Hammers are expected to respond to a Bristol side struggling in the Championship. Another Basque derby for Atheltic Bilbao, this time against Alaves. Victors over La Sociedad at the weekend (2-1), the home side are expected to record their sixth straight win against the visitors, who have been lacklustre away from home in today's soccer fixture.

Soccer match of the day - 15/01/2023 1X2
Cameroon - Guinea 2.072.853.55
Algeria - Angola1.483.506.40
Total Rating 4.21

For their opening game in the competition, we're looking at a win for Algeria and a draw for Cameroon against Guinea. To begin with, the Algerians have prepared very well for the tournament and are on a 5-game winning streak. What's more, Algeria have been unbeaten since last February. The Cameroonians, on the other hand, have had a tougher time of it both in preparation and in recent matches, and the Guineans' good form is unlikely to allow them to get a result.

How to make your daily soccer combo?

Select your matches: Start by choosing the soccer matches you'd like to bet on. You can select matches from different leagues or competitions, or focus on a single league.
Analyze matches: Analyze statistics, rankings, recent team performances and any other relevant factors. This will help you make informed decisions about which teams to bet on.
Choose the types of bets: For each match, select the types of bets you wish to include in your combination. For example, you can bet on the match winner, number of goals scored, scorers, etc.
Add bets to your coupon: Once you've chosen your matches and betting types, add them to your betting coupon on the sports betting site or app of your choice, such as Feelingbet.
Check the odds : Check the odds for each bet you have selected. The odds determine the potential amount you can win if your bet is successful.
Choose the bet: Determine the amount you wish to bet on your combined bet. Keep in mind that the stake is multiplied by the odds of each bet to calculate your potential winnings.
Validate your soccer bet of the day: Once you are satisfied with your selections and your bet, validate your combined bet. Be sure to check all the details before confirming your bet.
Follow the results: Follow the match results in real time to find out whether your combined bet is a winner or not. Keep in mind that all bets must win in order to win the day's soccer combo.
Soccer combination bets can offer higher winnings than single bets, but they also carry a greater risk, since all bets must be winning to win the payout. Be careful with your selections and manage your bankroll responsibly.

Today's soccer combination and other predictions

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