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Pronos Ligue 1 – journée 32

⚽️Feeling du vendredi 3 mai
Toulouse – Montpellier : Les deux équipes marquent et +2.5 buts @1.87
19h00 – On peut s’attendre à un match ouvert entre deux équipes qui n’ont plus réellement d’objectif sur cette fin de saison. Tout deux sur une bonne dynamique on voit les deux formations inscrire au moins un but pour cette ouverture de la 32ème journée.
Lens – Lorient : Victoire Lens sans encaisser de but @1.98
21h00 – Face à des Merlus qui restent sur 5 défaites de rang dont 3 sans inscrire le moindre but, les Lensois sont dans l’obligation de s’imposer pour suivre le rythmes de places européennes. Plus solides à Bollaert, on s’attend à une victoire des locaux pour ce pronostic Ligue 1.
⚽️Feeling du samedi 4 mai
Le Havre – Strasbourg : Victoire Strasbourg @2.92
15h00 – On tente la belle cote avec une victoire des Alsaciens en terre havraise. Avec une seule victoire sur ses 10 dernières journées, Le Havre se trouve dans une position délicate. Une chance donc pour les visiteurs de s’éloigner définitivement de la zone rouge.
Monaco – Clermont : Victoire Monaco 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.87
17h00 – Dauphin du PSG, on ne voit pas Monaco être inquiété par la lanterne rouge, Clermont. Malgré une très belle victoire face à Reims (4-1) le week-end dernier, les Auvergnats risquent de subir cette rencontre. On envisage une victoire du club de la principauté avec une triple chance score exact.
Metz – Rennes : Georges Mikautadze buteur @2.82
19h00 – Buteur à 6 reprises sur ses 4 derniers matchs avec le club lorrain, le Géorgien est dans une très grande forme malgré la situation des Messins. Même si ce match s’annonce délicat, Mikautadze aura surement une ou deux actions à se mettre sous la dent.
Brest – Nantes : Victoire Brest @1.62
21h00 – Vainqueur de Rennes (5-4) dans un match renversant, Brest est toujours dans une position favorable pour disputer la prochaine Ligue des Champions. Face à des Nantais qui luttent pour le maintien, on privilégie une victoire des joueurs d’Eric Roy devant leur public pour ce prono Ligue 1.
⚽️Feeling du lundi 6 mai
Lyon - Lille : Les deux équipes marquent @1.53
21h00 – Désormais lancé dans une bataille pour les places européennes, Lyon va faire face à l’une des meilleures équipes du championnat ces dernières semaines. On peut s’attendre à un match à buts entre deux formations qui proposent un jeu assez offensif.

Pronos Ligue 1 – journée 30

⚽️Feeling du vendredi 19 avril
Nice – Lorient : Les deux équipes marquent @1.85
21h00 – Pour cette ouverture de la 30ème journée, confrontation entre deux équipes qui jouent gros sur cette rencontre. Tout juste dans le Top 6, les Aiglons doivent se relancer après avoir gagné un seul de leurs 9 derniers matchs toutes compétitions confondues. En face, les Merlus, premiers relégables qui ont besoin de grapiller le moindre point dans leur opération maintien. On s’attend à un match ouvert avec les deux équipes qui marquent comme se fut le cas sur les 4 derniers duels.
⚽️Feeling du samedi 20 avril
Nantes – Rennes : Matthis Abline buteur @3.85
17h00 – Prêté par le Stade Rennais et tout proche de mettre fin à son prêt au mercato Hivernal, le Français est l’homme en forme des derniers matchs des Canaris. Buteur à 2 reprises sur ses 3 derniers matchs, Matthis Abline profite de ses titularisations depuis l’arrivée d’Antoine Kombouaré pour se sublimer. Face à son ancien club, on privilégie un nouveau but du joueur de 21 ans.
Lens – Clermont : Victoire Lens sans encaisser de but @1.78
21h00 – Lens n’a plus le droit à l’erreur s’ils veulent avoir des espoirs de se qualifier pour la prochaine Ligue des Champions. Sur une série de 4 matchs sans victoires, les Nordistes sont dans l’obligation de se relancer face à la lanterne rouge au classement Ligue 1. A domicile, on s’attend à une victoire des locaux sans encaisser de but pour ce prono Ligue 1.
⚽️Feeling du dimanche 21 avril
Le Havre – Metz : Moins de 0.5 buts en 1ère mi-temps @2.17
13h00 – Toujours les mêmes habitudes pour ce match de 13h. Des rencontres qui mettent beaucoup de temps à se lancer après une longue période d’observation. Dans ce duel crucial pour le maintien entre deux équipes séparées de 2 points, on s’attend à un match fermé d’autant que les Havrais encaissent assez peu de buts à domicile malgré l’enchainement de défaites.
Lille – Strasbourg : Jonathan David buteur @2.00
15h00 – Deuxième au classement buteurs Ligue 1, le Canadien a déjà inscrit 16 buts cette saison et permet à son équipe de continuer de croire en une qualification en Ligue des Champions. Très performants à domicile, on s’attend à une forte domination des locaux avec au moins un but de son avant-centre.
Reims – Montpellier : Draw @3.45
15h00 – Vivement que la saison se termine pour Reims qui n’y arrive plus ces dernières semaines avec seulement deux victoires sur ses 12 derniers matchs toutes compétitions confondues. Face à des Héraultais qui sont bien lancés dans une opération maintien et qui perdu qu’à une seule reprise contre Paris sur leurs 6 derniers matchs, on voit un score de parité pour ce pronostic Ligue 1.
Brest – Monaco : Les deux équipes marquent et +2.5 buts @1.92
17h00 – Match pour la deuxième place entre les surprenants brestois et l’AS Monaco. Invaincu depuis le 29 octobre à au Stade Francis Le Blé, Brest peut aborder cette rencontre avec la confiance du second. Face à des Monégasques qui encaissent un bon nombre de buts en déplacement, on privilégie un match ouvert avec les deux équipes qui marquent.
Toulouse – Marseille : Pierre Emerick Aubameyang buteur @2.25
19h00 – Dans la série galère qu’est entrain de subir l’OM, le buteur gabonais est le seul à sortir la tête de l’eau du côté des Olympiens. Auteur de 23 buts cette saison toutes compétitions confondues, on voit PEA inscrire un nouveau but face à une équipe toulousaine capable du meilleur comme du pire.
PSG – Lyon : Paris mène à la mi-temps et gagne le match @1.83
20h45 – Même si les Lyonnais sont sur une très bonne série et qu’ils peuvent toujours croire à l’Europe alors qu’ils étaient au fond du classement il y a encore quelques semaines. On voit mal les Parisiens prendre cette rencontre à la rigolade. Suivent le résultat en Ligue des Champions, les Parisiens peuvent arriver avec le plein de confiance pour dominer sans soucis l’OL.

Pronos Ligue 1 – journée 29

⚽️Feeling du vendredi 12 avril
Metz – Lens : Les deux équipes marquent @1.65
21h00 – Toujours bien installé dans la zone rouge malgré des prestations offensives satisfaisantes ces dernières semaines, c’est surtout sur le plan défensif que les Messins éprouvent quelques faiblesses. Face à des Lensois qui n’ont plus gagné depuis 3 rencontres, on s’attend à un match ouvert avec les deux équipes qui marquent.
⚽️Feeling du samedi 13 avril
Strasbourg – Reims : Draw @3.10
17h00 – Après avoir enchainé un troisième match nul en 4 rencontres, Reims affronte Strasbourg à la Meinau. Vainqueurs de Rennes (2-0), les Alsaciens peuvent poser des problèmes aux joueurs de Will Still qui entament poussivement cette fin de saison. Comme se fut le cas lors des deux confrontations en terre strasbourgeoise, on privilégie un score de parité pour ce pronostic Ligue 1.
Rennes – Toulouse : Victoire Rennes @1.72
21h00 – Vainqueur de 6 de ses 7 dernières rencontres à domicile toutes compétitions confondues, Rennes accueille Toulouse capable du meilleur comme du pire et qui figure dans le ventre mou au classement Ligue 1. Après 3 défaites si on compte la demi finale de Coupe de France contre Paris, on envisage une réaction des Bretons pour l’emporter dans ce match.
⚽️Feeling du dimanche 14 avril
Le Havre – Nantes : Draw @2.85
13h00 – Choc crucial pour le maintien entre deux équipes à égalité de points qui ne comptent que 2 points d’avance sur la zone de relégation. Une rencontre où les deux formations ne voudront absolument pas perdre pour ne pas laisser un concurrent direct s’échapper. On s’attend à un match fermé qui pourrait se conclure sur un score de parité comme à l’aller (0-0).
Clermont – Montpellier : Victoire Montpellier @1.99
15h00 – Bien lancé dans son opération maintien en battant le Havre (2-0) puis Lorient sur le même score, Montpellier peut véritablement prendre le large sur la zone rouge en s’imposant sur la pelouse de Clermont. Même si les Auvergnats ont tenu en échec le PSG, on les voit s’incliner face aux coéquipiers de Teji Savanier pour ce prono Ligue 1.
Lyon – Brest : Alexandre Lacazette buteur @2.35
20h45 – De nouveau buteur le week-end dernier, Alexandre Lacazette porte l’Olympique Lyonnais et a inscrit 4 buts sur ses 4 derniers matchs. Pour ce match du dimanche soir face à l’équipe surprise de la saison en Ligue 1, on envisage un nouveau but de l’attaquant français pour atteindre le cap de 15 buts en championnat.

Pronos Ligue 1 – journée 28

⚽️Feeling du vendredi 5 avril
Lille – Marseille : Victoire Lille @2.10
21h00 – Après une nouvelle défaite décevante lors du classico (0-2) alors qu’ils étaient en supériorité numérique, les Olympiens se déplacent sur la pelouse de Lille. Plus mauvaise équipe de Ligue 1 à l’extérieur, l’OM n’arrive pas dans le Nord avec la plus grande des confiances tandis que les Lillois n’ont plus perdu depuis 13 rencontres toutes compétitions confondues. On privilégie un succès du LOSC.
⚽️Feeling du samedi 6 avril
Lens – Le Havre : Victoire Lens sans encaisser de but @2.00
17h00 – Après avoir enchainé 2 défaites de rang face à des concurrents directs, Lens doit se relancer devant son public face à un adversaire à sa portée. De son côté, Le Havre n’a plus gagné depuis 8 rencontres à l’extérieur en championnat. Dans un stade Bollaert qui devrait une nouvelle fois pousser derrière ses joueurs, on envisage une victoire lensoise.
PSG – Clermont : Victoire Paris 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.57
21h00 – Vainqueur du Classico, Paris doit enchainer contre Clermont afin de préparer au mieux sa rencontre contre Barcelone en Ligue des Champions. Face à des Clermontois quasiment condamnés à descendre en Ligue 2, on s’attend à une victoire sans trembler des Parisiens au Parc des Princes pour ce pronostic Ligue 1.
⚽️Feeling du dimanche 7 avril
Brest – Metz : Victoire Brest et -3.5 buts @2.00
13h00 – Plus que jamais dans la course pour participer à la prochaine Ligue des Champions, Brest accueille Metz qui lutte pour son maintien. Avec une seule défaite face au PSG à domicile, les Brestois se montrent très à leur aise devant leur public notamment défensivement. Opposés à des Messins qui sortent d’une lourde défaite contre Monaco (2-5), on privilégie une victoire des Bretons.
Montpellier – Lorient : Arnaud Nordin buteur @3.05
15h00 – Buteur à 3 reprises sur ses 2 derniers matchs à la Mosson, Arnaud Nordin participe grandement au jeu offensif des Héraultais. Dans cette rencontre entre les deux meilleures attaques de la seconde partie du tableau, on envisage un match ouvert dans lequel l’ancien stéphanois pourrait s’illustrer.
Reims – Nice : Draw @3.15
15h00 – Légèrement en retrait dans la lutte aux places européennes, Reims à l’occasion de se rapprocher à 1 point de Nice (5ème) en cas de victoire. Des Aiglons qui se sont fait surprendre à domicile contre Nantes (1-2). Vu la fébrilité niçoise en déplacement, on s’attend à un score de parité entre les deux équipes comme se fut le cas sur 5 des 6 dernières confrontations en Champagne.
Toulouse – Strasbourg : Victoire Toulouse @1.95
15h00 – Vainqueur de Nice et Lille avant de connaitre un coup d’arrêt sur sa pelouse contre Lyon (2-3). Toulouse accueille cette fois-ci Strasbourg qui vient d’enchainer 2 victoires de rang. Dans une rencontre qui peut permettre aux Toulousains de définitivement s’éloigner de la zone rouge, on s’attend à une victoire des locaux pour ce prono Ligue 1.
Monaco – Rennes : Rennes ne perd pas @1.82
17h00 – Bien installé sur la troisième marche du podium au classement Ligue 1, Monaco va devoir proposer bien plus que ses dernières prestations à domicile s’il veut se défaire de Rennes. Même si les Rennais sortent d’une défaite à Strasbourg, on les voit venir inquiéter le club du rocher et on privilégie une double chance en faveur des Bretons.
Nantes – Lyon : Victoire Lyon @2.15
20h45 – L’effet Kombouare a fait du bien aux Nantais qui viennent de s’imposer sur la pelouse de Nice (1-2) pour s’éloigner de la zone rouge. Cependant, on s’attend à une confrontation d’un niveau supérieur face aux Lyonnais. Sur une série de 4 victoires à l’extérieur, on s’attend à une nouvelle victoire des coéquipiers d’Alexandre Lacazette.

Pronos Ligue 1 – journée 27

⚽️Feeling du vendredi 29 mars
Lille – Lens : Jonathan David buteur
21h00 – De retour à son meilleur niveau, Jonathan David a inscrit 4 buts sur ses 3 derniers matchs de Ligue 1. Dans ce derby nord, le Canadien va devoir confirmer face aux Lensois et poursuivre sa très bonne dynamique. On privilégie un but du numéro 9 lillois contre une équipe lensoise en demi-teinte.
⚽️Feeling du samedi 30 mars
Metz – Monaco : Victoire Monaco et plus de 1.5 buts @1.87
17h00 – Face à des messins qui ont le plus grand mal à sortir de la zone rouge, Monaco doit poursuivre sa série de 3 victoires en déplacements. Souvent à l’origine de matchs très offensifs, on s’attend à une rencontre ouverte qui devrait tourner en la faveur des coéquipiers de Wissam Ben Yedder pour ce pronostic Ligue 1.
Lyon – Reims : Victoire Lyon @2.00
21h00 – Après une lourde défaite face à Lens (0-3) sur sa pelouse, Lyon s’est rapidement en s’imposant successivement contre Lorient et Toulouse. Face à des Reimois assez irréguliers depuis le début de l’année, on s’attend à un match équilibré même si à domicile les Lyonnais gardent un léger avantage. On privilégie une victoire des joueurs de Pierre Sage.
⚽️Feeling du dimanche 31 mars
Lorient – Brest : Les deux équipes marquent ? Non @1.67
13h00 – Derby breton au programme pour ce premier match dominical. Comme il est d’habitude, les matchs de 13h sont souvent des matchs défensifs où les deux équipes s’observent longuement avant de rentrer dans leur match. Dans la lutte pour se qualifier pour la prochaine Ligue des Champions on s’attend à un nouveau match défensif des Brestois.
Le Havre – Montpellier : Les deux équipes marquent @1.80
15h00 – La dernière défaite des Héraultais (2-6) face au PSG est l’exemple parfait des déboires défensifs de cette équipe. Face à des Havrais en perdition après avoir perdu 6 de leurs 7 derniers matchs, on s’attend à un match où les défenses peuvent être rapidement déstabilisées. On privilégie un but pour chaque équipe pour ce prono Ligue 1 comme se fut le cas lors de 7 des 8 dernières rencontres de Montpellier.
Nice – Nantes : Victoire Nice @1.52
15h00 – Nantes n’y arrive plus cette saison ! Une situation qui a poussé Waldemar Kita a changé d’entraineur avec l’arrivée d’Antoine Kombouaré pour assurer le maintien. Une bonne occasion donc pour les Niçois de confirmer leur belle victoire contre Lens (3-1). Devant son public, on privilégie une victoire de Nice contre des Nantais qui ont inscrit seulement 2 buts en 9 rencontres.
Clermont – Toulouse : Draw @3.20
15h00 – Lanterne rouge, Clermont reçoit Toulouse qui dispose d’une faible marge sur la zone de relégation. Dans une rencontre où les deux équipes ne voudront surtout pas perdre, on s’attend à un match fermé où peu d’espaces seront laissés. Avec une seule victoire sur leurs 8 derniers match à domicile, on s’attend à un match nul des Auvergnats.
Strasbourg – Rennes : Victoire Rennes @2.12
17h00 – Victorieux de Marseille (2-0), Rennes doit maintenant enchainer face à des Strasbourgeois qui restent sur 4 défaites de rang à domicile en championnat. Invaincu depuis 6 rencontres en déplacement, on s’attend à une victoire du Stade Rennais conte une équipe qui pourrait voir la zone rouge se rapprocher très dangereusement.
Marseille – PSG : Victoire PSG @2.07
20h45 – Après un départ tonitruant, l’OM de Jean Louis Gasset connait un premier petit coup d’arrêt avec 2 défaites consécutives. Une perte de vitesse dommageable avant d’affronter le club de la capitale pour ce classico. Avec un effectif supérieur à leur adversaire et un Kyllian M’bappé très en forme, on privilégie une victoire des Parisiens.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 26

⚽️Feeling Friday, March 15
Toulouse - Lyon : Alexandre Lacazette scores @2.37
21h00 - Absent from the last two games, the Lyon man should be back in action against Toulouse. Often involved in the finishing of Lyon's moves, Alexandre Lacazette has scored 4 goals in his last 5 Ligue 1 games, and we can see him continuing to do so at the Stadium.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, March 16
Nantes - Strasbourg : Draw @3.00
17h00 - Strasbourg (14th) and Nantes (first relegation zone) face off in a crucial duel for survival. On a run of 6 straight defeats in all competitions, Nantes have scored just one goal over the same period. The Alsatians, meanwhile, have lost 4 of their last 5 matches. We're expecting a tight encounter that could end in a draw for this Ligue 1 prediction.
Lens - Nice : Lens win @2.07
21h00 - Nice just can't do it! So serious at the start of the season, Nice have lost 4 of their last 5 games. Lens, on the other hand, are coming off two convincing clean sheets against Lyon and Brest. Very solid in front of their home crowd, we can see the locals dominating this match to beat the Aiglons.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, March 17
Brest - Lille : Both teams score @1.78
13h00 - Brest (2nd) and Lille (4th) meet for the European places. It promises to be a high-scoring encounter between two of Ligue 1's best attacking sides. Even though 1 p.m. fixtures are often short on goals, we'll be betting on both teams scoring in this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Clermont - Le Havre : Less than 2.5 goals @1.51
15h00 - Mired in last place in the league, Clermont's chances of getting out of the red zone are dwindling weekend by weekend. On a 7-match winless streak, the Auvergnats welcome a Le Havre team struggling to avoid the bottom of the table. The match is expected to be a tight affair with less than 2.5 goals scored.
Monaco - Lorient : Monaco win and +2.5 goals @1.90
15h00 - Lacking continuity in their results, particularly at home where they have not won in 5 matches, Monaco welcome Lorient. The Merlus have won 3 away games in a row, the last of which was at Rennes. Nevertheless, we can see Monaco's team taking the upper hand in this encounter and winning at the Stade Louis II.
Reims - Metz : Victory Reims and -3.5 goals @2.15
15h00 - After drawing 2-2 at the Parc des Princes, Reims welcome Messins, who are coming off a vital 1-0 win over Clermont. In front of their home crowd, Will Still's players will be expected to react after 4 games without a home win against the Grenats, who are more than ever in the relegation zone.
Rennes - Marseille : Pierre Emerick Aubameyang goals @2.57
17h00 - In fine form since the arrival of Jean Louis Gasset as coach, the Gabonese has scored 6 goals in his last 5 games. Against a Rennes team that has conceded at least 1 goal in its last 7 games, Aubameyang should have the opportunity to continue his fine run.
Montpellier - PSG : PSG win and both teams score @2.35
20:45 - On a run of 3 consecutive draws in the league, the Parisians travel to La Paillade to take on Montpellier. The Héraultais are coming off a fine victory over Nice (2-1). The home side are expected to put up a good fight, with a chance of scoring at least one goal, although the capital club should win to revive their momentum.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 25

⚽️Feeling from Friday 08 March
Nice - Montpellier : Victory Nice @1.65
21h00 - Faced with a Montpellier team that has won just one of its last 7 away games, Nice must bounce back after 4 games without a win. At home, Nice must rediscover their defensive solidity against an opponent losing confidence. A win for the Aiglons is preferred.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, March 09
Lorient - Lyon : Mohamed Bamba scores
17h00 - Mohamed Bamba is the revelation of the second half of the season. With 6 goals in 6 matches, the Ivorian is breaking records. Even if Lyon come back well, the hake should have plenty of opportunities to shine.
Lens - Brest : Victory Lens
21h00 - Easy winners over Lyon last weekend (3-0), Lens welcome this season's surprise package, Stade Brestois. Always solid at home, the Nordistes should bring their usual intensity to the game in front of their home fans. Even if the Bretons are as surprising as ever, we're expecting the home side to win.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, March 10
PSG - Reims : Victory in Paris without conceding a goal @.
13h00 - After losing to Stade Rennais (1-1) and Monaco (0-0), the Parisians will be keen to find a way through against Reims. Reims have won just one of their last 7 matches. Luis Enrique's side are expected to win without conceding a goal.
Le Havre - Toulouse : Victory Toulouse @2.42
15h00 - A duel between two teams with very different dynamics. While Les Havrais have now lost 5 games in a row, Toulouse have just picked up their second win of the season with a 2-1 victory over Nice. For these reasons, the visitors are expected to win to stay clear of the red zone.
Metz - Clermont : Victory Metz @2.20
15h00 - A match of fear between Metz and bottom-placed Clermont-Ferrand. Metz gave themselves some breathing space with a 2-0 win away to Nantes. The home side need to build on this victory to keep up the momentum against their visitors.
Strasbourg - Monaco :
15h00 -
Lille - Rennes : Draw @3.45
5:00 pm - A great showdown in the race for European places. Having won their last 3 matches with ease, Lille will have their work cut out against Rennes, who were on an 8-match unbeaten run before being stunned by Lorient (1-2). We're favouring a draw for this Ligue 1 prediction.
Marseille - Nantes : Aubameyang scores @
20:45 - In line with the Olympiens' return to form, the Gabonese has scored 4 goals in his last 3 games. Faced with a Nantes side in doubt, and with the Velodrome once again roaring behind its players, we're expecting another goal from the fifth-ranked Ligue 1 scorer.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 24

⚽️Feeling from Friday March 01
Monaco - PSG : Draw @3.75
21h00 - It's the clash of the 24th day! ASM welcome league leaders PSG to Louis II! After losing to TFC, the Monegasques bounced back to claim an important victory over Lens at Bollaert. PSG, for their part, failed to shine against Rennes (1-1) and are likely to be surprised once again by the team from the Rock.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, March 02
Reims - Lille : Victoire Reims @2.72
17h00 - After 5 rather complicated matches, Will Still found the right words to get his players back on their feet and lead them to an important victory. For Lille, the travels are not going well, as Fonseca's players are on a 3-game losing streak.
Clermont - Marseille : Victory Marseille @1.78
21h00 - The arrival of Jean Louis Gasset at the helm of OM has delighted the fans, with 2 wins in his first 2 games! As a result, the attack has become more free, scoring 7 goals in 2 matches. Nevertheless, Marseille had a scare, conceding the opening goal twice in quick succession. Still, we'll be hoping for a win over the league's bottom club.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, March 03
Toulouse - Nice : Toulouse or null @1.51
13h00 - Over the last 3 matches, we've seen a whole new Toulouse. TFC beat Monaco, then played a big game against Benfica to come close to victory, then took 3 points against Lille. The Toulousans welcome Nice, who are going through a more difficult period: in fact, the Eagles have won just one of their last 5 matches.
Brest - Le Havre : Victory Brest @1.57
15h00 - A real surprise this season in Ligue 1, Eric Roy's Stade Brestois are the current runners-up to PSG. The Brestois are a solid outfit and will be hosting a team that has lost its last 4 matches. A logical victory for the Bretons!
Nantes - Metz : Victory Brest @1.57
15h00 - Nantes will have to reverse the trend at La Beaujoire! The Canaries are better on the road than at home, having lost their last 5 home games. This is their chance to get back to winning ways in front of their home fans.
Montpellier - Strasbourg : Draw @3.35
15h00 - Identical series for both clubs: 5 matches, 4 defeats, 1 win. This match promises to be a fairly even affair between two teams on the brink of the red zone. Montpellier and Strasbourg will be level at the end of the 90 minutes.
Rennes - Lorient : Rennes win @1.38
17h00 - Lorient may have come back well recently, but their trip to Rennes promises to be a tough one. In the same week, Julien Stéphan's players beat AC Milan and dominated PSG at the Parc des Princes. That's why a win against Lorient is a must this weekend.
Lyon - Lens : Lyon win @2.45
20:45 - Lyon continue to climb the Ligue 1 standings! Still in last place just a few weeks ago, Lyon have climbed back up to 10th place and have been on a roll in their last 4 league games. Lens, on the other hand, are going through a more difficult period, going 4 games without a win (2N/2D).

Ligue 1 predictions - day 23

⚽️Feeling from Friday, February 23
Metz - Lyon : Lyon win @1.83
21h00 - Thanks to a highly offensive mercato over the winter, Lyon are now back on track, with 4 wins in a row in all competitions. Metz, on the other hand, are sinking deeper into the red zone and have not won since November 26. For these reasons, we prefer a Lyon victory for this Ligue 1 prediction.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, February 24
Lorient - Nantes : Mohamed Bamba scores @
17h00 - Scoring in his first 4 Ligue 1 games, Mohamed Bamba becomes the first player to score in his first 4 league appearances in 51 years. Given his team's current momentum, we're expecting another goal from the newcomer.
Strasbourg - Brest : Draw @3.15
21h00 - Even though Strasbourg are on a run of 3 defeats in Ligue 1, the last of which came against Lorient (1-3) on their own turf. Brest are not as attractive away from home as they are at home. This was demonstrated by their recent 1-1 draw away to Clermont, at a time when the Auvergnats are in dire straits. We're expecting an even match that could result in a draw for this Ligue 1 prediction.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, February 25
Lens - Monaco : Draw @
1:00 pm - A clash for European places between Lens (6th) and Monaco (5th). Only 2 points separate these two teams, whose results at the start of the year have been rather inconsistent. While Lens remain on a 5-game unbeaten run in all competitions, Monaco are fresh from a 1-2 defeat at home to Toulouse. Nevertheless, the back-to-back games could prove difficult for the Nordic outfit to cope with, and we're expecting a draw.
Le Havre - Reims : Do both teams score? No @1.71
15h00 - 3pm matches are often low-scoring affairs. We're expecting a fairly tight game between two teams who haven't won in 5 matches. We can see a scenario similar to that of their first meeting, which resulted in a low-scoring match with a short-lived 1-0 win for Reim. We therefore prefer a bet where both teams fail to score for this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Nice - Clermont : Nice win without conceding a goal @1.75
15h00 - The league's best defense plays host to Ligue 1's bottom team. With the weakest attack, Clermont are unlikely to find a solution to the Eagles' compact block. Very serious at the Allianz Riviera despite their last defeat by Monaco, the hosts are expected to win without conceding a goal.
Toulouse - Lille : Jonhathan David scores
15h00 - Having scored a hat-trick last weekend against Le Havre, the Canadian is back to his best at the start of the year and following in Lille's footsteps. Against a Toulouse side struggling at home with just one win in 10 games, we're expecting a Jonathan David goal to confirm his return to form.
PSG - Rennes : PSG win and both teams score @2.35
17h00 - A meeting between the two most in-form teams in the league. Unbeaten since September 15 at the Parc des Princes in all competitions, the Parisians are expected to win against Rennes, who may be blunted by their double-header against AC Milan. Nevertheless, we're expecting a fairly open encounter, in which the visitors may find the breakthrough given their current form.
Marseille - Montpellier : Draw @3.90
20:45 - In the midst of a crisis, OM have just parted company with coach Gennaro Gattuso. It's a tricky situation for the Marseillais, who have gone 7 games without a win in all competitions. This is a good opportunity for Les Héraultais to pick up a point at the Stade Vélodrome in their fight for survival. We're favouring a draw at the end of the 90 minutes.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 22

⚽️Feeling Friday, February 16
Lyon - Nice : Draw @3.00
21h00 - Back in form after a very attacking winter mercato, OL are gradually moving away from the relegation zone and have won 8 of their last 10 games. However, despite their recent 2-3 defeat by Monaco, Nice are very tough defensively. We're expecting a draw at the end of the 90 minutes for this Ligue 1 prediction.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, February 17
Lille - Le Havre : Lille win and +1.5 goals @1.92
17h00 - In their fight for European places, Lille can no longer afford to drop points at home. Faced with Le Havre, who have won just one of their last 11 away games, Jonathan David's team-mates are expected to dominate in an attacking game. We're favouring a home win with at least 2 goals in the match.
Nantes - PSG : Goalless Paris victory @2.25
21h00 - With a several-point lead over their direct rivals for top spot, PSG can look forward to the second half of the season with confidence. Faced with a Nantes side that has been struggling of late, Luis Enrique's side should win without conceding a goal.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, February 18
Strasbourg - Lorient : Strasbourg victory @1.65
13h00 - After a series of victories at the end of 2023, Strasbourg has come to a real standstill with 2 defeats in a row and 4 games without a win. Lorient, on the other hand, have just picked up their second win in a row against Reims (2-0), and are attempting to extricate themselves from the red zone. Nevertheless, a win for the Alsatians on their home turf would be preferable for this Ligue 1 prediction.
Monaco - Toulouse : Monaco win and both teams score @2.32
15h00 - Monaco's spectacular 3-2 win over Nice last weekend sees them close in on second place in Ligue 1. Faced with a Toulouse side close to the red zone, we're expecting an attacking game from the club from the Rock, which should enable them to win while conceding a goal.
Montpellier - Metz : Akor Adams goals @2.55
15h00 - The Nigerian striker, who has scored too few goals in his last few games, must take advantage of this crucial match against a direct rival to make his mark after a long period of inactivity. Despite having scored 7 Ligue 1 goals this season, the former Lillestrom man is widely tipped to score.
Rennes - Clermont : Victory Rennes (H-1) @2.17
15h00 - On a run of 8 consecutive wins, Julien Stephan's tactics are now working very well both at home and away. In this Ligue 1 prediction, we're expecting the Bretons to win by at least 2 goals.
Reims - Lens : Lens win @2.60
17h00 - Having gone 4 games without defeat, most recently against Toulouse (0-2), Reims are about to face a Lens team on a good run of 3 wins with just one goal conceded. Close to the top of the podium, this match is an opportunity for the Nordic outfit to put their finger on third place. We'd prefer the visitors to win.
Brest - Marseille : Draw @3.05
8.45pm - After 3 successive draws, Brest welcome Marseille, who are also dropping a lot of points at the start of the year with 5 games without a win. Even if Brest are performing very well at home, we're still expecting a balanced encounter that could end in a draw for this free Ligue 1 prediction.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 21

⚽️Feeling Friday, February 02
Marseille - Metz Marseille wins at half-time and takes the match @1.65
21h00 - Crisis meeting at OM. Having struggled at the start of the year, Marseille are in dire need of a win against the Messins, who have now lost 8 consecutive matches. The Olympiens have often got into the habit of starting their games with a bang, particularly at the Vélodrome, where they are still unbeaten. For these reasons, the hosts are expected to lead at half-time before winning the match in this soccer prediction.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, February 03
Lens - Strasbourg Victoire Lens @1.55
17h00 - Just out of the European places, Lens is back on track after a controlled 1-0 win at Nantes. After two victorious away games, they return to Bollaert to face a Strasbourg side who have been on a roll of late. Nevertheless, in front of their home crowd, Lens are expected to win this Ligue 1 prediction.
Paris - Lille Draw @4.10
21h00 - Just one point off the podium, Lille are one of the teams in form at the moment and are coming off a convincing 4-0 win over Clermont. Lille have caused Parisians plenty of problems in the past. A tough encounter for the capital club, especially as Luis Enrique's players will no doubt already have their Champions League fixture on their minds. With this in mind, we'd prefer to see a draw at the end of the 90 minutes.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, February 04
Le Havre - Rennes Victoire Rennes @2.15
13h00 - On a run of 6 consecutive wins, the Bretons seem to have found the right formula under Julien Stéphan. Successes against top-of-the-table opponents such as Nice (2-0). Although HAC are coming off a fine 1-1 draw at Monaco, the visitors are expected to win to get back into the European race.
Clermont - Brest Victoire Brest @2.02
15h00 - Surprisingly third in the Ligue 1 standings, Brest's hopes of a place in Europe are still alive. Against the Auvergnats, who have just one win in their last 11 games in front of their home fans, Brest have the chance to extend their unbeaten run on the road to six games. For this Ligue 1 prediction, we're guessing a win for the visitors.
Lorient - Reims Draw @3.40
15h00 - A tightly contested encounter between two clubs that have been very inconsistent in recent games. Lorient are coming off a crucial 2-1 win at Metz. Les Reimois lost (2-3) at home to Toulouse after trailing (0-3). For this early afternoon match, we're expecting a tight affair that could lead to a draw after 90 minutes.
Toulouse - Nantes Draw @3.25
15h00 - A seductive away team, it's at home that the Toulousans are struggling. Without a win in 6 matches at home, the Haut Garonnais are struggling to pick up precious points in front of their home fans. Although Nantes have been struggling of late, the visitors could come away with a point, as they did on their last trip to Reims (0-0). We're expecting a draw at the final whistle.
Montpellier - Lyon Draw @3.20
17h00 - On a run of 4 consecutive draws at home to top-of-the-table clubs such as Lille and Lens, the Héraultais are unable to break away from the red zone. Lyon are no longer in the red zone after their 1-0 win over Marseille. However, Alexandre Lacazette's team-mates will find it difficult to take home the 3 points in the Hérault. We prefer a draw for this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Nice - Monaco : Nice win and - 3.5 goals @3.00
8.45pm - Côte d'Azur derby on Matchday 21. Winners of their last 7 matches at the Allianz Riviera with just one goal conceded, the Gym have every chance of getting a result against the Monegasques, who are coming off two draws, the last of which was against HAC (1-1). Francesco Farioli's players are expected to win what should be a tight encounter.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 20

⚽️Feeling Friday, February 02
Strasbourg - PSG PSG victory @1.45
21h00 - Leaders in Ligue 1 with a six-point advantage over Nice, PSG travel to La Meinau with the aim of consolidating their position at the top after a 2-2 draw with Brest at Le Parc. Since mid-December, Les Strasbourgeois have gone unbeaten and are enjoying a real renaissance. In the standings, the Alsatians are tenth with 25 points, but they are unlikely to be able to contain the Parisian attacking armada.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, February 03
Rennes - Montpellier Victoire Rennes @1.55
17h00 - On a run of 5 wins in a row, Rennes have just taken 3 points off Lyon (2-3). Rennes' last 3 wins have come against Nice, OM and OL. Montpellier, for their part, are only 3 points clear of the relegation zone and have not won in Ligue 1 for 3 matches (2N/1D). Montpellier have already won against Rennes on several occasions, but this time at Rohazon Park, the home side should get the job done and come out on top for this Ligue 1 prediction.
Nantes - Lens Draw @3.20
21h00 - In this match between Nantes and Lens, our Ligue 1 prediction is for a draw that would give both teams a point. Nantes are not in the form of their lives, with only one French Cup win in their last 7 matches. At La Beaujoire, the Canaries have lost 3 in a row, and a draw against Lens would be a very good result. Lens, on the other hand, have returned to winning ways after 3 consecutive defeats. Lens are also not very comfortable on the road, having won just 3 games away from home this season. So we're likely to see a draw between the two teams.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, February 04
Monaco - Le Havre Draw @4.10
13h00 - At the Vélodrome, Monaco lost two players to red cards, Maripan and Zakaria. Two important players in the squad who will not be present against Le Havre. What's more, at Louis II, ASM are coming off back-to-back defeats to Lyon and Reims. Things are looking up for Le Havre, who are unbeaten in their last 4 matches. Le Havre are also coming off a match in which they showed great strength of character against Lorient, thanks in particular to an incredible overhead kick from André Ayew. We can see HAC getting a result against the southern club.
Lille - Clermont Lille victory @1.31
15h00 - LOSC have been on a roll for several weeks now, with just one defeat in their last 20 matches, but were held to a disappointing 0-0 draw at Montpellier. At home, Lille still managed a clean sweep of Lorient (3-0). Faced with a Clermont soccer team in 17th place with 3 wins to their name in L1, Lille are favourites to take all 3 points.
Metz - Lorient Victoire Metz @2.17
15h00 - Bottom-of-the-table match between 15th-placed Metz, on the verge of relegation, and Lorient, bottom of the table with 13 points. In this duel, which could prove fatal for Lorient's relegation hopes, we see a win for the Messins at Saint-Symphorien, who have the opportunity to take a step back from the red zone.
Reims - Toulouse Victoire Reims @1.65
15h00 - On a better run than TFC, Rémois unfortunately left Nantes with only the point of the draw (0-0). Will Still's men are sixth and know how to handle home games. Toulouse, for their part, have had little success in the league, with just one win since October. With Reims likely to be driven on by their supporters, we're expecting a Reims victory on this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Brest - Nice Draw @3.00
17:05 - A duel between two teams who don't concede many goals and are surprisingly still at the top of the Ligue 1 standings: Nice 2nd, Brest 3rd. Nice and Brest aren't losing many games either, and a draw could be the best deal for both teams.
Lyon - Marseille Victoire Marseille @2.52
20:45 - An Olympico on the program for this 21st day of Ligue 1! The first of these was a 3-0 win for Marseille at the Velodrome. A string of counter-performances has given OM the opportunity to face Lyon, who have fallen back into their old ways with two league defeats in a row. What's more, in their most recent head-to-head meetings, OM have taken the lead, winning the last 3 matches. So we'll be looking for an away win from the Phocéens.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 19

⚽️Feeling Friday, January 26
Lyon - Rennes Draw @3.25
21h00 - With their defeat by Le Havre at the Stade Océane, Lyon are back in the red zone in sixteenth place in the Ligue 1 standings. Nevertheless, in Ligue 1, OL are still on a 3-game winning streak. Rennes are also on the back of two good results in the league, with wins over second-placed Nice and Clermont. The first match of the 19th day of Ligue 1 is likely to be a tight affair, ending in a draw.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, January 27
Nice - Metz Victoire Nice @1.34
17h00 - With 11 goals conceded, Nice are the best defenders in the French championship. Nice are currently in second place and welcome to the Allianz Riviera Metz, who have lost their last 5 matches in the French league. At home, Les aiglons are unbeaten and should remain so.
Marseille - Monaco +2.5 goals in the match @1.48
21:00 - It's the clash of the 19th day! In a white-hot Vélodrome, the Olympiens welcome Monaco, currently in 3rd place. In Ligue1, Marseille have not tasted defeat since November, 7 games in all. In fact, Marseille have never lost at home, and have only drawn 4 of their games.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, January 28
Montpellier - Lille Lille victory @1.91
13h00 - A complicated series of matches for Montpellier at the Stade de la Mosson, with just one win in the last 9 games played. On current form, the Héraultais are coming off a 2-0 defeat by a strong Brest side. As for Lille, they have won their last 3 games and haven't lost to Montpellier since 2017. A Lille victory is the logical outcome of this Ligue 1 prediction.
Reims - Nantes Victoire Reims @1.77
15:00 - Unfortunately defeated at the hands of Sochaux (National), the Rémois nonetheless emerged victorious from their duel with Monaco on the final day of Ligue 1. In the standings, Will Still's men are in 6th place and will be hoping to stay there. As for the Canaris, they have won just once in their last six matches, and are unlikely to take all 3 points from their trip to Champagne Ardenne.
Toulouse - Lens Victoire Lens @1.95
17:05 - Lens has just played 3 matches against tough opponents: Nice, Monaco and PSG. In these 3 matches, Lens lost 3 times and went two games without a goal. Lens now have a chance to get back to winning ways when they take on TFC. The Toulousans have had little success, with just one win in Ligue 1 since October. It's also worth noting that, at Toulouse Stadium, Les Violets haven't given their fans a win in 4 matches.
PSG - Brest PSG victory @1.34
20:45 - In this Sunday evening clash, we find two in-form teams, PSG and Stade Brestois. PSG are beginning to build up a lead at the top of the Ligue 1 table, with a string of victories (5 in a row) and only one home defeat to Nice. However, they will have to watch out for third-placed Brest, who are on a 6-game winning streak with 5 clean sheets.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 18

⚽️Feeling Friday, January 12
Marseille - Strasbourg : Marseille win without conceding a goal @2.02
21h00 - Still unbeaten at the Vélodrome, with 6 wins from 8 games, Marseille welcome Strasbourg, who are on a 3-game winning streak. With only 2 goals conceded in their stadium, the Olympiens are proving formidable in front of their home fans. Even if the Alsatians come back into their stride, we'd prefer the home side to win without conceding a goal for this Ligue 1 prediction.
⚽️Feeling Saturday, January 13
Monaco - Reims Forecast to come
17h00 -
Rennes - Nice Draw @2.97
21h00 - Second in the Ligue 1 standings, Nice travel to Rennes, who have endured a complicated end to the year with just 1 win in their last 5 matches. Even if the Aiglons are performing well this season, they are still on a 2-game losing streak away from home. For these reasons, we're favoring a draw for this Ligue 1 prediction.
⚽️Feeling Sunday, January 14
Lille - Lorient Lille wins at half-time and takes the match @1.73
13h00 - There should be no match between Lille (5th) and Lorient, penultimate. Still without an away win, the Merlus have taken just 3 points from their travels. Faced with a very serious Lille side at home, we're expecting them to win with a first-half advantage.
Brest - Montpellier Victoire Brest @1.67
15h00 - A surprise this season, Brest (4th) welcome Montpellier (12th). With just one defeat in 8 home games, Brest will be facing a Montpellier side lacking continuity in their results. Although they have 3 away wins to their name, 2 of those victories were against relegated clubs. We're favouring a home win for this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Metz - Toulouse Draw @2.95
15h00 - With just one win in 9 away games this season, Toulousain are finding it very difficult away from home. Even if the Messins have lost 4 games in a row, we can see this team containing TFC. As was the case in their last 3 encounters in Lorraine, we're favoring a draw for this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Nantes - Clermont Victoire Nantes @1.83
15h00 - A duel for survival here between bottom-of-the-table Clermont and 13th-placed Nantes. Although Nantes have lost all three of their home games, the Canaries have every chance of overcoming a Clermont side that has won just 6 points in 8 outings. Alban Lafont's team-mates are favoured to win.
Le Havre - Lyon Alexandre Lacazette scores
17h00 - As OL's top scorer in Ligue 1, Lacazette has lifted his club out of the red zone ahead of the Christmas break. Scoring 4 times in his last 3 games, the French striker will surely have further opportunities to lead his team to victory.
Lens - PSG Draw @3.50
20:45 - Already beaten by Lille in their last away match, leaders Paris will have to be wary of the Lens team in their own stadium. On a run of 5 home wins in all competitions, the Lensois had to take advantage of the break to regain their strength. In front of an enthusiastic home crowd, the Nordic outfit are expected to catch the capital club on the hop.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 17

⚽️Feeling Wednesday, December 20
Reims - Le Havre Victoire Reims @1.63
21:00 - Even though they're in a bad phase at the moment, with 4 defeats in their last 5 games, Reims' attacking play regularly destabilizes opposing defenses, but their finishing is lacking, as was the case at Lens. In their own stadium, Will Still's players are expected to win against the Le Havre outfit, who are coming off a fine 3-1 victory over Nice but have just 8 points from 8 away games. We're favouring a win for the home side in this Ligue 1 prediction.
Montpellier - Marseille Victoire Marseille @2.05
21:00 - Although Montpellier have finally got back on the winning track following their narrow 1-0 victory over Metz, the Hérault outfit have just one win in their last 8 home games. Marseille, on the other hand, are on a run of 4 consecutive wins since the introduction of their 3-5-2 formation, and we expect them to dominate against a team in the throes of doubt. We'd prefer a Marseille victory to secure a place in the Top 6 of the French D1 at the end of the year.
Brest - Lorient Victoire Brest @1.55
21:00 - In this Breton derby, one of Ligue 1 's most in-form teams host the Merlus, who have gone 7 games without a win, including 5 defeats. On their home turf, we can expect another victory for Brest, who are already in the top 5 of the Ligue 1 standings, much to everyone's surprise. Especially as Lorient are the league's worst away team, with just 3 points from 7 away games. We're expecting Brest to win this derby.
Clermont - Rennes Draw @3.30
21:00 - A duel between two clubs in total lack of confidence. Clermont-Ferrand are bottom of the table and have won just one of their last 8 games. Rennes have a similar record, having won just one of their last 9 matches. With the Auvergnats obliged to get a result if they are not to lose sight of their chances of staying up, we expect them to put the Rennes team to the sword, as they did recently against Lille (0-0). We're favouring a draw for this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Nice - Lens Draw @3.10
21:00 - Having enjoyed an almost flawless season so far, the Aiglons have fallen off the pace in December, with 2 defeats in 3 games, including the latest against Le Havre (1-3). This is in stark contrast to Lensois, who are making rapid progress in the league with 4 wins in their last 5 games. Although Franck Haise will be hard-pressed to cope with the back-to-back games, we're expecting the Sang et Or to hang on to this OGC team.
PSG - Metz : PSG win without conceding a goal @1.51
21:00 - After a 1-1 draw away to Lille, the Parisians will be expecting a reaction at the Parc des Princes. On a run of 5 consecutive wins, including 3 without conceding a goal, it's going to be a long game for the Messins, who have just suffered 3 defeats without scoring a single goal. For this Ligue 1 prediction, we're expecting the capital club to win without conceding a goal.
Toulouse - Monaco Draw @3.90
21:00 - On the Ligue 1 podium, Monaco travel to Toulouse, who are fighting for survival. Although the Monegasques are favourites for the match, they can expect stiff opposition from TFC, who have only lost one match at the stadium this season. Ben Yedder's team-mates are coming off a 0-1 defeat by Lyon. We're favouring a draw at the end of the 90 minutes, for very good odds of 3.90!
Strasbourg - Lille : Victoire Lille @1.95
21:00 - A clash of styles here between Strasbourg, who have 2 wins to their name but have conceded at least one goal in the last 5 games, and Lille, who have won 4 of their last 6 games in all competitions and conceded just 1 goal against PSG. Against the Alsatians, who are inconsistent at home, we're expecting another big game from Lille, who have only lost one away game. We're favoring a LOSC victory for this free Ligue 1 prediction.
Lyon - Nantes Alexandre Lacazette scores @2.07
21:00 - Having scored 6 goals this season, despite OL's very poor position in the standings, Alexandre Lacazette is one of Ligue 1's Top 3 scorers. Faced with a Nantes side who have just conceded 9 goals in their last 3 away games, the French striker is expected to put in a strong performance to maintain his team's current momentum.

Ligue 1 predictions - day 16

⚽️Feeling Friday, December 15
Monaco - Lyon Monaco victory @1.53
21h00 - Although Lyon are back on track in Ligue 1 with a 3-0 win over Toulouse, the stakes are too high against Monaco. Having won 6 of their 7 home games, Monaco are still in the race for the podium and are one of the best home teams in the French league behind Paris. Against the Lyonnais, who have just one away game, we'd prefer to see the club from the Rock win. 
⚽️Feeling Saturday, December 16
Le Havre - Nice Nice win and - 3.5 goals @2.40
17h00 - A clash of styles here, as the league's best defence travels to the second-worst attack. With only 6 goals conceded this season, it will be hard for Les Havrais to find a way through Nice's defense. All the more so as the Normans have now gone 4 games without a goal at home. The Aiglons are expected to win with few goals in the match. 
Lens - Reims Victoire Lens @1.75
21h00 - On a run of 4 consecutive home wins, Lensois are about to face a Reims side that has lost 3 of its last 4 games. At Bollaert, Franck Haise's players must confirm their qualification for the Europa League finals against a club where the coach already seems to be turning to another project. For this Ligue 1 prediction, we're favouring a win for the Sangs et Or. 
⚽️Feeling Sunday, December 17
Nantes - Brest Half-time with most goals: 2nd half @2.02
13h00 - As we all know, 1 p.m. matches are often very tight affairs, with both teams taking a long time to get into their stride. FC Nantes, who have conceded just one goal in their last 4 home games, will face Brest in full confidence, with 3 wins in their last 4 matches. In what promises to be a tight encounter, the scoreline is likely to change in the second half. 
Lorient - Strasbourg Draw @3.05
15h00 - In this duel between two teams in the second half of the Ligue 1 standings, Lorient, the first relegation zone, welcome Strasbourg. Although the Alsatians are coming off a 2-1 victory over Le Havre, Patrick Viera's players had gone 9 games without a win. This dynamic is similar to that of the Merlus, who have gone 6 games without a win. We'd therefore prefer a draw in this game between 2 clubs lacking confidence. 
Metz - Montpellier Akor Adams scores @2.57
15h00 - Still in second place in the Ligue 1 scorers' chart despite not having scored a goal in 6 matches. The Nigerian striker needs to find the back of the net quickly to give his team a second wind. Faced with an opponent well within his reach, we expect Akor Adams to make a strong comeback.
Toulouse - Rennes Victoire Rennes @2.10
15h00 - While things are going well for these two clubs in Europe, things are very different in Ligue 1. First out of the relegation zone, TFC host Rennes, just 2 points behind Toulouse. The home side are winless in 10 French Ligue 1 matches, while Rennes are on a 2-game losing streak to top-of-the-table clubs. For this soccer prediction, we're expecting the Bretons to win against a team coming off a trip to Austria. 
Marseille - Clermont : Marseille wins by 2 goals or more @1.99
17h00 - With their confidence boosted by 3 convincing wins in Ligue 1, OM take on second-bottom Clermont-Ferrand, who suffered a heavy defeat (0-3) on their last trip to Brest. With the Vélodrome back to its best, we're expecting another win for the Olympiens, with at least a 2-goal margin for this Ligue 1 prediction.
Lille - PSG PSG victory @1.80
8.45pm - A top-of-the-table clash here between Lille (4th) and leaders Paris. On an 8-game winning streak in the league, Ousmane Dembélé's team-mates will surely be keen to continue this run against a direct rival. Especially as Lille are coming off a disappointing 0-0 draw with Clermont. A win for the capital club, who inflicted a 7-1 defeat on Stade Pierre Mauroy last year, is the preferred outcome. 

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Editors' Ligue 1 predictions

Statistics for your Ligue 1 predictions

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Season 1X2

Favour home wins for your Ligue 1 1X2 predictions. Around 4 out of every 10 matches will end in a home win in the 2023-2024 season.



As for your prediction on the 2 teams scoring in Ligue 1, the result is mixed, with more than one match in 2 ending in a clean sheet for one of the 2 teams, and less than one match in 2 seeing the net shake on both sides.



For your Ligue 1 over/under predictions, give preference to +2.5 goals in 52% of matches and -3.5 goals in more than one match out of 3, which is important and generates interesting odds.


For your Ligue 1 score prediction, go for 1-0 or 0-1 at half-time, 2 scores that appear in almost one match out of 2. For the score at the end of the match, the results are more balanced, but 0-0 followed by 1-1 are the most regular scores, with 2-0 completing the podium.

You can also find the Ligue 1 standings updated after each matchday, as well as the following rankings Ligue 1 scorer ranking to optimize your goalscorer prediction selection. Discover our sports betting bonuses to place your 1st bet with a welcome offer adapted to your expectations. Our Ligue 2 prediction page will also enable you to optimize your bets on this championship. Our Coupe de France predictions page will enable you to read our analyses from the 1st round to the final.

Ligue 1 prediction: Who will win the 2024 French championship?

Paris SG1.17
Feelingbet odds at 18/07

After breaking the Ligue 1 title record last season by winning their 11th trophy, PSG are overwhelming favourites to claim a 12th. Their rivals Marseille have a chance of lifting their first French league title since 2010. Monaco, Lens and Lille are in close pursuit, as they have become accustomed to playing the leading roles in a Ligue 1 season.

Ligue 1 prediction: Which team will be relegated?

Le Havre2.10
feelingbet odds at 18/07

➡️ This year, only the last 2 places mean descent into Ligue 2, with a play-off for 16th place. Metz are logically considered the most likely to go down, as they are promoted and are used to "ascending" between the first and second divisions. The other promoted team, Le Havre, has a good chance of going down according to the bookmakers. Finally, the regulars in the maintenance/mid-table have a high probability of being relegated.

How to make the right Ligue 1 predictions?

1Analyze the stats: Before making your Ligue 1 1X2 predictions, take the time to analyze the teams' stats, such as recent performances, home and away results, goals scored and conceded, etc. This will give you a better understanding of the teams' strengths and weaknesses. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved.
In Ligue 1 this season, there were 35% home wins, 35% draws and 30% away wins. In other words, on a 9-match day, 3-4 teams will win in front of their home fans, while 3 will draw and 3 will win away from home.
2Take absences into account: Injuries, suspensions or the absence of key players can have a significant impact on a team's performance. Be sure to check the information on absences before making your Ligue 1 prediction.
We all know the importance of goalscorers in the French championship. Paris SG is not the same with or without Mbappé, nor is Rennes without Terrier or Monaco without Ben Yedder. Paris relied heavily on Ligue 1 top scorer Mbappé to win the title last season.
3Consider head-to-head matches: Previous matches between two teams can provide interesting clues for your Ligue 1 prediction. Take into account past results and performances in head-to-head encounters.
Example: Paris SG and Marseille met once this season, with Paris winning in clean sheet fashion.
4Consider the context of your Ligue 1 predictions: Take into account what's at stake in the match, such as the race for the title, the fight for a place in the European Cup or the battle to avoid relegation. These factors can influence the motivation and intensity of the teams.
5Keep up to date with the latest team news, injuries, suspensions, coaching changes and more. This information can have an impact on team performance.
The psychological shock of a change of coach can bring a team back from the brink. Just as the absence of Ligue 1's top scorer or top passer can handicap a team.
6Study styles of play: Every team has its own style of play. Try to understand the tactics and patterns used by teams to predict how they might perform in a given match.
Like Paris SG with Luis Enrique's 4-3-3 and OM, who also switched to 4-3-3 after experimenting with 4-4-2 under Marcelino.
7Manage your bankroll: When placing a prediction on Ligue 1, it's important to manage your bankroll responsibly. Set yourself a dedicated sports betting budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose.
It is generally recommended not to exceed 5% of your bankroll.

How does Ligue 1 work?

Ligue 1 is the highest division of soccer in France and one of the 5 major leagues.
👉 Competition format: Ligue 1 consists of 18 teams competing in a two-legged league, meaning that each team plays each other twice, once at home and once away. This equates to a total of 34 matches per team over the course of the season.
👉 Points system: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 and a defeat is worth no points. Teams are ranked according to the total number of points accumulated throughout the season. In the event of a tie on points between two teams, total goal difference and direct confrontations are taken into account to determine their ranking.
👉 Relegation and qualification for European competitions: At the end of the season, the last 2 teams in the standings are relegated to Ligue 2 (with a potential third), France's second division, while the top four teams potentially qualify directly for the group stage of the UEFA Champions League, Europe's most prestigious club competition. In addition, the teams ranked fifth, as well as the winner of the French Cup, qualify for the UEFA Europa League. Finally, the sixth-placed team qualifies for the Europa League Conference.
👉 Promotion from Ligue 2: The top two teams in Ligue 2 are automatically promoted to Ligue 1 for the following season. Third place is awarded following play-offs between teams ranked third to fifth in Ligue 2.
👉 The champion: The team finishing with the most points is crowned Ligue 1 champion and wins the Hexagon. The champion will face the French Cup winner in the Champions Trophy the following season.
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