BIG FIVE predictions

Serie A predictions

The 2023-2024 Serie A prediction season promises to be an exciting one, given the wide-open nature of the Italian championship. Indeed, several teams can claim the scudetto at the end of the season by finishing 1st in the Serie A standings. You can also consult the top Serie A scorers at any time. More Serie A predictions here every week.

Pronostic Serie A – les prochains matchs

Pronos Serie A – Journée 35

Prono Serie A – Vendredi 3 mai
Torino – Bologne : Draw @2.80
20h45 – Tout proche de participer à la prochaine Ligue des Champions, Bologne se déplace sur la pelouse du Torino. Un terrain où de nombreux clubs ont perdu des points en route comme la Juve ou Fiorentina. Même s’ils ont un bon bilan à l’extérieur, on voit les visiteurs concéder le match nul.
Prono Serie A – Samedi 4 mai
Monza – Lazio : Victoire Lazio @1.72
18h00 – Dynamiques bien divergentes entre Monza qui n’a plus gagné depuis 5 rencontres et la Lazio qui vient de gagner ses 4 derniers matchs. Sans réel objectif jusqu’à la fin de la saison, on voit les locaux poursuivre leur mauvaise dynamique.
Sassuolo – Inter : Hakan Calhanoglu buteur @2.55
20h45 – Buteur à 4 reprises sur ses 4 derniers matchs, le Turc profite de la très bonne dynamique du champion pour se mettre en avant. Tireur de penalty, il devrait avoir de nouvelles possibilités face à un club bien fébrile défensivement.
Prono Serie A – Dimanche 5 mai
Cagliari – Lecce : Victoire Cagliari @2.00
12h30 – Invaincu depuis 5 rencontres devant son public, Cagliari a réussi a vaincre l’Atalanta et tenir en échec la Juve. Même si Lecce a sorti de belles performances dernièrement, on privilégie une succès des locaux
Empoli – Frosinone : Les deux équipes marquent ? Non @1.91
15h00 – Match crucial dans le bas de tableau entre les deux premiers non-relégables. A égalité de points, Empoli et Frosinone vont surement adopter un schéma défensif dans le but de ne surtout pas perdre. On s’attend à un match très fermé avec une des deux équipes qui n’inscrira pas de but.
Hellas Verone – Fiorentina : Draw @3.05
18h00 – La Viola se déplace sur la pelouse de l’Hellas Verone. Une rencontre qui se situe entre deux confrontations en demi-finale de coupe d’Europe pour les visiteurs. On voit la Fio se relacher pour cette journée et lacher des points en route face à une équipe joueuse.
AC Milan – Genoa : Victoire Milan sans encaisser de but @1.93
18h00 – Après deux défaites de rang à domicile, il est temps pour l’AC Milan de se relancer à San Siro. Même si le Genoa peut surprendre ses adversaires, on s’attend à une victoire des coéquipiers d’Olivier Giroud pour mettre fin à une série de 5 rencontres sans victoire.
AS Roma – Juventus : Moins de 1.5 buts @2.40
20h45 – C’est l’affiche du week-end en Serie A entre l’AS Roma qui aura aussi la tête à la coupe d’Europe et la Juventus qui a gagné qu’une seule de ses 8 dernières journées de championnat. On s’attend à un match très fermé vu la solidité des Romains à domicile avec moins de 1.5 buts durant les 90 minutes.
Prono Serie A – Lundi 6 mai
Salernitana – Atalanta : Victoire Atalanta (H-1) @1.78
18h00 – Même si l’Atalanta devrait faire tourné pour cette rencontre, on voit les visiteurs largement dominer leur adversaire qui est définitivement condamné à descendre en Serie B. Avec seulement 2 victoires cette saison, on s’attend à une nouvelle lourde défaite des locaux pour ce prono Serie A.
Udinese – Naples : Victor Osimhen buteur @2.25
20h45 – Buteur à 3 reprises sur ses 4 derniers matchs, le Nigerian devrait avoir de nouvelles opportunités de briller face à une équipe de l’Udinese qui lutte pour le maintien et qui a déjà encaissé 51 buts cette saison.

Pronos Serie A – Journée 33

Prono Serie A – Vendredi 19 avril
Genoa – Lazio : Draw @2.92
18h30 – Toujours en grande difficulté à l’extérieur, les Romains ont perdu 4 de leurs 5 derniers déplacements dont 3 sans inscrire de but. Au contraire, le Genoa reste sur 4 matchs sans défaites avec notamment 2 matchs nuls sur la pelouse de la Juve et de la Fiorentina. On privilégie un score de parité au coup de sifflet final pour ce prono Serie A.
Cagliari – Juventus : Les deux équipes marquent @1.82
20h45 – Déplacement pas si facile que ça pour la Juve sur la pelouse de Cagliari. Sur une série de 5 matchs à l’extérieur sans victoire, les coéquipiers d’Adrien Rabiot peuvent craindre cette équipe de Sardaigne qui sort d’une victoire contre l’Atalanta à domicile (2-1). On voit les deux équipes marquer dans cette rencontre.
Prono Serie A – Samedi 20 avril
Empoli – Naples : Victor Osimhen buteur @2.10
18h00 – Buteur sur ses deux derniers matchs, le Nigérian retrouve le rendement qui était le sien depuis son arrivée en Serie A. Malgré ce match à l’extérieur, Victor Osimhen devrait avoir des possibilités de s’exprimer contre une équipe qui lutte pour ne pas tomber dans la zone rouge.
Hellas Verone – Udinese : Draw @2.95
20h45 – Après avoir réussi à ramener un point de son déplacement à l’Atalanta alors qu’ils étaient (2-0), les locaux accueille une équipe de l’Udinese qui réussi de belles performances malgré son irrégularité. Dans cette rencontre entre deux concurrents directs pour le maintien, on privilégie un match nul.
Prono Serie A – Dimanche 21 avril
Sassuolo – Lecce : Armand Lauriente buteur @4.00
12h30 – Très en vue à Sassuolo depuis son arrivée en provenance de Lorient, Armand Lauriente se plait en Serie A et sort d’un doublé dans le choc face à l’AC Milan. Tout proche de la relégation, les locaux sont dans l’obligation de prendre les 3 points face à Lecce et on voit bien le Français inscrire un but.
Torino – Frosinone : Victoire Torino @1.58
15h00 – Après avoir contenu la Juve dans le derby (0-0), le Torino s’apprête à affronter une équipe de Frosinone qui n’a toujours pas gagné le moindre match à l’extérieur cette saison. Encore à proximité des places européennes, ce match est la bonne occasion pour les locaux de se rapprocher du Top 6.
Salernitana – Fiorentina : Moins de 2.5 buts @1.83
18h00 – La lanterne rouge au classement Serie A reçoit la Fiorentina qui sortira d’un match de Coupe d’Europe jeudi soir. Moins fringants ces dernières semaines, on s’attend pas à un math facile pour les visiteurs qui ont beaucoup de mal à inscrire des buts. On privilégie un match fermé avec moins de 2.5 buts.
Monza – Atalanta : Monza ne perd pas @1.83
20h45 – Attention à cette formation de Monza qui a déjà réussi de grandes performances à domicile comme sa probante victoire face à l’AC Milan (4-2). Opposé à l’Atalanta qui est s’en doute entrain de subir l’enchainement des matchs, le promu peut espérer prendre à minima le point du match nul.
Prono Serie A – Lundi 22 avril
AS Roma – Bologne : Paulo Dybala buteur @3.50
18h30 – Autant à la création qu’à la finition avec le club de la louve, Paulo Dybala est toujours présent dans les grands rendez-vous comme c’est le cas sur ce match contre le surprenant Bologne. Auteur de 12 buts cette saison, le maitre à jouer des Romains devraient avoir de nouvelles occasions de s’exprimer au Stadio Olimpico.
AC Milan – Inter Milan : Victoire Inter Milan @2.02
20h45 – Le derby le plus chaud de l’Italie entre le leader au classement Serie A et les coéquipiers d’Olivier Giroud. Pour cette rencontre, on préfère faire confiance à la fraicheur des visiteurs contre une équipe qui sortira d’un match crucial en Ligue Europa contre la Roma. Vainqueurs des 5 dernières confrontations, on envisage une nouvelle victoire des Interistes pour ce prono Serie A.

Pronos Serie A – Journée 32

Prono Serie A – Vendredi 12 avril
Lazio Rome – Salernitana : Victoire Lazio sans encaisser de but @1.63
20h45 – Même si les Romains ont connu un coup d’arrêt au Stadio Olimpico avec 3 défaites, ils ont su se relever face à la Juventus en s’imposant (1-0). Contre une équipe de Salernitana qui n’a remporté qu’un seul de ses 15 déplacements cette saison, on privilégie une victoire de la Lazio sans encaisser de but.
Prono Serie A – Samedi 13 avril
Lecce – Empoli : Draw @3.00
15h00 – Dans ce duel primordial pour le maintien, on s’attend à une rencontre fermée entre Lecce (14ème) et Empoli (16ème). Un historique assez équilibré entre les deux clubs comme le montre le match nul (1-1) à l’aller. Malgré une récente victoire des visiteurs contre le Torino, on les voit être tenu en échec à l’extérieur.
Torino – Juventus : Victoire Juventus @2.10
18h00 – Derby turinois au programme pour cette 32ème journée ! Vainqueur de 4 des 5 dernières confrontations, on donne un nouvel avantage à la Juve qui a beaucoup plus d’expérience dans les grands matchs. D’autant que les locaux se montrent très irréguliers devant leur public et pourraient bien s’incliner face aux coéquipiers d’Adrien Rabiot pour ce prono Serie A.
Bologne – Monza : Goalless Bologna win @2.10
20h45 – Deuxième meilleur équipe à domicile derrière l’Inter Milan, Bologne ne devrait pas avoir de problème à se défaire de Monza qui navigue dans le ventre mou du classement. Vainqueurs de 8 de leurs 10 derniers matchs à domicile, on s’attend à une nouveau succès des locaux pour ce pronostic Serie A.
Prono Serie A – Dimanche 14 avril
Naples – Frosinone : Victor Osimhen buteur @1.68
12h30 – Buteur le week-end dernier, Victor Osimhen a mis fin à une disette de 4 matchs sans inscrire le moindre but. Il faut donc maintenant confirmer pour le Nigérian à domicile. Un match dans lequel il devrait avoir des occasions de s’exprimer contre un relégable.
Sassuolo – AC Milan : Victoire AC Milan @1.58
15h00 – Sur une série de 7 victoires consécutives, Milan se déplace sur la pelouse de Sassuolo qui n’a gagné qu’un seul de ses 10 derniers matchs. Avant de se faire surprendre lors de leurs derniers matchs chez les locaux (0-0), les Milanais restaient sur 6 victoires de rang face à ce même adversaire. On privilégie une victoire des coéquipiers de Rafael Leao.
Udinese – AS Roma : Both teams to score @1.63
18h00 – Après avoir été tout près de tenir l’Inter Milan en échec (1-2), l’Udinese accueille de nouveau un gros du championnat avec cette réception de l’AS Roma. Des locaux qui réussissent souvent face aux gros comme le montre leur victoire sur la pelouse de la Lazio (2-1). On voit un match accroché avec les deux équipes qui marquent.
Inter Milan – Cagliari : Victoire Inter 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.22
20h45 – Vainqueur de 13 de ses 16 matchs à domicile, l’Inter Milan reçoit Cagliari pour consolider sa première place. De son côté, le club de Sardaigne n’a remporté qu’un seul de ses 15 déplacements et ne devrait pas venir inquiéter le leader dans cette confrontation. On privilégie une triple chance score exact en faveur des Interistes.
Prono Serie A – Lundi 15 avril
Fiorentina – Genoa : Draw @3.35
18h30 – Rencontre de milieu de tableau entre la Fiorentina (10ème) et le Genoa (12ème) séparés de 5 points au classement Serie A. Si les bookmakers donnent un avantage à la Viola, on voit les visiteurs poser des problèmes à ces derniers pour venir arracher le point du match nul au coup de sifflet final.
Atalanta – Hellas Verone : Victoire Atalanta (H-1) @1.99
20h45 – Toujours autant flamboyant offensivement, l’Atalanta doit obligatoirement s’imposer pour conserver sa place dans le Top 6. Face à l’Hellas Verone qui lutte pour ne pas plonger dans la zone rouge, on privilégie une victoire des locaux avec au moins 2 buts d’écart.

Pronos Serie A – Journée 31

Prono Serie A – Vendredi 5 avril
Salernitana – Sassuolo : Draw @3.25
20h45 – Sur une série de 6 défaites à domicile, Salernitana accueille Sassuolo qui reste sur 8 défaites de rang en déplacement. Une rencontre entre deux équipes bien mal en point donc pour ce match de la peur. On s’attend à un match fermé entre deux formations en manque de confiance. On privilégie un score de parité comme se fut le cas à l’aller.
Prono Serie A – Samedi 6 avril
AC Milan – Lecce : Victoire Milan sans encaisser de but @1.85
15h00 – Vainqueur de ses 6 derniers matchs toutes compétitions confondues, Milan s’apprête à affronter Lecce qui restait sur 14 matchs sans victoire à l’extérieur avant sa récente victoire sur la pelouse de Salernitana (1-0). A San Siro, on s’attend à une nouvelle victoire des coéquipiers d’Olivier Giroud.
AS Roma – Lazio Rome : Victoire AS Roma @2.07
18h00 – Derby romain au programme ce samedi ! Si la Lazio n’a plus perdu depuis 4 confrontations dans ce derby, les visiteurs ont eu un match de coupe à jouer en milieu de semaine contre la Juventus. On compte sur la fraicheur physique des joueurs de Daniele De Rossi pour s’imposer dans cette rencontre.
Empoli – Torino : Do both teams score? No @1.57
20h45 – Dans une opération maintien très haletante, Empoli accueille Torino, dans le ventre mou au classement Serie A. Plus mauvaise attaque du championnat avec seulement 23 buts en 30 journées, on peut s’attendre à un nouveau match assez pauvre offensivement des locaux. Pour ces raisons, on voit une des deux équipes ne pas inscrire de but dans cette rencontre.
Prono Serie A – Dimanche 7 avril
Frosinone – Bologne : Riccardo Orsolini buteur @2.70
12h30 – Partie prenante de la très belle saison de Bologne, l’Italien a déjà inscrit 10 buts cette saison et vient d’en inscrire un contre Salernitana (3-0) le week-end dernier. Face à une équipe de Frosinone qui vient d’enregistrer un 9ème match sans victoire, on voit Riccardo Orsolini briller ce dimanche.
Monza – Naples : Victoire Naples @1.77
15h00 – Un déplacement périlleux pour les Napolitains sur la pelouse de Monza qui a notamment battu Milan (4-2). Néanmoins les coéquipier de Victor Osimhen n’ont plus le droit à l’erreur s’ils veulent toujours accrocher une place européenne. Sans victoire depuis 4 rencontres, on s’attend à une réaction des visiteurs.
Cagliari – Atalanta : Victoire Atalanta @1.62
18h00 – Avec une seule victoire sur ses 5 derniers matchs devant son public, Cagliari n’est pas dans les meilleures conditions avant d’affronter l’Atalanta. De leur côté, les visiteurs sortent d’une probante victoire sur la pelouse de Naples (3-0). Doté d’une force offensive très talentueuse, on privilégie une victoire de l’Atalanta pour ce pronostic Serie A.
Hellas Verone – Genoa : Draw @2.90
18h00 – Dans le ventre mou, Genoa se déplace sur la pelouse de l’Hellas Verone qui ne compte que 2 points d’avance sur la zone rouge. Une rencontre de seconde partie de tableau donc entre deux clubs sans continuité dans leurs résultats. On privilégie un match nul au coup de sifflet final.
Juventus – Fiorentina : Victoire Juventus @1.72
20h45 – Après une double confrontation contre la Lazio, la Juventus accueille la Fiorentina qui a gagné qu’un seul de ses 6 derniers matchs de championnat. Avec une seule défaite surprenante contre l’Udinese sur leur pelouse, on s’attend à une nouvelle victoire des locaux pour consolider leur place sur le podium.
Prono Serie A – Lundi 8 avril
Udinese – Inter Milan : Lautaro Martinez buteur @
20h45 – Très discret ces derniers temps après un début de saison en fanfare, on s’attend à une réaction de buteur argentin contre une équipe largement à la portée des Interistes. Auteur de 23 buts en 27 journées, on voit Lautaro Martinez retrouver le sens du but ce lundi.

Pronos Serie A – Journée 30

Prono Serie A – Samedi 30 mars
Naples – Atalanta : Both teams score and +2.5 goals @1.63
12h30 – Il faut s’attendre à une belle rencontre entre des Napolitains qui retrouvent peu à peu leur niveau de la saison dernière malgré une élimination en LDC et une équipe de l’Atalanta portée vers l’offensive. Un match où les attaques devraient prendre le pas sur les défenses et nous donner un match à buts.
Genoa – Frosinone : Victoire Genoa @1.75
15h00 – Même si la forme de Genoa n’est pas très rassurante, c’est surtout un pronostic contre Frosinone qui figure en dernière position des équipes à l’extérieur avec seulement 3 points en 14 déplacements. Pour cette raison, on privilégie une victoire des locaux pour définitivement prendre une marge certaine sur la zone rouge.
Torino – Monza : Duvan Zapata buteur
15h00 – Très important dans le plan de jeu offensif des Turinois, le Colombien garde une certaine régularité en terme de buts et en a inscrit un lors du dernier match avant la trêve. Dans un match à la portée des locaux, on s’attend à ce que le colosse avant-centre trouve à nouveau le chemin des filets.
Lazio Rome – Juventus : Draw @2.85
18h00 – Pourtant si souverain au Stadio Olimpico, la Lazio est sur une série de 3 défaites en Serie A dont la dernière contre la modeste équipe de l’Udinese (1-2). Face à la Juve, on s’annonce à une rencontre équilibrée qui peut déboucher sur un score de parité pour ce pronostic Serie A.
Fiorentina – AC Milan : Christian Pulisic buteur
20h45 – Buteur sur les 4 derniers matchs, Christian Pulisic porte les Milanais qui surfent sur une très bonne vague actuellement avec 5 victoires de rang. Dans un match qui s’annonce équilibré contre la Viola, on voit à nouveau l’Américain s’illustrer avec les rossoneri.
Prono Serie A – Lundi 1 avril
Sassuolo – Udinese : Draw @3.05
15h00 – Match peu réjouissant entre Sassuolo et l’Udinese qui ont connu qu’une seule victoire sur leurs 5 derniers matchs. Il faut s’attendre à une rencontre fermée entre deux équipes qui ne voudront absolument pas perdre face à un concurrent direct pour le maintien. On privilégie un match nul au coup de sifflet final.
Cagliari – Hellas Verone : Victoire Cagliari @2.02
15h00 – Comme pour le Genoa, ce pronostic est surtout contre l’Hellas Verone qui avant sa dernière victoire à Lecce (1-0), n’avait gagné qu’un seul match en déplacement. Au contraire, Cagliari n’a perdu que 2 de ses 10 derniers matchs devant son public. Pour ces raisons, on s’attend à une victoire de ces derniers pour ce prono Serie A.
Lecce – AS Roma : Victoire AS Roma sans encaisser de but @2.55
18h00 – Surpris sur sa pelouse par l’Hellas Verone (0-1), Lecce a enregistré une troisième défaite sur ses 4 derniers matchs à domicile. Face à une équipe de la Roma qui grapille petit à petit des places au classement depuis le départ de Jose Mourinho, on s’attend à un nouveau match difficile pour les locaux. On s’attend à une victoire du club de la louve sans encaisser de but.
Inter Milan – Empoli : Frederico Dimarco buteur
20h45 – On tente le coup du piston gauche italien. Buteur lors du match retour face à l’Atletico Madrid, Dimarco aime se projeter dans la surface à adverse et cette rencontre face à un adversaire largement à la portée des Interistes en est l’occasion parfaite. On s’attend à ce qu’il ait des possibilités de briller.

Serie A predictions - Matchday 29

Serie A forecast - Friday, March 15
Empoli - Bologna : Victory Bologna @2.00
20:45 - Coached by Thiago Motta, Bologna were in fine form before hosting Inter, losing 1-0. Just before, Bologna were on a 6-game winning streak. Against an Empoli side on a 2-game losing streak and who have only recorded two home wins this season, we'll be looking for a Bologna victory.
Serie A odds - Saturday, March 16
Monza - Cagliari : Monza victory @1.99
15h00 - In 10th place, Monza host Cagliari. The hosts have just one defeat in their last 7 matches, against AS Roma. Cagliari's last two matches ended in victories, albeit against two teams from the bottom of the table. At home, we'll be hoping for a Monza win.
Udinese - Torino : Udinese win @2.67
15h00 - A winning homecoming for Udinese ahead? After beating Lazio on their own turf, Tauvin and his team-mates arrive in full confidence to take on Torino. Good odds on Udinese winning this day's Serie A prediction.
Salernitana - Lecce : Lecce victory @2.45
15h00 - Duel between Salernitana and 16th-placed Lecce in Serie A. Heading straight for Serie B, Salerno are likely to lose at home to Lecce, who would take advantage of the opportunity to move away from the red zone.
Frosinone - Lazio : Lazio win @2.15
20:45 - The players from the Italian capital have just suffered a fourth consecutive defeat, losing to Udinese. With these poor results, Lazio now find themselves in 9th place. The feeling is that Rome can bounce back with ease against 18th-placed and relegated Frosinone.
Serie A forecast - Sunday March 17
Juventus - Genoa : Juventus win @1.53
12:30 - Still second in the standings not long ago, Juve are now 3rd, 1 point behind AC Milan. After two games without a win, the old lady should bounce back in front of her home crowd and beat Vitinha's Genoa.
Hellas Verona - AC Milan : AC Milan win @1.73
15h00 - Milan are the new runners-up to Inter Milan thanks to the 3 points they took against Empoli. With a squad far superior to Verona's, but also very good away from home, we're predicting a Milan victory, their fifth in a row against Verona.
AS Roma - Sassuolo: As Roma win @1.39
18h00 - The arrival of Daniele De Rossi has done the Romans a world of good. On current form, Roma are on a run of 2 draws and 5 wins. At the Stadio Olimpico, Roma have recorded just two defeats this season.

Serie A predictions - Matchday 28

Serie A forecast - Friday 08 March
Napoli - Torino : Victor Osimhen scores @2.30
20:45 - Scorer of 5 goals since returning from the African Cup of Nations, the Nigerian is breathing new life into the Neapolitans. After missing a penalty in the last match against Juve, Osimhen will surely want to make up for it in this game.
Serie A odds - Saturday, March 09
Cagliari - Salernitana : Less than 2.5 goals @1.68
15h00 - Fear match here between Cagliari (18th) and Salernitana (20th). It promises to be a tight encounter between two teams who won't want to lose, especially the visitors, who haven't won in 2024. We're favouring less than 2.5 goals in the match for this Serie A prediction.
Sassuolo - Frosinone : Victory Sassuolo @
15h00 - Anything is possible with a Sassuolo team capable of the best and the worst. Without a win in 9 matches, the home side are obliged to bounce back against a team that has won just one of its last 12 games. For these reasons, Maxime Lopez's team-mates are expected to win.
Bologna - Inter Milan : Inter Milan win and both teams score @.
6.00 pm - A great showdown between this season's surprise package and the undisputed leader of the Serie A standings. We can expect an attacking match between two teams in full confidence. Winners of their last 6 matches, the home side are likely to score but lose out to Milan's collective for this Serie A prediction.
Genoa - Monza : Draw @
20:45 - Mid-table duel here. Monza are having a peculiar season, with as many wins as defeats and draws. Two teams with no continuity in their results. We're expecting a tight match that could end in a draw after 90 minutes.
Serie A forecast - Sunday, March 10
Lecce - Hellas Verona : Draw @
12:30 - As we all know, 12:30 matches are often rather unproductive, and we can expect a close game between two bottom-of-the-table teams. With just 2 wins from their last 11 home games, Lecce are expected to draw against Hellas Verona.
AC Milan - Empoli : Milan win without conceding a goal @.
15h00 - AC Milan, unbeaten in 8 home league games, are coming off a fine 1-0 win at Lazio. The Milanese know how to do the job at the San Siro and should logically dispose of Empoli, who are coming off a narrow defeat by Cagliari (0-1). Olivier Giroud's team-mates are expected to win without conceding a goal.
Juventus - Atalanta : Teun Koopmeiners scores @4.30
18h00 - Atalanta's top scorer with 8 goals, the midfielder plays a key role in the visitors' attacking play. In this European clash, we're expecting a big game from the Dutchman, who has scored 3 goals in his last 5 games.
Fiorentina - AS Roma : Paulo Dybala goals @3.40
20:45 - Paulo Dybala is a major asset in the Romans' current fine form, having scored 4 goals in his last 2 games. In a match as important as the one awaiting the Wolves, we're expecting a great performance from the Argentinian striker, who also takes penalties.
Serie A forecast - Monday, March 11
Lazio Roma - Udinese : Lazio win @1.80

Serie A predictions - Matchday 27

Serie A forecast - Friday, March 01
Lazio - AC Milan : Lazio win @3.30
20:45 - Matchday 27 of Serie A kicks off with a big game! Lazio of Rome welcome AC Milan, and for our part, we see the Romans as the favourites! Indeed, despite a defeat at Fiorentina, we're feeling that the Rome team is less febrile than Milan, who lost heavily to Monza and then Rennes, and drew with Atalanta, missing numerous chances. As a result, we expect Guendouzi and his team-mates to win.
Serie A odds - Saturday, March 02
Udinese - Salernitana : Udinese win @1.63
15h00 - Florian Thauvin's Udinese can take a step back from the red zone against the league's bottom club. Even if Udinese are not a flamboyant team, they are strong enough to overcome the Salernitana, who are on a 3-game losing streak and have the worst attack in Serie A (20 goals in 26 games).
Empoli - Cagliari : Empoli win @2.07
15h00 -
Frosinone - Lecce : Frosinone win @2.85
15h00 -
Atalanta - Bologna : Victory Bologna @4.10
Napoli - Juventus : Juventus win @2.95
Serie A forecast - Sunday 03 March
Verona - Sassuolo : Draw @3.30
12:30 - A match of fear between these two sides! We're expecting an unhappy draw here, as both clubs have lost their way in a series of setbacks. The match doesn't look to be very technical, and the fear of seeing one of the two clubs take the lead should curb the offensives of both teams.
Monza - AS Roma : AS Roma victory @2.07
18h00 - An interesting duel between Monza and Roma. The players from the capital are slight favourites in this duel, having beaten Torino thanks to a hat-trick from Dybala.
Torino - Fiorentina : Fiorentina win @2.85
21:00 - With their victory over Lazio, the psychological advantage is in the Florentines' favor, who are on the verge of the top 6 synonymous with Europe. Torino, meanwhile, are not at their best, having lost their last two matches against the two Roman clubs.

Serie A predictions - Matchday 26

Serie A forecast - Friday, February 23
Bologna - Hellas Verona : Joshua Zirkzee goals @2.35
20:45 - Bologna's top scorer with 9 goals this season, the Dutchman had a quiet spell before scoring the winning goal against Lazio this weekend (2-1). One of the revelations of Serie A this season, the young striker should have new opportunities to continue his fine season against a second-tier opponent.
Serie A odds - Saturday, February 24
Sassuolo - Empoli : Sassuolo win @2.07
15h00 - Sassuolo are not in the best of moods, having gone 5 games without a win, but they need to bounce back at home against a direct rival in the fight for survival. Although they are defensively shaky, Sassuolo still have a productive attack, especially at home. For all these reasons, we're favouring a Sassuolo victory for this Serie A prediction.
Salernitana - Monza : Draw @3.05
6.00 pm - Salernitana, bottom of the Serie A table, host Monza. In dire straits, the home side are obliged to pick up every possible point between now and the end of the season, and that means good results at home. With the visitors lacking continuity in their away results, we're expecting a draw at the final whistle.
Genoa - Udinese : Draw @2.92
20:45 - Close to the red zone, Udinese put in a fine performance 2 weeks ago, winning 1-0 at Juve. Genoa, meanwhile, drew with Napoli. Both teams have drawn 4 of their last direct encounters, and we're expecting the same scenario this Saturday.
Serie A forecast - Sunday, February 25
Juventus - Frosinone : Juventus clean sheet @1.73
12:30 - There should be no match between Juve, who suffered their first defeat of the season at home to Udinese (0-1), and the worst away team with just 3 points from 12 away matches. Defensively imperious in front of their home fans, the Turin giants are expected to win this Serie A prediction outright.
Cagliari - Napoli : Cagliari doesn't lose @1.83
15h00 - With 5 defeats out of their last 6 away games in all competitions, Napoli are still struggling at the start of the year, and their coach is already in the hot seat. Even if Cagliari are one of the worst teams in the league at the moment, this is a good opportunity for the home side to pick up points against a club with no points to show for their efforts. The odds are in Cagliari's favor.
Lecce - Inter Milan : Inter Milan win without conceding a goal @1.93
18:00 - Solidly at the top of the table, Inter are about to face a team that has won just one of its last 9 games and is coming off 2 defeats without scoring a single goal. Given the visitors' defensive solidity, it's hard to see how Lecce can worry their opponents. For this free Serie A prediction, we're expecting the leaders to win without conceding a goal.
AC Milan - Atalanta : Both teams score and +2.5 goals @1.63
20:45 - As is often the case when it comes to Atalanta, expect a wide-open game. Serious at the San Siro, the Milanese should offer a fine opposition to the visitors, who are on a roll at the start of the year with 6 wins in a row and 17 goals scored. It's a goalscoring game, and we'd prefer to see both teams score more than 2.5 goals in a game.
Serie A forecast - Friday, February 26
AS Roma - Torino : AS Roma win @1.93
18:30 - More in tune with their ambitions since the arrival of Daniele De Rossi at the helm, AS Roma were unbeaten before their recent defeat by Inter (2-4). Torino, meanwhile, have lost just one of their last 10 league games. Paulo Dybala's team-mates are expected to win at the Stadio Olimpico to maintain their place in the top 6.
Fiorentina - Lazio : Ciro Immobile scores
20:45 - Back to his best form in 4 games, with 3 goals and 1 assist, Ciro Immobile is back to the level he was at in recent seasons. The Italian striker will have to be omnipresent in attack in a match that is vital for the European places.

Serie A predictions - Matchday 25

Serie A forecast - Friday, February 16
Torino - Lecce : Duvan Zapata scores @2.62
19h00 - We're back to the Colombian striker for this match against Lecce. Scorer of a goal against Sassuolo, Duvan Zapata has really settled into his new team this season, leading the Turin attack with 6 goals and 3 assists. Faced with one of the worst defences on the road, we're expecting a goal from the 32-year-old.
Inter Milan - Salernitana : Inter Milan win 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0 @2.22
21h00 - On a run of 7 wins in a row, Inter Milan have moved to the top of the Serie A table. With the best defensive record in the league, Inter should easily overcome Salernitana in this clash of extremes. Marcus Thuram's team-mates are expected to win, with a triple chance in favor of the home side in this Serie A prediction.
Serie A odds - Saturday, February 17
Napoli - Genoa : Napoli win @1.58
15h00 - Napoli, who have been very consistent on their home turf, must win to stay in the race for European places. In this mid-table clash, the Neapolitans will have to be wary of Genoa, who are on a 4-game unbeaten run away from home, albeit against opponents of a lesser standard. Even so, we'd prefer the home side to win.
Hellas Verona - Juventus : Juventus win @1.62
18:00 - After suffering a setback at the start of the week against Udinese (0-1), a defeat that leaves the Turin giants 7 points behind Inter. It is therefore vital for the Juventini to get back on track against Hellas Verona, who are fighting for survival and have won just one of their last 7 games. The Bianconeri are expected to win this Serie A prediction.
Atalanta - Sassuolo : Atalanta win (H-1) @1.81
20:45 - Atalanta have been on a winning streak lately, with a flamboyant attack. Sassuolo, who have been conceding a lot of goals, especially away from home, with 11 goals conceded in 4 games, are in for a real scare. We therefore expect Luis Muriel's team-mates to win in style.
Serie A forecast - Sunday, February 18
Lazio - Bologna : Lazio win @2.15
12:30 - Lazio have been unbeaten at home since September, apart from a 0-1 defeat by leaders Inter. Lazio can once again count on Ciro Immobile, who has just scored 2 goals in 2 games. Even if Bologna, coached by Thiago Motta, are the surprise package of the season, we're expecting the Romans to win at the Stadio Olimpico against visitors who are rather shaky away from home for this free Serie A prediction.
Empoli - Fiorentina : Empoli doesn't lose @1.68
15h00 - Fiorentina are struggling on their travels, having lost 3 games in a row away from home, the last of which was a 2-3 defeat by Lecce. Empoli, on the other hand, have now gone four games without defeat, keeping them within touching distance of the red zone. On their home turf, the odds are in favor of the home side, who have already contained their opponents in their last 3 head-to-head encounters.
Udinese - Cagliari : Draw @3.35
15h00 - Fear match between Cagliari (19th) and Udinese (15th). Although the home side are coming off a fine 1-0 win over Juve, we can expect a fairly tight encounter between two teams who won't want to leave any points to their opponents. For an early-afternoon game, we'd prefer to see a draw at the end of the 90 minutes, despite the visitors' very poor momentum.
Frosinone - AS Roma : AS Roma win @1.85
18h00 - For this match, we're putting our faith in the favourites, who have been on the rise since Daniele De Rossi took over the coaching reins. Still led by maestro Paulo Dybala, the Romans still have to bounce back from their heavy defeat by the leaders (2-4). Faced with a home side who have just suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Fio (1-5), we're expecting a reaction from the club of the wolf.
Monza - AC Milan : AC Milan win @1.80
20:45 - Unbeaten in 9 league games, AC Milan travel to Monza, who have been very inconsistent in recent weeks. After 2 draws without a goal, it's hard to see the home side resisting Milan's various offensives. Given their current momentum, we'd prefer to see Olivier Giroud's team win.

Serie A predictions - Matchday 24

Serie A forecast - Friday, February 9
Salernitana - Empoli : Draw @2.87
20:45 - A match of fear between Salernitana and Empoli, just ahead in the Serie A standings. A tight encounter between two teams desperate not to lose to a direct rival. With both teams winless in their last 5 matches, we're expecting a draw after 90 minutes.
Serie A odds - Saturday, February 10
Cagliari - Lazio : Victory Lazio Rome @1.91
15:00 - Despite struggling to pick up points away from home, Lazio face a team on the back of 3 straight defeats, the last of which came against Roma (0-4). First in the relegation places, the home side are on a run of 4 defeats at home to the same team. For these reasons, we're favouring a win for Ciro Immobile's team-mates in this Serie A prediction.
AS Roma - Inter Milan : Inter Milan win @1.73
6:00 pm - One of the big games of the day. The Romans are coming off a 4-0 home win and have only lost once at the Stadio Olimpico to AC Milan at the start of the season. However, Paulo Dybala's team-mates will have to face the best team in Serie A at the moment, with 6 wins including the last 4 without conceding a goal. The visitors are expected to win.
Sassuolo - Torino : Duvan Zapata goals @2.77
20:45 - A very active member of the Torino attack since his arrival, the Colombian striker has scored 5 goals and is enjoying plenty of game time to shine with Torino. Faced with a defensively shaky Sassuolo side, Duvan Zapata should have plenty of chances to push the ball into the back of the net.
Serie A forecast - Sunday, February 11
Fiorentina - Frosinone : Fiorentina clean sheet @2.07
12:30 - Still without an away win, Frosinone are Serie A's worst away team, with just 3 points from 11 away games. This is a good opportunity for the Viola to move closer to the European places by showing defensive solidity, as they did earlier in the season. We'd prefer to see the home side win without conceding a goal for this Serie A prediction.
Bologna - Lecce : Goalless Bologna win @2.10
15h00 - A revelation this season in Italy, Bologna continue to surprise and are among the teams in the fight for European places. With 8 wins in 11 matches on home turf, the home side know what they're doing at home, and will be facing a Lecce side yet to win on the road. For these reasons, Thiago Motta's players are expected to win.
Monza - Hellas Verone : Both teams score @1.73
15:00 - A bottom-of-the-table duel between two sides who like to play the game while maintaining a certain defensive feverishness. In Verona's last 5 matches, both teams have scored at least one goal, and even if Monza are solid defensively, we're expecting an open match with both teams scoring in this Serie A prediction.
Genoa - Atalanta : Draw @2.97
18h00 - A clash of styles between Genoa's defensive strength and Atalanta's attacking productivity. The efficiency of the visitors could well be in jeopardy, as the hosts are very difficult to surprise at home. After holding Juventus (1-1) and Inter (1-1) to a draw, we could well see another draw in this encounter.
AC Milan - Napoli : Olivier Giroud scores @2.47
20:45 - On the podium of the Serie A scorers' chart, Olivier GIroud is coming off a fine performance with a goal and an assist against Frosinone. In a very important match for Milan, the French striker is expected to be decisive once again in front of his home crowd.
Serie A forecast - Monday, February 12
Juventus - Udinese : Juventus clean sheet @1.72
8.45pm - Despite their recent defeat by Inter (0-1), Juventus have a chance to get back on track at home to Udinese, who have just one away win to their name. Defensively solid, the Turin giants have no room for error if they are to keep pace with the leaders. For this free Serie A prediction, we're favouring a clean sheet for Adrien Rabiot's team-mates.

Serie A predictions - Matchday 23

Serie A forecast - Friday, February 02
Lecce - Firoentina: Fiorentina win @1.98
20:45 - Lecce continue their downward spiral, currently 14th in Serie A, 3 points clear of first-placed Cagliari. In their last 18 matches, Lecce have won just once, so morale is at an all-time low. As for Fiorentina, the Viola are in the top 6 but have fallen on hard times of late, recording two draws and 1 defeat - the perfect opportunity for the Fio to get back on track and put the pressure on Roma.
Serie A odds - Saturday, February 03
Empoli - Genoa : Genoa win @2.45
15h00 - Genoa continue to win and pick up points. Genoa are currently 11th and travel to second-bottom Empoli. The hosts did, however, hold off Juventus (1-1) and take 3 points against Monza. Apart from these two flashes of brilliance, Empoli are not doing well and are unlikely to win against Genoa.
Udinese - Monza : Draw @3.20
15h00 - In an empty stadium, Udinese host twelfth-placed Monza. On current form, Monza have the edge, having just won their match against Sassuolo (1-0). By way of comparison, the home side's last 4 games were 3 defeats and a draw. The last two head-to-head meetings between the two clubs have both ended in draws, and this should be the case again this Saturday.
Frosinone - Milan : Milan victory @1.61
18h00 - 3rd in the table, AC Milan must be feeling a little lonely on the podium, 7 points behind runners-up Juve and 10 ahead of fourth-placed Atalanta. The Rossoneri travel to newly-promoted Frosinone, who are well on the way to maintaining their position at 13th, and Leao and his team-mates have all the weapons they need to overcome Frosinone after a match in which the Milanese were ineffective against Bologna.
Bologna - Sassuolo : Bologna win @1.67
20:45 - If Bologna hasn't been feeling serene lately, it's been at home. Indeed, Bologna have conceded just once and drawn just twice. As for Sassuolo, the neroverdi have recorded a fourth consecutive defeat away from home, and this run is in danger of worsening with the match against Bologna.
Serie A forecast - Sunday, February 04
Torino - Salernitana : Torino win @1.42
12:30 - This season, when a team plays Salernitana they know they have a good chance of coming away with all 3 points. Salernitana are bottom of Serie A and have just 2 wins to their name this season. At home, Torino have only lost once and should be able to handle their game with ease. Our Serie A prediction: Torino win
Napoli - Verona : Napoli win @1.36
15h00 - Lacking consistency, Napoli stagnate in mid-table (9th). Napoli have lost two of their last two games without scoring a goal, and have the chance to bounce back against Verona, who have lost 3 of their last 4 league games. A Napoli victory in perpesctive for this serie A prediction!
Atalanta - Lazio : Atalanta win @2.05
18h00 - In sparkling form, Atalanta have won their last 4 matches, scoring a total of 20 goals. At home, the streak is even longer: 7 consecutive wins. In the standings, Bergamo have a two-point advantage over the capital outfit, which they could well increase thanks to their latest good performances. It feels like a third game without a win for the Romans.
Inter - Juventus : Inter victory @1.73
20:45 - Inter Juve, the clash of the 23rd day in Serie A! Italy's top two teams go head-to-head, and one of them can already take a small option on the title. Indeed, the hosts Inter could put the Old Lady 4 points behind them. In terms of form, both teams are showing no signs of letting up, and victory will come down to details. For our part, we're expecting the Nerrazuri to win at a packed Stadio Giuseppe Meazza.

Trends over the last 5 matches

Statistics for your Serie A predictions

Simple bet

Season 1X2

Favour home wins for your 1X2 Serie A predictions. Around 1 in 2 matches will end in a home win in the 2023-2024 season.



As for your prediction on the 2 teams scoring in Serie A, the result is mixed: just under one match in 2 ends in a clean sheet for one of the 2 teams, and one match in 2 sees the nets shake on both sides.



For your Serie A over/under predictions, opt for +2.5 goals, which occurs in 49% of matches, and +3.5 goals in around one match in 5, which is important and generates interesting odds.


For your Serie A score prediction, favor 1-0 or 0-1 half-time, 2 scores that appear in more than one match out of 3. For the score at the end of the match, the results are more balanced, but 1-1 followed by 1-0 are the most regular scores, with 2-1 completing the podium.

Serie A prediction: who will be Italian champion 2024?

1Inter Milan2.85
4AC Milan4.25
5AS Rome17.00
feelingbet odds subject to change

Serie A predictions - the favourites

Inter Milan
Last year was a disappointing one in Serie A, with Inter only finishing third. In Simon Inzaghi's third season at the helm, the Nerazzurri must do better in the league after two seasons without a Scudetto. It was an eventful summer, with big departures such as Marcelo Brozovic, Andre Onana and Edin Dzeko. The club smartly strengthened during the transfer window, keeping its backbone with key players such as Lautaro Martinez, Bastoni and Barella, making it a logical favorite for the champion's Serie A prediction.
Napoli, last season's title holders, will obviously be doing everything in their power to retain their title. The Partenopei have opted for continuity, but the arrival of Rudi Garcia to replace Spalletti has already ended in failure, and Mazarri has returned as a fireman. Defender Kim Min-Jae has left, but other players such as Piotr Zielinski, Victor Osimhen and sensation Khvicha Kvaratskhelia have also been retained. Nevertheless, we see them finishing in the top 4 for this Serie A prediction on the favourites.
Last year, Juventus were banned from the European Cup for dropping points at the very end of the season. The Old Lady are determined to make a difference this season. In Massimiliano Allegri's second and third years at the helm, the Turin project must finally take off. Although there are many uncertainties, Juventus and their talented youngsters will always be a serious outsider. We'll put a coin on the Turinese for this Serie A soccer prediction.
Milan AC
AC Milan are enjoying one of the best mercatos in Serie A. However, the departures of Maldini and Massara have raised doubts in the Lombardy region. By selling Tonali to Newcastle, the new sporting directorate could almost completely rebuild Stefano Pioli's team. In addition to the official extension of Rafael Leao's contract, the Rossoneri have also welcomed eight new players. Milan are now rich in both quality and quantity, and Giroud can aim for the title of top scorer in Serie A and a place in Italy's top 4.
AS Rome
In the Italian capital, Mourinho's AS Roma have managed to strengthen their squad at a lower cost, with the free reinforcements of Houssem Aouar and Evan Ndicka added to complete the loan deals of Renato Sanches and Paredes, not forgetting the arrival on loan of Rasmus Kristensen. Roma are outsiders, but they don't look set for Serie A glory. Nevertheless, for this Italian soccer prediction, we wouldn't be surprised to see them challenging for a place in the top 4.
Lazio had a rather unusual mercato, with friction between Maurizio Sarri and his chairman. A summer of transition with the departure of Sergej, the Biancocelesti began their post-Immobile and Milinkovic Savic attack, and set their sights on several young players, including Guendouzi, who recently joined from Marseille. Nevertheless, Lazio are off to a poor start to the season.
A surprise?
Even if the title is difficult to envisage for other clubs, Atalanta are candidates to play in Europe and titillate the top flight like Bologna coached by Thiago Motta, who has many certainties in the tactical aspect of his team.

Want to follow Italian soccer? We've also included a Serie B prediction page to give you the lowdown on the Italian D2...You'll also find the Serie A and Serie B rankings updated after each match, as well as the Serie B goalscorer rankings here. You'll also find our Champions League prediction page, where Serie A automatically qualifies 4 teams for the group stage every year.

How to predict Serie A?

1Analyze the statistics: Before making your Serie A predictions, take the time to analyze the teams' statistics, such as recent performances, home and away results, number of goals scored and conceded, etc. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved.
In Serie A this season, 42% of wins were at home, 27% were draws and 31% were away victories. In other words, on a 10-game day, 4 teams will win at home, 3 will draw and 3 will win away from home.
2Take absences into account: Injuries, suspensions or the absence of key players can have a significant impact on a team's performance. Be sure to check the information on absences before making your Italian Serie A prediction.
We all know how important goalscorers are in Calcio. Lazio are not the same with or without Immobile, nor are Inter without Lautaro or AC Milan without Leao. Napoli relied heavily on Serie A's top scorer Osimhen to win the title.
3Consider head-to-head matches: Previous matches between two teams can provide interesting clues for your Serie A prediction. Take into account past results and performances in head-to-head encounters.
Example: Inter and AC Milan have met once this season, and each time Inter have won in clean-sheet fashion.
4Consider the context for your Serie A predictions: Take into account what's at stake in the match, such as the race for the title, the fight for a place in the European Cup or the battle to avoid relegation. These factors can influence the teams' motivation and intensity.
Roma, for example, left the end of their league campaign behind them, with 5 games without a win and a top 4 finish slipping away, to focus on the Europa League, where Mourinho's side reached the final. When Juve announced their 9-point withdrawal on Monday May 22, 4 days after their elimination from the Europa League, they lost heavily shortly afterwards at Empoli. The context clearly played a part.
5Keep up to date with the latest team news, injuries, suspensions, coaching changes and more. This information can have an impact on team performance.
The psychological shock of a change of coach can bring a team back from the brink. Just as the absence of Serie A's top scorer or best passer can handicap a team.
6Study styles of play: Every team has its own style of play. Try to understand the tactics and patterns used by teams to predict how they might perform in a given match.
Like Inter Milan with their well-oiled 3-5-2, AC Milan in 4-2-3-1 like Roma, Napoli in 4-3-3...
7Manage your bankroll: When placing a free Serie A bet, it's important to manage your bankroll responsibly. Set yourself a dedicated sports betting budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose.
It is generally recommended not to exceed 5% of your bankroll.

How does Serie A work?

Serie A is one of the most famous and competitive soccer leagues in the world. Here's how it works:
👉 Competition format: Serie A consists of 20 teams who compete in a two-legged league, meaning that each team plays each other twice, once at home and once away. This equates to a total of 38 matches per team over the course of the season.
👉 Points system: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 and a defeat is worth no points. Teams are ranked according to the total number of points accumulated throughout the season. In the event of a tie on points between two teams, total goal difference and direct confrontations are taken into account to determine their ranking.
👉 Relegation and qualification for European competitions: At the end of the season, the bottom three teams in the standings are relegated to Serie B, Italy's second division, while the top four teams qualify directly for the group stage of the UEFA Champions League, Europe's most prestigious club competition. In addition, the teams ranked fifth, along with the Italian Cup winner, qualify for the UEFA Europa League. Finally, the sixth-placed team qualifies for the Europa League Conference.
👉 Promotion from Serie B: The top two teams in Serie B are automatically promoted to Serie A for the following season. Third place is awarded following play-offs between teams ranked third to eighth in Serie B.
👉 The champion: The team finishing with the most points is crowned Serie A champion and wins the trophy known as the "Scudetto". The champion will face the Italian Cup winner in the Italian Supercup the following season.

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