BIG FIVE predictions

Free Premier League predictions - 2023/2024

The 2023-2024 Premier League prediction season promises to be an exciting one, as the English league boasts many interesting teams. Indeed, despite Manchester City's dominance, a number of clubs can claim the title at the end of the season. That's why, before each matchday, you'll find our 1X2 Premier League predictions and our exclusive analyses. The rest of our Premier League predictions are available here every week.

Pronostic Premier League – les prochains matchs

Premier League – J36

⚽️ Vendredi 03 mai
Luton – Everton : Luton ne perd pas @1.45
21h00 – Luton est 18ème avec seulement 1 point d’avance sur Burnley et 1 de retard sur Nottingham. Autant dire que la course au maintien est bien lancée et les Hatters n’ont pas le droit à l’erreur. De leur côté, les Toffees ont assuré leur survie et sans la nécessité de gagner, il n’est pas exclu qu’ils se relâchent un peu.
⚽️ Samedi 04 mai
Arsenal – Bournemouth : Victoire Arsenal (H-2) @2.10
13h30 – Tout en haut du classement, la bataille pour le titre fait rage entre Arsenal et Manchester City ! Les Gunners ont un rythme effréné en tête du championnat avec 13 victoires (1N/1D) sur leurs 15 derniers matchs de PL et une impressionnante différence de but (+40) sur cette période. Les Cherries sont plutôt en forme mais à l’extérieur on ne les voit pas faire le poids dans notre pronostic Premier League.
Brentford – Fulham : Victoire Brentford @1.98
16h00 – Duel entre deux équipes déjà maintenues ici ! Fulham s’est montré séduisant par moments cette saison, mais assez irrégulier et n’a gagné qu’un seul de ses 5 derniers matchs. Les Bees, eux, ont perdu (1-0) contre Everton la semaine dernière, ce qui a mis fin à une série d’invincibilité de 5 rencontres. A domicile, les hommes de Thomas Frank auront notre faveur.
Burnley – Newcaslte : Draw @3.80
16h00 – Avant dernier, Burnley s’accroche à sa place dans l’élite malgré une saison en tant que promu très compliquée. Etonnement, les Clarets ont réussi à rester invaincus sur les 3 derniers matchs de PL (1V/2N) et espère surement gratter un nouveau score de parité et des faux pas de ses adversaires directs, avant un duel face à Nottingham lors de la dernière journée qui pourrait être une finale pour le maintien.
Sheffield – Nottingham : Victoire Nottingham @1.58
16h00 – Sheffield est déjà sur de descendre depuis la semaine dernière. Bien qu’ils voudront finir avec les honneurs, les Blades n’ont jamais semblé au niveau cette année et auront du mal à rester mobilisés dans cette rencontre. C’est l’occasion parfaite pour Nottingham de prendre 3 points cruciaux dans la lutte pour le maintien. Après 4 matchs sans succès, les Reds devraient renouer avec la victoire.
Manchester City – Wolverhampton : Les 2 équipes ne marquent pas et + de 2.5 buts @1.98
18h30 – Sur une série de 5 succès de rang en championnat, les champions en titre sont en pleine confiance et dans une position confortable. Les Skyblues sont dans leur zone, le sprint final. En bonne forme et à domicile, ils ont tout en main pour maintenir la pression sur Arsenal. Les Wolves n’ont plus gagné à l’Etihad Stadium depuis 2019 et cette rencontre ne dérogera pas à la règle.
⚽️ dimanche 05 mai
Brighton – Aston Villa : Aston Villa win @2.17
15h00 – Toujours engagé en Ligue Europa, Aston Villa peut s’offrir une saison historique en gagnant une coupe d’Europe et en terminant dans le top 4 en championnat. Toutefois, Tottenham pousse derrière avec 2 matchs de retard. En face, Brighton est en perdition. La dernière victoire des Seagulls remonte au mois de mars contre la Roma en Europa Ligue et depuis ils restent sur 4 défaite et 2 nuls. Malgré un match en semaine quelques jours avant, les Villans devraient l’emporter.
Chelsea – West Ham : Victoire Chelsea @1.58
15h00 – Derby de Londres au programme de ce dimanche après-midi. A Chelsea, la liste de blessés est interminable mais l’homme providentiel Cole Palmer devrait être pleinement remis d’une maladie qui l’avait empêché de jouer le North London Derby il y a 10 jours. Avec 3 défaites et 2 nuls sur leurs 5 derniers matchs, les Hammers sont en grande difficulté et on ira sur le succès des Blues.
Liverpool – Tottenham : Tottenham ou nul @2.47
17h30 – A Liverpool, la fin d’aventure de Jurgen Klopp parait virer au drame. Eliminés de la Ligue Europa, décrochés de la course au titre et après l’embrouille entre Mo Salah et son coach, les Reds sont en pleines turbulences. Tottenham, battu contre Arsenal récemment, a tout de même montré des très belles qualités et pourrait profiter des difficultés de Liverpool pour faire un résultat.
⚽️ Lundi 06 mai
Crystal Palace – Manchester United : Draw @3.60
21h00 – Eagles comme Red Devils n’ont plus perdu sur leurs derniers matchs. Les hommes d’Olvier Glasner sont plutôt solides à la maison puisqu’ils restent sur succès convaincants à Selhurst Park. Pour les Mancuniens, c’est probablement la dernière chance d’accrocher le top 5. Difficile d’imaginer qu’André Onana gardera sa cage inviolée face à des Eagles en confiance, alors on verra un score de parité ici.

Premier League – J33

⚽️ Samedi 13 avril
Newcastle – Tottenham : Draw @3.65
13h30 – Avec une seule victoire sur leurs 6 derniers déplacements, les Spurs éprouvent des difficultés à bien figurer loin de leur base. De son côté, Newcastle reste sur 5 matchs sans défaite à St James Park. Malgré une fin de saison sans enjeu pour les locaux, on s’attend à une belle prestation de leur part pour tenir en échec leur adversaire du jour.
Brentford – Sheffield : Both teams score @1.57
16h00 – La plus mauvaise défense de Premier League avec 82 buts encaissés en 31 journées se déplace sur la pelouse de Brentford qui n’a gagné qu’un seul de ses 9 derniers matchs à domicile. Dans ce match important pour le maintien on voit les attaques respectives prendre le pas sur les défenses pour nous offrir un match à buts.
Burnley – Brighton : Victoire Brighton @1.78
16h00 – Bien qu’ils aient perdu 6 de leurs 8 derniers matchs à l’extérieur, Brighton a des atouts à faire valoir pour venir s’imposer sur le terrain de Burnley. Des locaux qui ne comptent qu’une seule victoire en 15 journées. Un manque de confiance qui pourrait se faire ressentir face à une équipe qui possède un beau collectif.
Nottingham – Wolves : Chris Wood buteur @2.57
16h00 – Buteur sur ses 4 derniers matchs, Chris Wood s’est parfaitement remis de sa blessure qui l’a éloigné des terrains pendant 1 mois. Dans un match dans lequel il devrait y avoir des buts, on s’attend à une nouvelle réalisation de l’Australien pour conserver son statut de meilleur buteur de Nottingham au classement buteurs Premier League.
Manchester City – Luton : Victoire Manchester City 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.45
16h00 – Dans un sprint final qui va se jouer sur des détails, Manchester City n’a plus le droit à l’erreur s’il veut encore prétendre au titre. Face au promu, les coéquipiers d’Erling Haaland devrait s’imposer facilement d’autant que les visiteurs restent sur 3 défaites en déplacement. On privilégie une triple chance score exacte en faveur des Cityzens pour ce prono Premier League.
Bournemouth – Manchester United : Manchester United première équipe à marquer @1.80
18h30 – Comme se fut le cas sur ses 7 derniers matchs toutes compétitions confondues, Manchester United a toujours inscrit le premier de la rencontre avant de connaitre ou non quelques déboires. Des débuts de match engagés qui permettent aux Red Devils de prendre l’avantage. Face à une équipe de Bournemouth qui peut se laisser aller défensivement, on s’attend à un début de match du même acabit.
⚽️ Dimanche 14 avril
Liverpool – Crystal Palace : Victoire Liverpool et les deux équipes marquent @2.07
15h00 – Après avoir laissé 2 points en route à Old Trafford, Liverpool doit impérativement se relancer sur sa pelouse contre Palace. Meilleure équipe à domicile, les Reds ont remporté 13 de leurs 16 matchs à la maison. Néanmoins, les coéquipiers de Luis Diaz connaissent des trous d’air défensifs et c’est pour cette raison qu’on envisage une victoire avec les deux équipes qui marquent.
West Ham – Fulham : Victoire West Ham @2.15
15h00 – Très solide à domicile, West Ham accueille Fulham qui sort d’une deuxième défaite de suite face à Newcastle (0-1). Même si les résultats des Hammers ne sont pas ceux espérés, on les voit disposer des Cottagers dans cette rencontre pour finir du mieux possible une saison sans réel objectif.
Arsenal – Aston Villa : Victoire Arsenal et -3.5 buts @1.75
17h30 – Nouveau leader depuis le match nul de Liverpool, Arsenal doit maintenant confirmer face à Aston Villa qui lutte pour la 4ème place. Plus solides défensivement, les Gunners n’ont encaissé qu’un seul but sur leurs 6 derniers matchs. On voit à nouveau les coéquipiers de Bukayo Saka s’imposer dans un match assez fermé.
⚽️ Lundi 15 avril
Chelsea – Everton : Cole Palmer buteur @2.50
21h00 – Omniprésent dans le jeu offensif des Blues, l’Anglais porte sur ses jeunes épaules Chelsea qui est englué dans le ventre mou du classement. Auteur de 7 buts sur ses 5 derniers matchs, on s’attend à un nouveau but de Cole Palmer face à une équipe à la portée des locaux.

Premier League – J32

⚽️ Samed 6 avril
Crystal Palace – Manchester City : Phil Foden marque et son équipe gagne @3.20
13h30 – Auteur d’un somptueux triplé contre Aston Villa en milieu de semaine, Phil Foden porte les Cityzens alors qu’Erling Haaland est très discret ses dernières semaines. Une réaction est aussi attendu du côte de Manchester après avoir concédé un match nul à l’aller. On privilégie une victoire des visiteurs avec un but de l’attaquant anglais.
Aston Villa – Brentford : Victoire Aston Villa @1.62
16h00 – De nouveau performant sur sa pelouse, Aston Villa reçoit Brentford qui a perdu 8 de ses 9 derniers déplacement en Premier League. Toujours en course pour la dernière place qualificative en Ligue des Champions, on s’attend à une victoire des Villans avant de retrouver l’Europa League.
Everton – Burnley : Both teams to score @1.63
16h00 – Match crucial pour le maintien entre Everton (16ème) et Burnley (19ème). Même si aucune des deux équipes ne voudra perdre, on s’attend tout de même à un rencontre assez ouverte d’autant que Burnley a déjà encaissé 66 buts cette saison. On privilégie un but de chaque côté pour ce pronostic Premier League.
Fulham - Newcastle : Alexander Isak buteur @2.12
16h00 – Auteur de 3 buts sur ses 2 derniers matchs avec les Magpies, le Suédois permet à son équipe de se maintenir en première partie de tableau au classement Premier League. Parmi les meilleures attaques du championnat, on s’attend à un nouveau match offensif des visiteurs qui ne joue plus rien dans cette fin de saison.
Luton – Bournemouth : Victoire Bournemouth @1.83
16h00 – Premier relégable à seulement 3 points du maintien, Luton n’a plus gagné 11 matchs malgré même si le promu a souvent réussi inquiéter les grosse équipes. De son côté, Bournemouth est sur une très bonne dynamique de 4 victoires en 5 rencontres et a battu cette même il y a un peu moins d’un mois. On privilégie une victoire des Cherries.
Wolves – West Ham : Draw @3.45
16h00 – Duel de milieu entre deux équipes séparées de 3 points. En difficulté à l’extérieur, on a du mal à voir les Hammers venir chercher les 3 points sachant qu’ils ont gagné qu’un seul de leurs 5 derniers déplacements. En face, les Wolves sortent d’un mois de mars très délicat et pourraient être en manque de confiance. On s’attend à un score de parité pour ce prono Premier League.
Brighton – Arsenal : Victoire Arsenal @1.55
18h30 – Invaincu depuis 14 matchs à domicile toutes compétitions confondues, Brighton sait protéger ses arrières devant son public. Néanmoins, les Gunners semblent supérieurs et gardent en point de mire la première place. Vainqueur de 9 de ses 10 derniers matchs de championnat, on envisage un nouveau succès des joueurs de Mikel Arteta.
⚽️ Dimanche 7 avril
Manchester Utd – Liverpool : Darwin Nunez buteur @2.07
16h30 – Buteur grâce un but de renard des surfaces contre Sheffield en milieu de semaine, l’Uruguayen doit maintenant confirmer dans les grands matchs et cette rencontre contre Manchester United en est un. Dans une partie qui peut être très ouverte, on privilégie un but de Darwin Nunez.
Sheffield – Chelsea : Victoire Chelsea et +3.5 buts @2.02
18h30 – Renversant vainqueur de Manchester United (4-3) jeudi, Chelsea se déplace sur la pelouse de la lanterne rouge. Invaincus depuis 6 journées, les Blues sont sur une bonne dynamique avant d’affronter une équipe sans repère qui encaisse énormément de buts. On voit une victoire avec la manière des coéquipiers de Mason Mount.
Tottenham – Nottingham : Victoire Tottenham et les deux équipes marquent @2.10
19h00 – Malgré une très bonne dynamique à domicile avec de nombreuses victoires, les Spurs ont du mal à garder leur cage inviolée et ont encaissé au moins un but sur leurs 5 derniers matchs sur leur pelouse. Face à une équipe de Nottingham qui s’est rassurée en s’imposant contre Fulham (3-1), on privilégie une victoire des Londoniens en encaissant au moins un but.

Premier League – J31

⚽️ Mardi 2 avril
Newcastle – Everton : Victoire Newcastle @1.92
20h30 – Vainqueur ce week-end alors qu’il était mené (3-1) à 20 minutes de la fin du match, Newcastle a trouvé les ressources pour confirmer sa solidité à domicile. Opposés à des Toffees qui n’ont plus gagné depuis 12 rencontres de championnat, on privilégie une victoire des Magpies devant leur public.
Nottingham – Fulham : Les deux équipes marquent @1.51
20h30 – Très joueur que ce soit à domicile comme à l’extérieur, Fulham reste sur 4 matchs avec au moins un but encaissé en déplacement. Même si Nottingham connait quelques difficultés offensivement, on s’attend à un match engagé des locaux lancés dans une opération maintien. On voit les deux équipes inscrire un but.
Bournemouth – Crystal Palace : Dominik Solanke buteur @1.97
20h45 – On repart sur l’attaquant de Bournemouth qui s’est encore sublimé ce week-end. Face à une équipe de Palace dans le dur, on s’attend à ce que Solanke ait de nouvelles occasions de briller pour inscrire un 17ème cette saison devant son public et ce sera notre pronostic buteur.
Burnley – Wolves : Draw @3.35
20h45 – Toujours dans la lutte pour le maintien, Burnley (19ème) accueille les Wolves, bien calés dans le ventre mou au classement Premier League. Après avoir obtenu le point du match nul sur la pelouse de Chelsea, on voit les locaux réussir à contenir Wolverhampton qui a perdu 3 de ses 4 derniers matchs pour ce prono Premier League.
West Ham – Tottenham : Plus de 3.5 buts @1.77
21h15 – Affiche de ce mardi soir entre des Hammers qui semblent déjà trop loin pour jouer les places européennes et Tottenham bien positionné à la cinquième place. Après avoir connu une défaite renversante, on s’attend à une réaction des locaux face aux Spurs. On privilégie un match très ouvert avec au moins 4 buts dans la rencontre.
⚽️ Mercredi 3 avril
Arsenal – Luton Town : Kai Havertz buteur @1.87
20h30 – Très peu en vue lors du choc contre Manchester City alors qu’il restait sur 3 matchs avec au moins un but, on envisage une réaction de l’attaquant allemand à l’Emirates Stadium. Face à une équipe de Luton qui connait quelques failles défensives, on privilégie un but de Kai Havertz pour permettre aux Gunners de suivre le rythme du leader pour ce pronostic foot.
Brentford – Birghton : Draw @3.60
20h30 – Tout juste sorti d’un match nul acquis dans les dernières secondes du match contre Manchester United, Brentford retrouve son stade pour y affronter Brighton. Assez solides lorsqu’ils jouent à domicile, on voit les locaux venir inquiéter les visiteurs avec notamment un Ivan Toney très remuant depuis son retour. On privilégie un score de parité pour ce pronostic Premier League.
Manchester City – Aston Villa : Victoire Manchester City et les deux équipes marquent @2.00
21h15 – Après avoir concédé un match nul très décevant sur sa pelouse dans un choc au sommet face à Arsenal (0-0), on envisage une réaction des Cytizens de nouveau sur leur pelouse. Attention toutefois à cette équipe d’Aston Villa qui n’a plus perdu depuis 9 rencontres à l’extérieur. On s’attend à un match ouvert avec une victoire des joueurs de Pep Guardiola.

Premier League – J30

⚽️ Samedi 30 mars
Newcastle – West Ham : Victoire Newcastle @1.72
13h30 – Même si les résultats des Magpies ne sont pas flatteurs ces dernières semaines, c’est surtout le niveau de West Ham à l’extérieur qui nous pousser à aller vers les locaux. Avec 4 défaites sur leurs 6 derniers déplacements toutes compétitions confondues, les Hammers n’y arrivent pas loin de leur stade et on privilégie une victoire de Newcastle.
Nottingham – Crystal Palace : Draw @3.05
16h00 – Match de bas de tableau entre Notthingham (18ème) et Crystal Palace (14ème). Deux équipes en grande difficulté en Premier League avec une seule victoire sur leurs 6 derniers matchs. On s’attend à un match fermé où les deux équipes feront tout pour ne pas perdre. On privilégie un score de parité à l’issue des 90 minutes pour ce pronostic Premier League.
Bournemouth – Everton : Dominik Solanke buteur
16h00 – Quatrième au classement buteurs Premier League, l’Anglais en est déjà 15 buts cette saison et permet à Bournemouth d’avoir une marge sur la zone rouge. Face à Everton, nul doute que Dominik Solanke aura de nouvelles occasions de briller contre un club qui reste sur 7 matchs sans victoire à l’extérieur.
Tottenham – Luton : Victoire Tottenham et les deux équipes marquent @1.78
16h00 – Après une lourde défaite sur la pelouse de Fulham (0-3), les Spurs doivent repartir de l’avant face au promu. Une équipe de Luton qui réalise une très bonne saison avec peu de moyens. Des visiteurs joueurs qui ont toujours inscrits au moins 1 but sur leurs 9 derniers déplacements. On s’attend tout de même à une victoire des locaux avec les deux équipes qui marquent.
Sheffield Utd. – Fulham : Victoire Fulham et +2.5 buts @1.93
16h00 – Les Cottagers sont capables de tout ! Après une défaite contre les Wolves (1-2), les visiteurs ont brillamment battu Tottenham (3-0). Contre la lanterne rouge qui reste sur 4 défaites avec 21 buts encaissés, on s’attend à une victoire des coéquipiers de Willian pour poursuivre la bonne dynamique actuelle.
Chelsea – Burnley : Nicolas Jackson buteur
16h00 – Buteur sur 3 de ses 4 derniers matchs, le Sénégalais prend de plus en plus de place dans l’attaque des Blues. Face à une équipe de Burnley dans la zone rouge, Nicolas Jackson devra confirmer la bonne dynamique du groupe devant son public. On privilégie un but du joueur de 22 ans.
Aston Villa – Wolverhampton : Les deux équipes marquent @1.43
18h30 – Il faut s’attendre à un match ouvert entre des Villans qui se projettent beaucoup vers la surface adverse à domicile et des Wolves capables du meilleur comme du pire. Comme se fut le cas sur 4 de leurs 5 dernières confrontations directes, on s’attend à un but pour chaque équipe durant le match.
Brentford – Man United : Victoire Manchester United @2.07
21h00 – Vainqueur de Liverpool dans une demi-finale de coupe à rebondissements, Manchester United se déplace sur la pelouse de Brentford. Des locaux qui ont perdu 5 de leurs 6 dernières rencontres face à des équipes européennes. Revigorer par leur victoire in extremis contre les Reds, on privilégie une victoire des Mancuniens pour ce prono Premier League.
⚽️ Dimanche 31 mars
Liverpool – Brighton : Victoire Liverpool sans encaisser de but @2.32
15h00 – Dernière ligne droite dans la course au titre pour la dernière saison de Jurgen Klopp. Après avoir perdu 2 points contre Manchester City, Liverpool doit assurer les 3 points à domicile contre une formation qui a perdu 5 de ses 6 derniers déplacements dont les deux derniers (0-3) et (0-4). On s’attend à une victoire des Reds sans encaisser de but.
Manchester City – Arsenal : Victoire Manchester City @1.72
17h30 – Choc crucial pour le titre en Angleterre ! De retour à son meilleur niveau et nouveau leader, Arsenal se déplace sur la pelouse de l’ogre cityzen. Toujours invaincus à domicile, on s’attend à un grand match des deux équipes mais on penche en faveur des locaux qui ont toujours réussi devant leur public contre les Gunners.

Premier League - J28

⚽️ Saturday, March 09
Man United - Everton : United win @1.85
13:30 - Despite losing to arch-rivals Manchester City, United still impressed, particularly in the first half. Against a bottom-of-the-table Everton side who haven't won since January, and who are especially uncomfortable away from home, we're leaning towards a Reds Devils victory.
Bournemouth - Sheffield : Bournemouth win @1.25
16:00 - One-way game in the offing between Bournemouth and Sheffield. The home side host the bottom of the table and, with just 13 points, look to be heading straight for the championship. At home, we're expecting the Cherries to win.
Wolves - Fulham : Wolves win @2.35
16h00 - Mid-table duel between Wolverhampton and Fulham! Wolves have won 3 of their last 4 games, but suffered a disappointing defeat at Newcatsle. We'll give Wolves the edge at home!
Crystal Palace - Luton : Victoire Palace @1.68
16h00 - This afternoon, Palace welcome relegated Luton Town on a run of 5 straight defeats. In those 5 defeats, promoted Luton have conceded 18 goals! As a result, Crystal Palace are favourites, and 3 points could do the Londoners a world of good.
Arsenal - Brentford : Arsenal win @1.23
18h30 - In the hunt for a title for over 20 years, Arsenal Gunners are in a PL race with Liverpool and Manchester City. In fine form and with a recent 0-6 win in the PL, we'll be looking to see Arteta's players succeed against a Brentford side on a run of one draw and 3 defeats.
⚽️ Sunday, March 10
Aston Villa - Tottenham : Villa or null @1.43
14h00 - What a season for Aston Villa! Managed by Unay Emery, the Villans are currently in fourth place, 5 points ahead of their rivals Tottenam. On current form, Aston Villa are on a 3-game winning streak. Spurs, for their part, have not won away from home in the PL for 3 matchdays.
Brighton - Nottingham : Victory Brighton@1.25
West Ham - Burnley : West Ham win @2.35
Liverpool - Man City : Draw @3.80
18:35 - It's the match everyone's been waiting for on this 28th day of the Premier League. It's a top-of-the-table duel between leaders Liverpool and runners-up City, with the two sides just one point apart and the Reds at Anfield with the chance to put the Cityzens 4 points clear. Nevertheless, it's expected to be a tight game, with both teams determined not to drop any points. We therefore expect a draw!

Premier League - J27

⚽️ Saturday, March 02
Everton - West Ham : Everton win @1.81
16:00 - Everton host West Ham, who ended a run of 3 consecutive defeats with a 4-2 home win over Brentford, which included a Bowen hat-trick. The Toffees have lost just one game in their last 5 matches, but have 4 draws to their name. Lacking efficiency but defending well at the same time. At home, we'll be hoping for an Everton win!
Brentford - Chelsea : Chelsea win @2.10
16h00 - Chelsea travel to Brentford after losing yet another cup final. The Blues were stunned in the 118th minute by Van Dijk, who sent the London fans into raptures at Wembley. Nevertheless, Chelsea are playing some fine soccer and should be able to take all 3 points against Brentford, who are on a 3-game losing streak. Today's Premier League prediction is a Chelsea win.
Fulham - Brighton : Fulham win @2.62
16h00 - What a match Fulham played on the previous day! The Cottagers achieved an XXL performance against Manchester United (1-2). Thanks to this victory, Fulham moved closer to Chelsea in the standings. We'll have to watch out for Brighton, but DeZerbi's men are coming off a draw at Everton and have lost 2 of their last 3 away games.
Nottingham - Liverpool : Liverpool win @1.47
16h00 - Leaders of the Premier League table, Liverpool have the title in their sights and are determined to keep up the momentum. The Reds travel today to Nottingham, who are on the verge of the red zone. We're expecting a victory for the English league's best attack!
Tottenham - Crystal Palace : Tottenham win @1.45
4.00 pm - Tottenham, in 5th place, are aiming for at least a top-four finish to secure a place in the Champions League. The Spurs welcome Crystal Palace to their home ground, where they are totally lost away from home. The Eagles have not won in 8 matches (5D/3N). Already victorious in October, Son and his team-mates are once again expected to win.
Luton - Aston Villa : Aston Villa win @1.73
18h30 - Unai Emery continues to lead his troops with a masterful hand and has placed his team in fourth place in the English league. Villa, on top form at the moment, are coming off two wins in a row, and easily swept aside Nottingham (4-2). In the relegation zone, Luton are very shaky at the back, conceding 13 goals in the last 4 matches.
⚽️ Sunday, March 03
Burnley - Bournemouth : Burnley or draw @1.78
14h00 - A duel between two teams struggling in the game. Burnley and Bournemouth haven't won in a while. Nevertheless, Burnley will have home advantage and could push for a win or at least a draw.
Man City - Man United: Man city and 2 teams score @2.05
16:30 - It's the most eagerly awaited derby in England! The two Manchesters clash, and the advantage is clearly in Pep Guardiola's favour, as they are in the title race and playing far superior soccer to their neighbors in red. What's more, in recent years, the Cityzens have gained the upper hand in duels, winning matches far more often than the Reds Devils. Unbeaten in all competitions since December, we're expecting City to win with a goal from both sides.
Sheffield - Arsenal : Arsenal win @1.13
21h00 - In their quest for a title for over 20 years, Arsenal are battling it out at the top of the table with City and Liverpool. Facing last-placed Sheffield, the Gunners continue to pick up points in what promises to be a thrilling battle.

Premier League - J26

⚽️ Tuesday, February 20
Manchester City - Brentford : Phil Foden scores and Man City win @2.65
20:30 - A week after a successful Champions League 1/8th-final first leg in Copenhagen, Manchester City play again in midweek, this time in the league. The Skyblues are playing a late match on matchday 18 of the PL, which could prove crucial in the 3-way race for the title. Beaten 1-1 by Chelsea on Saturday, they missed the chance to draw level with Arsenal and could have taken a 2-point lead over Liverpool should they win tonight. In the end, they could come between the Gunners and the Reds if they beat the Blades. As far as we're concerned, they'll get the job done tonight and we can see Phil Foden scoring. The young Englishman has been brilliant this season and a fortnight ago scored a hat-trick against... Brentford!
⚽️ Wednesday, February 21
Liverpool - Luton : Liverpool win and both teams score @1.85
20:30 - After wins over Burnley and Brentford, Liverpool now face a third game against a bottom-of-the-table team in a game scheduled for midweek, as the Reds play Chelsea in the EFL Cup final this Sunday. This Wednesday, they take on a Luton team who are defending well in the race to stay up. The Hatters are annoying almost everyone and are unbeaten on their last 5 TCC trips. They have also scored at least one goal in their last 12 PL games, while Liverpool, in their last 4 wins at Anfield, have always conceded at least one.
⚽️ Saturday, February 24
Manchester United - Fulham : Hojlund scores @1.99
16:00 - If many people wanted him fired just a few weeks ago, it's clear that Erik Ten Hag has turned things around for Manchester. The Red Devils are unbeaten in their last 7 matches and have now won 4 league games in a row. With the return of Casemiro, lined up alongside the young crack Kobbie Mainoo who is proving his worth week by week, and the stabilization of the Rashford/Garnacho/Hojlund forward line, ETH seems to have found the formula. In fact, the young Danish striker is the team's man in form, with 7 goals in his last 6 PL games. Watch out for the young left-hander who has finally found his niche!
Crystal Palace - Burnley : Crystal Palace win @1.91
16:00 - Important duel for survival! At Palace, the legendary Roy Hodgson resigned earlier this week after 3 games without a win (2D/1N), and Oliver Glasner has taken his place. The Austrian coach, who won the Europa League with Frankfurt in 2022 and has been free since his departure last summer, will try to revive this Eagles team, which is not lacking in quality. Burnley, on the other hand, are struggling. With just 6 points from their last 10 games, the Clarets seem to be sinking deeper and deeper into relegation.
Brighton - Everton : Brighton win @1.83
4:00 PM - Another match that will count for keeping Everton in 17th place, level with the first relegation zone, travels to Brigthon, in 8th place and off the European wagon. The Seagulls will probably be counting on the Europa League to end their season on a high. Everton have now gone 6 games without an away win, and have not scored in the last 3. Brighton, on the other hand, are generally solid at home. De Zerbi's men are unbeaten in their last 11 games at the Amex Stadium (6V/5N).
Aston Villa - Nottingham : Aston Villa win @1.52
16:00 - In this Premier League prediction, one favorite stands out. With 7 points from their last 5 PL games, Aston Villa have been unable to keep pace with the Liverpool/City/Arsenal trio and have seen Tottenham and Man United return to the race for the LDC. Despite 3 straight defeats at Villa Park, Unai Emery's team are still a reference point at home this season (9V/1N/2D in the league). Against a Nottingham side that has only won 2 times away from home, the Villains are sure to get the job done.
Bournemouth - Manchester City Manchester City victory @1.41
18:30 - By beating Brentford in a late game on Tuesday, Manchester City moved back up to 2nd place in the PL table , 1 point behind Liverpool and as far ahead of Arsenal. Bournemouth, 13th in the league, are by no means an uninteresting team, but they've been slowing down of late. The Cherries have taken just 3 points from their last 5 matches. On 8 consecutive away wins, we can see the Cityzens getting the job done.
Arsenal - Newcastle Arsenal win and both teams score @2.15
21:00 - After 2 away wins and 11 goals scored to none conceded, the Gunners are back at their home ground where they remain on a 2-game winning streak. Arsenal are clearly the engine driving the PL at the moment, with a run of 15 points, 21 goals scored and just 2 conceded in the last 5 games. But watch out for Newcastle, who have picked up where they left off after a dreadful December. Unbeaten in their last 5 TCC matches (3V/2N), the Magpies have also won their last 4 away games, 2 in the PL and 2 in the FA Cup. We can see Arsenal winning, but after a C1 match earlier in the week, watch out for the slide!
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⚽️ Sunday, February 25
Wolverhampton - Sheffield Utd : Wolverhampton win @1.43
14:30 - Slapped 5-0 by Brighton last weekend, Sheffield must respond if they are to keep their hopes of survival alive. But with 7 points separating them from the first non-relegated side, the bottom-placed side must start climbing right away . At the other end of the table, Wolves are in the bottom half of the table and lost their star man, Matheus Cunha, to injury two weeks ago. This must have boosted the confidence of Gary O'Neil's men, who look set to win at home.
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⚽️ Monday, February 26
West Ham - Brentford : Ivan Toney Scorer
21:00 - Things are going badly at the London Stadium! Beaten 3-0 at Manchester United, then demolished 6-0 at home by Arsenal and finally losing again at Nottingham last weekend (2-0), the Hammers have suffered one setback after another and have taken just 3 points from their last 6 Premier League games. Opposite them, Brentford. A team that has been blowing hot and cold recently, but can count on the return of some key players. Yoane Wissa, CAN semi-finalist with the DRC, played again last week against Liverpool, and Ivan Toney, the team's star player, has now been back for 1 month after his suspension. The English centre-forward has already scored 4 goals in 5 games. Watch out for him against West Ham's feverish defense!
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Premier League - J25

⚽️ Saturday, February 17
Brentford - Liverpool : Liverpool win @1.55
13:30 - With just one win from their last 5 home games, Brentford don't arrive with the best of confidence ahead of their clash with Liverpool. Still top of the Premier League table, the Reds have no room for error if they are to avoid the return of Man City and Arsenal. Even if Ivan Toney's return does the home side a lot of good, we'd prefer the visitors to win.
Burnley - Arsenal : Bukayo Saka goals @2.42
16:00 - Buyako Saka has scored 4 goals in his last 3 games, reflecting the Gunners' late form in recent weeks. Already responsible for 10 goals and 7 assists this season, the English striker will surely have plenty to enjoy in the league's second-worst defense. A Bukayo Saka goal is expected for this Premier League prediction.
Fulham - Aston Villa : Over 2.5 goals @1.51
16:00 - A duel between two teams who like to play attacking football. Easy winners over Bournemouth (3-1) at home, Fulham welcome Aston Villa, who have now played 4 games with at least 3 goals in the match. Very attractive since the arrival of Unaï Emery, the Villans should pose the Cottagers quite a few problems, but we're expecting the latter to react well in a game of goals.
Newcastle - Bournemouth : Newcastle win @1.73
16:00 - Winners of 3 of their last 4 matches, Newcastle welcome Bournemouth, who are in a slump after a prolific period. With just one win from their last 5 matches, the visitors are fresh from a 1-3 defeat at Fulham. Even if the Magpies don't look reassuring in front of their home fans, we'd prefer Bruno Guimaraes' team-mates to win this Premier League prediction.
Nottingham - West Ham : Draw @3.30
16:00 - A meeting between two teams in total disarray since the start of 2024. Winless in the Premier League over the same period, there are several possible scenarios in this match, which on paper should go to the visitors. However, the Hammers are coming off 2 defeats with 9 goals conceded. We're favouring a draw at the end of the 90 minutes for this Premier League prediction.
Tottenham - Wolves : Tottenham win and both teams score @.
16:00 - With 6 wins from their last 7 home games and a cup defeat to Manchester City (0-1), Tottenham will be able to count on the return of Heung Min Son to the Spurs front line. The Wolves have been on an alternating current, unable to string together 2 wins in a row, and are coming off a 0-2 defeat by Brentford. Richarlison's team-mates are expected to win.
Manchester City - Chelsea : Manchester City win (H-1) @1.72
18:30 - After a tenth consecutive victory over Everton (2-0), Manchester City welcome the Blues, who have just won 2 away games (3-1). On a run of 4 straight wins without conceding a goal in direct encounters at the Ethiad Stadium, Pep Guardiola's players are favored to win in style for this free Premier League prediction.
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⚽️ Sunday, February 18
Sheffield Utd - Brighton : Brighton win @1.58
15:00 - The second-worst home team, with just 8 points from 12 home games, Sheffield are coming off the back of a 3-1 win at Luton. Nevertheless, Brighton's collective should be able to get the better of the bottom-placed side, who have already conceded 60 goals this season. For these reasons, we'd prefer to see Joao Pedro's team win.
Luton Town - Manchester United : Manchester United win @1.75
17:30 - In a state of grace, Manchester United are unbeaten in 2024 and have won 5 of their 6 matches over the same period. Having beaten Aston Villa (2-1) on home turf, the Red Devils arrive at the promoted club's home ground full of confidence. A confidence that's on the wane for the hosts, who have just lost (1-3) to Sheffield. Erik Ten Hag's side are expected to win.
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⚽️ Monday, February 19
Everton - Crystal Palace : Do both teams score? No @1.57
21:00 - Deprived of Michael Olise's long-term injury absence, Crystal Palace are orphaned of their attacking playmaker. In a Monday evening match that promises to be rather lacklustre from an attacking point of view, we're not expecting a large number of goals in this encounter. We can see either team keeping a clean sheet in this crucial match in the fight for survival.
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Premier League - J24

⚽️ Saturday, February 10
Manchester City - Everton : Erling Haaland scores first-half goal @2.20
1:30 PM - Back after a 2-month absence, the Norwegian striker has yet to score a goal since his return from sick leave. Too many expectations for a player who has already scored 14 goals in 17 games. With Manchester City coming off the back of 3 games with 3 Premier League goals, the Norwegian is expected to score in the opening minutes.
Wolves - Brentford: Wolves win @2.00
16:00 - A solid 4-2 win over Chelsea sees Wolverampton host Brentford, who have now lost 6 away games in a row. A very playful team, Wolves are quick to attack, even if it means leaving plenty of space at the back. However, against a club with no confidence on the road, we're favouring a win for the home side in this Premier League prediction.
Liverpool - Burnley : Liverpool win and both teams score @.
16:00 - After losing an already crucial match in the title race to Arsenal (1-3), Liverpool must bounce back against relegated Burnley. The Reds are expected to assume the status of heavy favourites. However, Jurgen Klopp's side have been very shaky defensively at the start of the year. We're expecting the home side to win by at least one goal.
Luton Town - Sheffield Utd : Victoire Luton @1.68
16:00 - On a 6-game unbeaten run, Luton host the bottom club after a 4-0 thrashing of Brighton in their last home game. Sheffield, meanwhile, have just suffered their third defeat in a row, conceding 12 goals in the process. In this crucial match for survival, we're favouring a win for the home side in this Premier League prediction.
Tottenham - Brighton : Richarlison scores @2.37
16:00 - The Spurs attack is very well supported, especially since the return of James Madisson, and the Brazilian striker is coming off the back of a brace against his former team Everton. A frequent finisher for Tottenham, Richarlison is currently very confident and could take advantage of Brighton's defensive lapses to continue his good form.
Fulham - Bournemouth : Draw @3.20
16:00 - Even if it's not a dream match, this game between Fulham and Bournemouth could be worth the detour. After a long winning streak, the visitors have come to a halt with 2 consecutive draws. Opposite them, Fulham are also going through a period of decline, but have lost very few games on their home turf. The scoreline at the final whistle is likely to be a draw.
Nottingham - Newcastle : Newcastle win @1.93
18:30 - Despite struggling away from home, Newcastle have become a force to be reckoned with on the road in the last 3 games, including a 1-3 win at Aston Villa. Against a Nottingham side on a 4-match winless run, the Magpies are expected to win this free Premier League prediction.
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⚽️ Sunday, February 11
West Ham - Arsenal : Arsenal win and +2.5 goals @1.75
15:00 - The Gunners seem to have regained their early-season momentum after a 3-1 win over Liverpool. Still in the title race, Arsenal must take advantage of this match against a struggling team to keep pace with the leaders. Without a win in their last 6 matches, the Hammers will find it hard to contain the visitors, and a win is expected.
Aston Villa - Manchester United : Rasmus Hojlund goals @2.82
17:30 - The Red Devils' scorer, the Dane, is the symbol of the Mancunians' return to form. With 4 goals in 4 games, Hojlund must continue this crazy run against a direct rival for the European places. In what promises to be an attacking game, we're expecting a goal from number 11.
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⚽️ Monday, February 12
Crystal Palace - Chelsea : Chelsea win @1.83
21:00 - A duel between two teams in total loss of confidence at the start of the year. While the dynamics of the two teams won't help us to decide between them, we're confident that the Blues' squad will give them the edge over their opponents. The home side can be very permeable, which could benefit the visitors in the Premier League's bottom half.
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Premier League - J22

⚽️ Tuesday, January 30
Nottingham - Arsenal : Arsenal win and both teams score @2.50
20:30 - In the opening match of the 22nd round of matches, Nottingham hosts Arsenal. After a long period of inactivity, the Gunners reassured themselves with a 5-0 win over Crystal Palace. Now it's time for Arsenal to confirm their form against the home side, who have been playing very well of late. Mikel Arteta's side are expected to win a tough Premier League fixture.
Fulham - Everton : Fulham win @2.32
20:45 - The Cottagers have been very serious at home of late, putting in some fine performances at their stadium, as they did against Arsenal (2-1) and West Ham (5-0). Everton, on the other hand, are in a slump, with just one win from their last 7 games. A win for Willian's team-mates is the preferred option.
Luton - Brighton : Luton doesn't lose @2.15
20:45 - The Premier League's minnows continue to surprise at home. Unfortunately, the home side have rarely been rewarded for their fine displays against England's top clubs, losing in the dying minutes. Faced with a Brighton team on a 4-game winless streak in the Premier League, Luton Town have a double chance.
Crystal Palace - Sheffield Utd : Draw @3.50
21:00 - It's a match of fear here, as the red lantern travels to 15th-placed Crystal Palace. After holding West Ham to a 2-2 draw in the dying minutes, Sheffield face a team on a run of 3 games without a goal and a heavy defeat by Arsenal (0-5). For these reasons, we're expecting a draw for this Premier League prediction.
Aston Villa - Newcastle : Aston Villa win @1.83
9:15 PM - Best team at home and still unbeaten, Aston Villa have won 9 of their 10 games in front of their home fans. For their part, the Magpies ended an 8-game winless streak with a 3-0 cup victory over Championship side Sunderland. Nevertheless, the task ahead looks too complicated for the Villains, who are formidable on their home turf. A win for Unai Emery's players is the preferred option.
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⚽️ Wednesday, January 31
Manchester City - Burnley : Second-highest scoring half @1.75
20:30 - Pep Guardiola's players have often made a habit of starting their games quietly before unravelling in the second half. With a match against Tottenham in the offing just a few days before, the Cityzens are expected to get off to another quiet start before really dominating their opponents after the break.
Tottenham - Brentford : Tottenham win @1.52
20:30 - Despite a number of key absentees such as Heug Min Son, Spurs are maintaining their momentum and have won five of their last seven games. Brentford, on the other hand, have just suffered their fifth consecutive defeat away from home. With Richarlison at the forefront of the attack, Tottenham are expected to win to secure their place in the top 5 of the Premier League table.
Liverpool - Chelsea : Liverpool win @1.57
21:15 - The 22nd matchday sees the leaders take on Chelsea. Unbeaten at Anfield, the Reds seem to have a much more established team than the Blues, who have to make do with a number of absentees. Even if the visitors have been coming back into their stride of late, we'd prefer to see Darwin Nunez's team win.
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⚽️ Thursday, February 2
West Ham - Bournemouth : Draw @3.45
20:30 - Struggling with a run of 4 games without a win, including a 2-2 draw with the red lantern, West Ham must be wary of Bournemouth, who are on a roll away from home with 5 wins out of their last 6 away games. Nevertheless, the Hammers remain unbeaten in 9 home games. We're expecting a draw after the final whistle for this free Premier League prediction.
Wolves - Manchester Utd : Draw @3.35
9:15 PM - Despite a victory over Wigan (0-2). The Reds Devils had gone 5 games without a win away from home. An opportunity for Wolves to pick up points against a team in doubt. Unbeaten in 9 home games, we're expecting the home side to put up a good fight in a match where we're favouring a draw at odds of 3.35!
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Premier League - J21 (cont'd)

⚽️ Saturday, January 20
Arsenal - Crystal Palace Arsenal win and both teams score @2.65
13:30 - It's time for the Gunners to get back to winning ways after 3 straight defeats and just one goal scored. However, they will have to be wary of Crystal Palace, who have lost just one of their last 5 games and have already managed to hold off Manchester City away from home (2-2). So we're expecting a tight game in which Arsenal will come out on top for this Premier League prediction.
Brentford - Nottingham Nottingham doesn't lose @1.81
18:30 - With just one win in their last 10 games, Brentford have been struggling of late, having just played a game to extra time in midweek. Opposite them, Nottingham are coming off 2 prestigious Premier League wins over Manchester United (2-1) and Newcastle (3-1). The visitors are favoured with a double chance.
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⚽️ Sunday, January 21
Sheffield Utd. - West Ham West Ham victory @2.05
15:00 - A duel between two teams that have been very inconsistent in recent weeks. Bottom of the Premier League table, Sheffield have just 9 points from 20 league games. An opportunity for the Hammers to get back on track and move closer to the European places. The Londoners are expected to win this Premier League free tip.
Bournemouth - Liverpool Cody Gakpo scores @2.15
18:30 - In the absence of Mohamed Salah, who has left for the African Cup of Nations, the Dutch striker must make the most of his increased playing time. Scorer of 2 goals in the last 3 games, Cody Gakpo is expected to score again against a very leaky defence.
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⚽️ Monday, January 22
Brighton - Wolves : Brighton win @1.55
20:45 - With just one defeat in 10 English D1 home games, Brighton are very solid at home. On the contrary, Wolves have already lost 6 of their 10 away games this season. Especially as the visitors have been playing a steady stream of games of late, and could be suffering from a physical setback. We're favouring a home win for this free Premier League prediction.
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Premier League - J21

⚽️ Saturday, January 13
Chelsea - Fulham : Chelsea win @1.52
13:30 - Back on form in December, the Blues have won 5 of their last 6 home games. This contrasts with Fulham's 4 consecutive Premier League defeats away from home. For these reasons, we prefer a Chelsea win for this Premier League prediction.
Newcastle - Manchester City Manchester City victory @1.50
18:30 - On a run of 4 consecutive defeats, Newcastle are not in the best of times ahead of their clash with the Cityzens. With 6 wins from their last 7 games, Manchester City need to keep up the momentum if they are to keep pace with Liverpool. The gradual return of Kevin de Bruyne should enable the visitors to win.
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⚽️ Sunday, January 14
Everton - Aston Villa Aston Villa win @2.57
15:00 - After losing 2-3 at Old Trafford when leading 2-0, Aston Villa got back on track with a 3-2 win over Burnley. Everton, meanwhile, have now lost four games in a row. Given Unaï Emery's players' season, we're favouring a Villans victory for this Premier League prediction.
Manchester United - Tottenham Draw @3.65
17:30 - Still not happy with Manchester United's play. Just as we thought we'd seen some improvement against Aston Villa, the Red Devils lost 1-2 away to Nottingham. Despite a number of absentees, Spurs have won 4 of their last 5 games. The Londoners are expected to catch the Mancunians in this free Premier League prediction.
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⚽️ Monday, January 15
Burnley - Luton Town Luton doesn't lose @1.78
20:45 - Luton, the smallest team in the English D1, are playing an attractive game despite their position in the table (18th). In this crucial match in the fight for survival, we're expecting a big game, as they came close to surprising Chelsea in their last match (2-3). Faced with a Burnley team in doubt, we're favoring a double chance in favor of the visitors.
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⚽️ Saturday, January 20
Arsenal - Crystal Palace Michael Olise scores
13:30 - Scoring 4 times in his last 4 games, the French striker is really the in-form player in this Crystal Palace team. The visitors' second-highest scorer in the Premier League, Olise should be given further opportunities to express himself against an Arsenal side in doubt in recent weeks.
Brentford - Nottingham : Nottingham doesn't lose @1.75
18:30 - Incomprehensible odds here between a Brentford team on a 5-game losing streak and a Nottingham team on a 2-game winning streak against the Reds Devils and Newcastle. In this match for survival, confidence is likely to play a big part, and we're therefore favoring a double chance in favor of the visitors for this free Premier League prediction.
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⚽️ Sunday, January 21
Sheffield - West Ham West Ham victory @1.78
15:00 - Bottom of the Premier League table, Sheffield are set to welcome a West Ham side who have finished the year very well. Recent victors over Arsenal and Manchester United, the Londoners are likely to have their hands full with the home side. Especially as the latter have won just one of their last 9 games. We're favouring a Hammers victory.
Bournemouth - Liverpool Liverpool victory @1.60
17:30 - Back at the top of the Premier League, Liverpool face a Bournemouth side who have been impressive of late. Prior to their stoppage-time defeat by Tottenham, the home side were on a run of 4 wins in a row. Nevertheless, the Reds are expected to overcome this team to stay top of the league.
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⚽️ Monday, January 22
Brighton - Wolves Matheus Cunha scores
20:45 - The Brazilian striker has been in the spotlight of late, and is taking advantage of Wolves' attacking style to put himself forward. Against a Brighton side decimated by injuries and used to conceding goals, Matheus Cunha should have plenty of opportunity to shine.
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Premier League - J20

⚽️ Saturday, December 30
Luton Town - Chelsea Draw @4.40
13:30 - On a 2-game winning streak, Luton Town are set to host Chelsea, still mired in the doldrums. After causing problems for Man City and Arsenal on their own turf. We're expecting another big game from the home side against a team that's lost 4 away games so far. We're favouring a draw for this Premier League prediction.
Aston Villa - Burnley Aston Villa win and Watkins scores @2.20
16:00 - After being knocked out by the Red Devils (2-3), it's time for Aston Villa to get back on track against one of the worst teams in English D1. Still in the red zone of the Premier League table, Burnley will find it hard to contain the numerous opposing offensives led by Ollie Watkins.
Crystal Palace - Brentford Crystal Palace victory @2.17
16:00 - Even if the results don't reflect Crystal Palace's style of play, it's always hard to get a result at their stadium. After upsetting Manchester City and Liverpool, we're expecting a win for the home side against a team on a 4-game losing streak for this Premier League prediction.
Manchester City - Sheffield Utd. Manchester City 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0 @1.80
16:00 - It's set to be a one-sided encounter between the unbeaten Cityzens and Sheffield, who can't seem to shake off their bottom-of-the-table status. With just 5 away goals to their name, the visitors are unlikely to trouble Pep Guardiola's side.
Wolves - Everton Draw @3.25
16:00 - Wolves, fresh from 2 wins in a row, take on the Toffees, who despite 2 recent defeats to Manchester City and Tottenham, have been playing an attractive game of late. In this duel between two in-form teams at the end of the year, we're favouring a draw at the final whistle.
Nottingham - Manchester Utd. . : Manchester United win @2.12
18:30 - Manchester United finally got back to winning ways when they overcame Aston Villa (3-2) after trailing 0-2. A good dose of confidence before facing a Nottingham team with no continuity in their results. Even though they are coming off a 3-1 win at Newcastle, we can see the home side losing to Erik Ten Hag's side in this free Premier League preview.
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⚽️ Sunday, December 31
Fulham - Arsenal : Arsenal win @1.55
15:00 - After coming away from their last defeat (0-2) with so many regrets, the Gunners dominated that match. The Gunners need a win to keep pace with Liverpool. Especially as Fulham are on a run of 3 defeats without scoring a single goal. We're favouring an Arsenal win for this free Premier League prediction.
Tottenham - Bournemouth Draw @4.10
15:00 - Watch out for Bournemouth, who have just racked up 4 wins in a row, including 3 without conceding a goal. Although Spurs are favourites, they have just lost heavily (2-4) to Brighton. Deprived of many players, the home side are expected to draw.
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⚽️ Monday, January 1
Liverpool - Newcastle Liverpool victory @1.43
21:00 - Unbeaten at Anfield, Liverpool are set to welcome Newcastle, who have just suffered 2 defeats in a row, including a heavy one against Nottingham (1-3). Back in first place in the league, the Reds will be keen to hold on to that position against the Premier League's second-worst away team. A win for Mo Salah's team-mates is the preferred option.
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⚽️ Tuesday, January 2
West Ham - Brighton Jarrod Bowen scores @2.67
21:00 - A frequent contributor to West Ham's attacking play, the English striker is in the top 5 of the Premier League scoring charts with 11 goals this season. Given the Hammers' current form, we're expecting another fine performance from Bowen, who will have plenty of opportunities to shine.
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Premier League - J19

⚽️ Tuesday, December 26
Newcastle - Nottingham : Newcastle win without conceding a goal @1.93
13:30 - A meeting between two teams that have been struggling in recent weeks. The Magpies have won just one of their last 6 games. The visitors have gone 8 games without a win. However, with the home side still on a 7-game winning streak, we're favouring a clean sheet for Newcastle in this Premier League prediction.
Bournemouth - Fulham Bournemouth victory @2.40
16:00 - Still in the Premier League red zone a few weeks ago, Bournemouth have won 5 of their last 6 games, including a 3-0 victory at the Red Devils. Facing a Fulham side who have just drawn with Burnley and have won just 6 points from 9 away games. A win for the home side is expected to continue their current run.
Sheffield Utd - Luton Town Elijah Adebayo scores @3.65
16:00 - Top scorer for Luton Town with 5 goals this season. Elijah Adebayo had scored in 3 games prior to the last one. Faced with the league's worst defence, we expect an attacking game from the promoted side, in which the English striker should have plenty of opportunities to express himself for today's goalscorer prediction.
Burnley - Liverpool : Liverpool win without conceding a goal @1.98
18:30 - Second-bottom in English D1, Burnley travel to Liverpool (2nd). Despite a recent 2-0 win over Fulham, it's hard to see the home side threatening Jurgen Klopp's side. Especially as Wilson Odobert's team-mates have just one win to their name this season. We'd prefer the Reds to win without conceding a goal.
Manchester Utd - Aston Villa Aston Villa victory @2.75
21:00 - Manchester United (8th) take on Aston Villa (3rd) in an exciting European encounter. Having struggled in December, losing 3 of their last 4 games, the Red Devils face a team who haven't lost since November 5. For these reasons, the Villans are expected to win today's soccer prediction.
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⚽️ Wednesday, December 27
Brentford - Wolves Draw @3.40
20:30 - With 5 defeats in their last 6 games, Brentford are not in the best conditions to face Wolves, who are coming off a 2-1 win over Chelsea. In this duel between two mid-table clubs, we're expecting a tight encounter that could end in a draw after 90 minutes.
Chelsea - Crystal Palace : Chelsea win @1.73
20:30 - Despite losing at the weekend to Wolves (1-2), the Blues remain on a run of 4 wins from 5 home games in all competitions. Even if Crystal Palace manage to put in some fine performances against the big Premier League teams, such as their draw with Cityzens (2-2), we're favouring a win for Rahem Sterling's team-mates in this Premier League prediction.
Everton - Manchester City: Manchester City win @1.55
21:15 - Recent winners of the Club World Cup, Manchester City return to league action against an Everton side in confident mood, despite a 1-2 defeat by Tottenham. Nevertheless, Pep Guardiola's side need a win to keep pace with the leaders. A win for the visitors would be crucial to their climb back up the Premier League table.
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⚽️ Thursday, December 28
Brighton - Tottenham Draw @3.75
21:00 - Brighton may be in a bad way at the moment, but the home side have lost just one match in 9 home games. A perilous trip for Tottenham, who are on a 3-game winning streak. In what promises to be a closely-fought match, we're favouring a draw at the final whistle.
Arsenal - West Ham Bukayo Saka scores @2.52
21:15 - Bukayo Saka, his team's top scorer in the Premier League, has gone 4 games without a league goal. In this London derby, it is highly likely that the English striker will be keen to score again on home turf. A Gunners goal is expected in this latest free Premier League prediction.
👉 Betting on the Premier League

⚽️ Thursday, December 21
Crystal Palace - Brighton Victory Brighton @ 2.17
21:00 - Crystal Palace's season has been very poor, with only 4 Premier League wins to their name and just one victory in their last 10 games in England. What's more, Palace have now lost 4 games in a row at Selhurst Park. Brighton, for their part, have fared better, with a 2-1 win over Brentford and a 1-0 victory over OM. Despite their subsequent defeat at Arsenal, the Seagulls are expected to win this first Premier League prediction.
👉 Betting on the Premier League
⚽️ Friday, December 22
Aston Villa - Sheffield : Aston Villa win without conceding a goal @ 1.60
21:00 - After beating City (1-0) and Arsenal (1-0), Unai Emery's players have just notched up a third consecutive victory by beating Brentford (1-2). The Villans are increasingly becoming title contenders, sitting 3rd in the Premier League table, level on points with Liverpool and a point behind leaders Arsenal. Facing bottom-placed Sheffield, with the worst attack and the worst defence, the little London club won with a clean sheet.
👉 Betting on the Premier League
⚽️ Saturday, December 23
West Ham - Man United West Ham victory @ 2.45
13:30 - In much better form than the Reds Devils, the Hammers have just completed two clean sheets in a row, 3-0 against Wolves and 2-0 against Freiburg. What's more, the London Stadium is an ideal playing field for the Londoners. As for United, Ten Hag's players are no longer putting one foot in front of the other. They lost to Bournemouth (0-3) then to Bayern (0-1) before drawing with Liverpool. The result: 0 goals scored. Our Premier League prediction for this match is in favor of the home side.
Tottenham - Everton : Everton or null @ 1.88
16:00 - The Toffees have now played 9 matches: 1 defeat, 1 draw, 7 wins, including 6 without conceding a goal. Tottenham, who have just emerged from a very complicated period with 4 defeats and a draw, could be surprised by the level of play of Sean Dyche's Everton.
Fulham - Burnley Fulham victory @ 1.62
16:00 - Fulham were expected to spring a surprise at Newcastle, but unfortunately it didn't happen. Nevertheless, a look at the Cottagers' recent performances at Craven Cottage reveals a team in good form, with 13 goals scored in 3 games. Faced with a disastrous Burnley away from home, our PL prediction logically leans towards Fulham.
Luton - Newcastle Newcastle victory @ 1.61
16:00 - After being knocked out of the Champions League, you'd think Newcastle would let their heads drop. But that was not the case, as the Magpies hosted Fulham and sent them home 3-0. Promoted Luton, meanwhile, suffered their 3rd defeat in a row at the weekend, and are unlikely to excel.
Liverpool - Arsenal : Arsenal win @ 2.82
18:30 - Huge Premier League clash between Arteta's Arsenal and Klopp's Liverpool! With a win, current leaders Arsenal could move ahead and spend Christmas at the top of the Premier League table. In terms of form, Liverpool remain on the back of a 0-0 draw with United, in which the Reds lacked skill in front of goal, with just 8 shots on target out of 34 attempted. For their part, Arsenal turned their fortunes around in the LDC against PSV (1-1), then ran riot in the PL against Brighton (2-0). Arsenal's players are looking stronger these days, which is why we're expecting them to win at Anfield!
👉 Betting on the Premier League
⚽️ Sunday, December 24
Wolves - Chelsea : Chelsea win @ 1.93
14:00 - 10th in the Premier League table, the start of the season has been very mixed, with 26 goals already conceded and only 6 wins. However, the Blues are on a two-game winning streak, firstly in the PL against Sheffield and then in the EFL Cup against Newcastle. Wolverhampton, for their part, are 3 places behind and have recorded just one win in their last 5 matches. Given their current form, we'd favour a London win!
👉 Betting on the Premier League

Trends over the last 5 matches

Premier League predictions history

⚽️ Friday, December 15
➡️Nottingham - Tottenham: Tottenham win @ 1.63✅
9:00 PM - After 5 disastrous rounds, in which Spurs won just one point, Richarlison's team-mates woke up and thrashed the Magpies (4-1). In fact, the Brazilian was one of the men of the match, scoring a brace. Son also had a perfect game, providing two assists and scoring once. For our Premier League prediction, we're leaning towards a Tottenham away win, against a Nottingham side on a run of 4 defeats and a draw.
👉 Betting on the Premier League
⚽️ Saturday, December 16
➡️Chelsea - Sheffield: Chelsea win and +2.5 goals @ 1.35
16:00 - If Chelsea are stagnating in the PL standings, the same can be said of Sheffield, who are still bottom of the table in England. Despite two consecutive away defeats, the Blues could be inspired by the good results achieved at Stamford Bridge to take all 3 points against the promoted side!
➡️Bournemouth - Luton: Bournemouth win and +2.5 goals @ 1.75
16:00 - What's going on with the Bournemouth players? The Cherries are unbeaten in their last 5 matches and have beaten big names such as Newcastle (2-0), Crystal Palace (0-2) and, on the last matchday, Man United by a clear 0-3 scoreline at Old Trafford. With these results, the Vitality Stadium residents will be hoping for a win against Luton, who suffered their third defeat in a row against City.
➡️Man City - Crystal Palace: City wins and Alvarez scores @ 1.71
16:00 - Slightly behind in the title race (4 points behind Liverpool), Manchester City need a win to keep the Reds at bay. Victorious against Luton Town but lacking in sparkle, City are sure to raise their game at home to struggling Palace. In Haaland's absence, the young Argentinian Julian Alvarez is likely to shine, and could well earn a place among the Premier League's top scorers.
➡️Newcastle - Fulham: Fulham win @ 3.90
16:00 - Fulham on course for a 3-3 draw? The Cottagers travel to Saint James Park in confident mood, having scored 10 goals in two games without conceding a single one. On the other hand, the Magpies have taken two consecutive slaps in the face, against Everton (3-0) and Tottenham (4-1). Our Premier League prediction is that Fulham could inflict a second PL defeat on Newcastle at home.
➡️Burnley - Everton: Everton win @ 2.02✅
18:30 - Everton have been on an almost flawless run since taking 10 penalty points during the international break. After losing to United, the Toffees have now won 3 times, with 3 clean sheets. Neighbors Liverpool Reds have beaten the likes of Newcastle and Chelsea. Against a team playing for survival, we see Everton winning away from home for this Premier League soccer prediction.
👉 Betting on the Premier League
⚽️ Sunday, December 17
➡️Arsenal - Brighton : Arsenal win and +2.5 goals @ 1.63✅
18:00 - In their fortress, the Emirates Stadium, Arsenal are untouchable. The Gunners are unbeaten in all competitions this season. What's more, they are on a 6-game winning streak. Nevertheless, Arteta's players were not brilliant against Villa (1-0) and left Liverpool in first place. Even if Brighton have quality, we can't see them winning in London.
➡️Brentford - Aston Villa: Aston Villa win @ 2.00✅
15:00 - Aston Villa are magic and Unai Emery is at the helm. The Villans are third in the Premier League and have just won two games against two of England's best teams at the moment: Man City and Arsenal. The Brentford Bees, meanwhile, have taken just 3 points from their last five games.
➡️West Ham - Wolves: West Ham win @ 2.07✅
15:00 - Currently in 9th place, West Ham came back down to earth with a manita at Fulham last weekend (5-0). A surprising result for the Hammers, who had won 5 of their last 6 games prior to this slip-up. Wolverhampton's visit could give them a boost this Sunday, especially as they have lost 3 away games in a row and are languishing in the 2nd half of the table (13th). For this soccer prediction, we prefer a short home win.
➡️Liverpool - Manchester United: Goalless Liverpool victory @ 2.27
17:30 - We wonder how the Mancunians are going to resist the Reds' attacks, who have already lost 12 games this season and are showing a very worrying level of play. What's more, Liverpool, who can turn a game on its head in the dying moments, will be keen to maintain their position at the top of the PL and add a twelfth consecutive win to their tally at Anfield!
👉 Betting on the Premier League

Statistics for your Premier League predictions

Simple Bet

Season 1X2

Favour home wins for your 1X2 Premier League predictions. Around 1 in 2 matches will end in a home win in the 2023-2024 season.



Predicting whether or not 2 teams will score in Premier League matches is a prediction rather in favor of the former. More than one match in two ends without a goal for one of the two teams, and therefore less than one match in two sees both teams score.



For your Premier League over/under predictions, go for +2.5 goals. It happens in 63% of matches. The +3.5 goals happens in a little less than one match out of 2. This is important and generates interesting odds.


For your Premier League score prediction, go for the 1-0 or 1-1 half-time score. These scores appear in almost one match in three. For the score at the end of the match, the results are more balanced. 1-1 and 2-1 are the most regular.

Premier League prediction: who will win the 2024 English championship?

1Manchester City1.60
4Manchester United9.50
Feelingbet odds subject to change

➡️ For the Premier League champion's prediction, Manchester City are the logical favourites for the title after last year's win, their fifth in 6 years. Nevertheless, for many months, the trophy was smiling on Arsenal, who had an incredible season. As for Liverpool, the disappointment of 2022/2023, they are outsiders alongside United, with Ten Hag at the helm from the start of the summer preparations. Chelsea, thanks to their squad, and Newcastle, thanks to their excellent last season, are close pursuers.

Premier League predictions: which team will finish in the top 3 ?

RankTop 3Rating
1Manchester City1.09
4Manchester United2.20
Feelingbet odds subject to change

➡️ For the top 3 Premier League prediction, bearing in mind that Arsenal and City shared the top 2 places last season, we prefer Liverpool to the Citizens and Gunners. Indeed, the Reds have suffered a setback, but they have the resources and talented players to return to the top.

Watch out for Manchester United, who are recruiting and will continue to recruit in line with their coach's wishes.

Premier League predictions: who will finish top scorer?

RankTop scorerRating
3Heung Min Son15.00
Feelingbet odds subject to change

Top scorer and record breaker last season, Haaland is the logical favourite to succeed himself. Followed by Salah and Heung Min Son, who have already been Premier League top scorers.

Premier League history

The Premier League is England's highest professional soccer league, founded in 1992. However, the history of English soccer goes back long before the creation of the Premier League as we know it today. Here's a brief history of the English Premier League:
Before 1992 :
Before the creation of the Premier League, English soccer's highest division was known as the Football League First Division. This competition was founded in 1888 and was the oldest soccer league in the world. For almost a century, the First Division was English soccer's premier competition.
Creation of the Premier League
In 1992, the clubs of the Football League's First Division decided to split up and create a new league, known as the Premier League. This decision was taken to increase club revenues through better television and sponsorship deals. The Premier League 's first season kicked off on August 15, 1992.
Early years
The Premier League's first season was won by Manchester United, led by manager Alex Ferguson. Over the years, Manchester United became one of the most successful teams in Premier League history, winning numerous titles. Other major English clubs such as Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea have also become major forces in the league.
The reign of Manchester United
During the 1990s and 2000s, Manchester United dominated the league and were widely tipped to win the Premier League. Under Alex Ferguson, the club won numerous league titles, including three trebles (league, FA Cup and Champions League) in 1999. In recent years, however, other teams have emerged as serious title contenders.
New teams and rivalries :
Arsenal enjoyed a period of success under Arsène Wenger, winning the league title unbeaten in the 2003-2004 "invincibles" season. Chelsea, under Abramovich's ownership, also won several league titles, notably in the heyday of Didier Drogba and Mourinho. Manchester City became a major contender and favorite in the English game after being bought out by Middle Eastern investors. Rivalries have intensified between these clubs, creating an exciting competition right up to the 38th and final day of the season.
Evolution of the competition :
The Premier League has become one of the richest and most competitive leagues in the world, with over 4 billion in annual television revenues. Television and sponsorship deals have increased dramatically, attracting some of the world's best players and coaches. The battle for the league title and for places in European competitions has become increasingly fierce. Every season, a favourite misses out on the top 4: one minute it's Arsenal, the next it's Liverpool, Tottenham or Man United.
Recent seasons :
Since the early 2010s, Manchester City and Liverpool have battled intensely for the league title. Liverpool won the Premier League title for the first time in 30 years in the 2019-2020 season. Manchester City, meanwhile, have won a number of titles in recent years under coach Pep Guardiola, and have just clinched another crown in 2023.

➡️ So if you like English soccer, check out our championship prediction page and the latest English D2 standings.

How to predict the Premier League?

1Analyze the stats: Before you make your Premier League 1X2 predictions, take the time to analyze the teams' stats, such as recent performances, home and away results, goals scored and conceded, and so on. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved.
In the Premier League this season, 41% of the teams won at home, 21% drew and 38% won away. In other words, on a 10-game day, 4 teams will win at home, 3 will draw and 3 will win away from home.
2Take absences into account: Injuries, suspensions or the absence of key players can have a significant impact on a team's performance. Be sure to check the information on absences before making your Premier League prediction.
We all know the importance of goalscorers in the Premier League. Liverpool is not the same with or without Salah, nor is Tottenham without Son or Manchester City without Haaland. The Citizens relied heavily on the Premier League's top scorer to help them win the title last season.
3Consider head-to-head matches: Previous matches between two teams can provide interesting clues for your Premier League prediction. Take into account past results and performances in head-to-head encounters.
Example: Arsenal and Manchester City met once this season, with the Gunners winning.
4Consider the context for your Premier League predictions: Take into account what's at stake in the match, such as the title race, the fight for a place in the European Cup or the battle to avoid relegation. These factors can influence the teams' motivation and intensity.
5Keep up to date with the latest team news, injuries, suspensions, coaching changes and more. This information can have an impact on team performance.
The psychological shock of a change of coach can bring a team back from the brink. Just as the absence of the Premier League's top scorer or top passer can cripple a team.
6Study styles of play: Every team has its own style of play. Try to understand the tactics and patterns used by teams to predict how they might perform in a given match.
Like City with its well-oiled 4-2-3-1 like Tottenham, or Arsenal with its traditional 4-3-3.
7Manage your bankroll: When placing a Premier League prediction, it's important to manage your bankroll responsibly. Set yourself a dedicated sports betting budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose.
It is generally recommended not to exceed 5% of your bankroll.

How does the Premier League work?

The Premier League is the highest division of soccer in England and the most popular league in the world.
👉 Competition format: The Premier League is made up of 20 teams who compete in a two-legged league, meaning that each team plays each other twice, once at home and once away. This equates to a total of 38 matches per team over the course of the season.
👉 Points system: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 and a defeat is worth no points. Teams are ranked according to the total number of points accumulated throughout the season. In the event of a tie on points between two teams, total goal difference and direct confrontations are taken into account to determine their ranking.
👉 Relegation and qualification for European competitions: At the end of the season, the three teams at the bottom of the table are relegated to the Championship, England's second division. At the same time, the top 3 Championship teams are promoted to the Premier League to replace the relegated teams.
👉 Championship title: The team finishing top of the Premier League table at the end of the season is crowned champion of England. The title of champion is highly prestigious across the Channel.
👉 Qualification for European competitions: Teams at the top of the Premier League standings earn the right to take part in European competitions such as the UEFA Champions League for the top 4, the UEFA Europa League for the fifth and the Conference Europa League for the sixth.
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