BIG FIVE predictions

La Liga Predictions

On this Liga 2023-2024 predictions page, you'll find our exlusive analyses of the Spanish league before each matchday. More Liga predictions here every week.

Pronostics Liga – les prochains matchs

Pronos Liga – J34

Vendredi 3 mai 2024
Getafe – Bilbao : Draw @3.00
21:00 – Bien moins en réussite à l’extérieur qu’à domicile, Bilbao va avoir fort à faire face à Majorque qui a perdu qu’un seul de ses 5 derniers matchs et a dernièrement tenu en respect la Sociedad (1-1). On s’attend à un match difficile pour les Basques avec un score de parité.
Samedi 4 mai 2024
Sociedad – Las Palmas : Victoire Sociedad sans encaisser de but @1.67
14:00 – Dans une période plus délicate en cette fin de saison, la Sociedad reste sur 3 matchs sans victoire et doit profiter de ce match à domicile pour se relancer. Face à une équipe qui reste sur 6 victoires de rang, on privilégie une victoire des locaux sans encaisser de but.
Real Madrid – Cadix : Arda Guler buteur @2.65
16h15 – Les Merengue devraient faire tourner pour ce match entre deux rencontres de Ligue des Champions. L’opportunité donc pour le prodige turc d’avoir du temps de jeu. Face à Cadix, Arda Guler devrait avoir des possibilités de briller.
Gérone – Barcelone : Victoire Barcelone @2.25
18h30 – Le derby catalan n’aura jamais eu autant d’importance que celui-ci. Même si Gerone se montre redoutable sur sa pelouse, on voit les joueurs de Xavi prendre le dessus sur leur adversaire pour prendre 5 longueurs d’avance au classement.
Majorque – Atletico Madrid : Majorque ne perd pas @1.67
21h00 – Avec une seule victoire sur leurs 9 derniers déplacements, les Colchoneros n’y arrivent pas à l’extérieur, en démontre leur défaite contre Alaves (0-2). On voit les Majorquins réussir à contenir les coéquipiers de Griezmann pour obtenir à minima le point du match nul.
Dimanche 5 mai 2024
Osasuna – Betis Seville : Victoire Betis @2.22
14:00 – Défait à 5 reprises sur les 6 dernières journées. Une série noire qui pourrait bien se poursuivre contre le Betis qui joue les places européennes en cette fin de saison. On privilégie une victoire des Andalous pour enchainer un quatrième match sans défaite pour ce prono Liga.
Celta Vigo – Villareal : Les deux équipes marquent et -3.5 buts @2.35
16h15 – Avec 5 points d’avance sur la zone de relégation, le Celta peut prendre le large dans sa quête du maintien. On s’attend à un match ouvert face à une équipe de Villareal qui propose un jeu séduisant ces derniers matchs. On voit les deux équipes inscrire au moins un but.
Valence – Alaves : Victoire Valence @1.95
18h30 – Sur une série de 3 défaites sans inscrire de but à l’extérieur, Alaves n’est pas dans les meilleures conditions avant d’affronter Valence. A 2 points des places européennes, les locaux sont dans l’obligation de s’imposer, un pari qui vous permettra de quasiment doubler votre mise !
FC Seville – Grenade : Victoire Seville @1.52
21h00 – Face à une formation de Grenade quasiment condamnée à la descente. Seville peut poursuivre sa série de 4 matchs sans défaite. Avec une fin de saison sans enjeu, on voit les Andalous jouer libérer pour s’imposer à domicile pour ce pronostic Liga.
Vallecano – Almeria : Draw @3.90
21h00 – Almeria montre du mieux depuis que le club est officiellement relégué en deuxième division. Même si Vallecano a déjà prouvé qu’il était très difficile de les affronter à domicile, on s’attend à un score de parité au coup de sifflet final.

Pronos Liga – J32

Vendredi 19 avril 2024
Bilbao – Grenade : Bilbao mène à la mi-temps et gagne le match @1.51
21:00 – Intraitables à domicile, les Basques conservent une série folle d’invincibilité à San Mames. Face à une équipe de Grenade qui est déjà quasiment condamnée à la descente, on privilégie une victoire avec la manière des coéquipiers de Inaki Williams pour tenter de se rapprocher du Top 4 au classement Liga.
Samedi 20 avril 2024
Celta Vigo – Las Palmas : Moins de 2.5 buts @1.55
14:00 – Même si leur position au classement Liga n’est pas flatteur, les locaux parviennent à maintenir une assez bonne solidité défensive devant leur public. Face à une équipe de Las Palmas qui n’a plus inscrit de but depuis 4 journées, on peut s’attendre à une rencontre fermée avec moins de 2.5 buts durant les 90 minutes.
Vallecano – Osasuna : Victoire Vallecano @2.10
16h15 – Invaincu depuis 4 rencontre à domicile dont un match nul face au Real Madrid et une victoire contre le Betis (2-0), le Rayo est toujours une formation difficile à contrarier sur sa pelouse. Face à des Basques qui alternent entre victoires et défaites, on voit les locaux s’imposer pour définitivement s’éloigner de la zone rouge.
Valence – Betis Seville : Do both teams score? No @1.63
18h30 – Avec seulement 3 buts encaissés en 6 rencontres à domicile en comprenant un (2-2) face au leader, Valence parvient souvent à garder sa cage inviolée devant son public. Vu les difficultés que rencontre le Betis en déplacement, on a du mal à voir un match très ouvert. On s’attend à ce qu’une des deux équipes n’inscrive pas de but.
Gérone – Cadix : Victoire Gérone (H-1) @1.99
21h00 – Toujours aussi performant à domicile, Gérone peut aborder ce match avec confiance face au premier relégable. Vainqueurs de 8 de leurs 9 derniers matchs devant leur public, les Catalans devraient facilement disposer des Andalous qui n’ont toujours pas gagné le moindre match en déplacement cette saison. On privilégie une victoire avec au moins 2 buts d’écart.
Dimanche 21 avril 2024
Getafe – Real Sociedad : Getafe ne perd pas @1.67
14:00 – Déplacement délicat pour la Real Sociedad sur la pelouse de Getafe qui n’a plus vraiment d’objectif en cette fin de championnat et peut donc jouer sans pression. Même si les locaux viennent de s’incliner sur leur pelouse face à Seville, ils ont souvent réussi à tenir en espoir des cadors du championnat comme Gerone (1-0) ou Barcelone (0-0). On envisage une double chance en faveur du club à proximité de la capitale.
Almeria – Villareal : Draw @3.45
16h15 – Bon dernier avec 14 points de retard sur le premier non-relégable, Almeria joue décomplexé ce qui lui permet de mettre en échec certaines équipes comme la Sociedad à l’extérieur (2-2) ou Séville sur le même score. Face à Villareal qui navigue dans le ventre mou au classement Liga, on privilégie un score de parité pour ce prono Liga.
Alaves – Atletico Madrid : Victoire Atletico Madrid @1.90
18h30 – Après une longue série sans victoire à l’extérieur, les Colchoneros ont ramené les 3 points de leur dernier déplacement à Villareal (2-1). Opposé à Alaves qui n’a remporté qu’un seul de ses 9 derniers matchs et qui a inscrit un seul but en 5 rencontres, on s’attend à une victoire de l’Atletico Madrid pour continuer à mettre la pression sur Gérone.
Real Madrid – Barcelone : Rodrygo buteur @2.62
21h00 – Même s’il est moins reconnu que ses coéquipiers comme Vinicius ou Bellingham, Rodrygo se met souvent en avant lors des rencontres importantes du Real que ce soit en Ligue des Champions ou en Liga. Dans ce Classico, on peut s’attendre à un match très offensif suivant les résultats des quarts de finale de la coupe aux grandes oreilles. Buteur à 4 reprises sur ses 3 derniers matchs, on voit le Brésilien poursuivre cette série.
Lundi 22 avril 2024
Séville – Majorque : Victoire Séville @1.77
Après des mois de galère, Séville semble enfin avoir trouvé la bonne recette pour gagner des matchs. Sur une série de 2 victoires sans encaisser de but, les Andaloux peuvent s’exprimer sans pression maintenant qu’ils ont pris une belle marge sur la zone de relégation. A domicile, on voit les Sévillans confirmer le dicton jamais deux sans trois !

Pronos Liga – J31

Vendredi 12 avril 2024
Betis – Celta Vigo : Draw @3.05
Sur une série de 4 défaites de rang avec 10 buts concédés, le Betis n’a plus son statut d’équipe redoutable à domicile. Face à une équipe du Celta qui lutte pour ne pas finir dans la zone rouge, on s’attend à un match engagé entre deux équipes irrégulières. Vainqueurs de Séville lors de leur dernier match à l’extérieur, on voit les visiteurs venir gagner le point du match nul.
Samedi 13 avril 2024
Atletico Madrid – Gerone : Victoire Atletico @2.02
14:00 – Toujours irréprochable à domicile, Gerone est dans le dur à l’extérieur avec 4 défaites de rang dont 3 sans inscrire le moindre but. Dans cette rencontre cruciale pour la dernière marche du podium, on s’attend à ce que les Colchoneros prennent le dessus sur leur adversaire devant leur public. On privilégie un succès des locaux pour enregistrer une 14ème victoire en 16 match sur leur pelouse.
Vallecano – Getafe : Moins de -1.5 buts @2.37
16h15 – Assez proche de la zone rouge, le Rayo doit impérative gagner des points s’il ne veut pas voir Cadix revenir tout proche. Cependant, on s’attend à un match accroché contre Getafe. Deuxième plus mauvaise attaque du championnat, les locaux peinent à trouver le chemin des filets et pour ces raisons, on envisage moins de 1.5 buts dans la rencontre.
Majorque – Real Madrid : Majorque ne perd pas @1.93
18h30 – Attention à Majorque qui a déjà posé des problèmes aux Madrilènes sur sa pelouse et qui se montre très dur à jouer devant son public. De son côté, le leader a déjà concédé 2 matchs nuls à l’extérieur récemment sur la pelouse de Valence (2-2) et du Rayo (1-1). Juste avant une rencontre de prestige en Ligue des Champions, on s’attend à ce que les joueurs de Carlo Ancelotti perdent des points pour ce pronostic Liga.
Cadix – Barcelone : Victoire Barcelone 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @
21h00 – Tout juste vainqueur de Las Palmas (1-0), le Barça se déplace sur la pelouse de Cadix qui peut encore croire au maintien. Sur une série de 11 matchs sans défaite toutes compétitions confondues, les Catalans profitent de leur solidité défensive pour suivre le rythme des équipes de tête. Même si Cadix a déjà réalisé de bons coups à domicile, on s’attend à une nouvelle victoire des visiteurs.
Dimanche 14 avril 2024
Las Palmas – Séville : Victoire FC Séville @2.67
14:00 – Après avoir battu Getafe à l’extérieur (1-0), on ne sait plus à quoi s’attendre avec cette équipe de Séville qui alterne entre victoires et défaites. Contre une formation de Las Palmas qui vient d’enchainer une troisième défaite de rang sans inscrire de but, les Andalous seraient bien inspirés de lancer une série victorieuse.
Grenade – Alaves : Do both teams score? No @1.63
16h15 – Quasiment condamné à descendre en seconde division, Grenade ne compte que 2 victoires cette saison en 29 journées de Liga. Face à une équipe d’Alaves qui vient d’enchainer une septième rencontre avec 2 buts ou moins dans le match, on s’attend à un match fermé en milieu d’après midi. On privilégie un pari sur le fait qu’une des deux équipes ne marquera pas au cours de 90 mins pour ce prono Liga.
Bilbao – Villareal : Victoire Bilbao @1.55
16h15 – Vainqueur de 9 de ses 10 derniers matchs à San Mames, Bilbao est vraiment irréprochable sur sa pelouse avec notamment une défense de fer. De son côté, Villareal retrouve des couleurs ces derniers temps malgré sa récente défaite contre l’Atletico (1-2). Cependant, on voit les Basques s’imposer et poursuivre cette folle série à domicile.
Real Sociedad – Almeria : Victoire Sociedad sans encaisser de but @1.72
21h00 – Face à la lanterne rouge au classement Liga qui n’a plus rien à jouer cette saison, la Sociedad doit valider son succès sur la pelouse d’Alaves (1-0). Même si les Basques se sont montrés fébriles à domicile dernièrement, on s’attend à une victoire des coéquipiers de Mikel Oyarzabal contre la plus mauvaise équipe de Liga.

Liga Predictions – D30

Friday, March 29, 2024
Cadiz – Granada: Draw @3.10
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Getafe – Sevilla: Getafe win @2.25
14:00 – Fairly consistent at home, Getafe pick up a lot of points in front of their home crowd and are coming off a convincing 1-0 win over Girona, runners-up to Real in the La Liga table. Against a Sevilla side struggling away from home, we prefer a win for Mason Greenwood's teammates for this La Liga prediction.
Almeria – Osasuna: Draw @2.95
16:15 – After winning their first game of the season away to Las Palmas (1-0), Almeria host Osasuna, who have won only 2 away games this season. On a series of 3 draws at home against top clubs such as Bilbao or the Colchoneros, we expect a new score of parity in this match.
Valencia – Mallorca: Hugo Duro scorer
18:30 – Scorer 2 times in his last 3 games, the Spanish striker will surely have enough to do against a Mallorca team that has only one away win. Quite cautious defensively, we expect a return to form from Yaremchuk's teammates. It was an opportunity for Hugo Duro to extend his lead at the top of the club's top scorers' charts.
Barcelona – Las Palmas: Win Barcelona 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0 @2.42
21:00 – After an easy 3-0 win over Atletico Madrid in the capital, Barcelona return to the Estadio Montjuic for this match in Las Palmas. The Canaries were the first team in the league to lose to Almeria. In the fight for the podium, the Catalans are looking for a win with a triple chance of a correct score, as they have not lost in 10 matches in all competitions.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Celta Vigo – Vallecano: Jorgen Strand Larsen scores
14:00 – Scorer in the last win at Sevilla, the Norwegian continues his good season despite Celta Vigo's unflattering results. Against a Rayo side struggling away from home with 4 defeats in a row, a goal from Jorgen Strand Larsen is expected to keep his team away from the red zone.
Girona – Betis: Girona to win without conceding a goal @2.57
16:15 – Always very impressive at home, the Catalans have only one defeat on their home turf and are coming off two wins without conceding a goal against Osasuna and Rayo. Given Betis' struggles on the road, it is expected that Girona will be enterprising to keep pace with the leaders in this La Liga prediction.
Alaves – Real Sociedad: Draw @2.80
16:15 – Basque derby between Alaves and Real Sociedad, who have bounced back in the last two games against clubs from the bottom of the table. Very consistent on their home turf apart from 2 defeats against Barcelona and Real, the home side have already managed to defeat Oyarzabal's teammates in the last two matches. We prefer a parity score in this match.
Real Madrid – Bilbao: Both teams to score @1.63
21:00 – We can expect an attacking encounter between the best attack in the league with 64 goals in 29 games and a Bilbao team that is doing very well in this month of March with 3 wins in 4 games. For their part, if Madrid are very prolific offensively, they can have defensive holes like in the last match against Osasuna (4-2).
Monday, April 1, 2024
Villareal – Atletico Madrid: Villareal don't lose @1.63
Brilliant at home, the Colchoneros offer a completely different face away from home. On a run of 6 games without a win on the road in all competitions, Diego Simeone's players lost (0-2) against Cadiz. A feverishness that can benefit the Yellow Submarine who have held Madrid in check 4 times in the last 5 games at home. A similar scenario is expected for this new clash.

Liga Predictions - J29

Friday, March 15, 2024
Real Sociedad - Cadiz : Real Sociedad win @1.45
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Majorca - Granada : Majorca victory @1.78
14:00 - The worst away team in La Liga, with just 2 points from 13 outings, Granada travel to Mallorca, who are coming off a fine 1-0 win over Gerona in their last home game. Faced with an uninspiring team, the home side are expected to win to record their third victory in 4 games.
Osasuna - Real Madrid : Real Madrid win @1.57
16:15 - Even though Osasuna were on a good run of form before their 0-2 defeat by Gerona, the Basque club took advantage of a fixture list largely within their reach to pick up points. Madrid are expected to dominate proceedings and win this match after 2 draws away from home.
Getafe - Gerona : Both teams score and +2.5 goals @1.72
18h00 - After a surprising start to the season, Gerona are starting to drop points and have lost 4 of their last 5 away games. Getafe, on the other hand, have been scoring a lot of goals and have conceded at least 1 goal in 7 games. We expect a very open match in which both teams will express themselves.
Athletic Bilbao - Alaves : Gorka Guruzeta scorer @2.57
21h00 - The club's top scorer with 11 goals this season, Gorka Guruzeta has scored 3 goals in his last 4 games. Very attractive offensively, the Basques often put in great performances in front of their home fans, and a goal from the Basque would be preferable if they were to move closer to the top of the Liga scoring charts.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Seville - Celta Vigo : Seville victory @1.98
14:00 - Having won their last two home games against top-flight clubs such as Atletico (1-0) and Real Sociedad (3-2), Sevilla are back on their feet. Elsewhere, Celta have won just 2 of their last 9 matches, including one against Almeria. In order to move away from the red zone once and for all, we're favouring a Sevilla win for this La Liga prediction.
Las Palmas - Almeria : Draw @3.40
4.15pm - Having come within 10 minutes of their first win against Sevilla (2-2), Almeria travel to Las Palmas. The home side have won just one of their last 6 league games. We're expecting a tight game between the bottom team and a team in the bottom half of the standings. We're expecting a draw at the final whistle.
Villareal - Valencia : Alexander Sorloth scores @3.05
16:15 - Scorer of 5 goals in his last 4 games, the Norwegian is a key member of the Yellow Submarine's attack. Faced with a team that concedes a significant number of goals away from home, we're expecting Alexander Sorloth to score in this Liga prediction.
Vallecano - Betis : Draw @3.05
Atletico Madrid - Barcelona : Atletico Madrid win @2.35
21h00 - A big clash for this 29th matchday. With just one defeat and one draw so far this season in all competitions, the Colchoneros know what they're doing at home. In contrast, Barcelona have already lost precious points away from home and are struggling offensively. With a great atmosphere, DIego Simeone's players are expected to win.

Liga Predictions - J28

Friday, March 08, 2024
Barcelona - Mallorca : Barcelona victory @1.48
21:00 - Unbeaten in 7 matches in all competitions, Barça host Mallorca, who are currently on a roll with a 1-0 win over Gerona and qualification for the final of the Copa del Rey. Nevertheless, in front of their home crowd, the Catalans are expected to win this Liga prediction.
Saturday, March 09, 2024
Cadiz - Atletico Madrid : Alvaro Morata scores
21:00 - One of the top 5 scorers in La Liga, the Spaniard is the real star of the Colchoneros attack. After a long period of inactivity, Morata found the net again last weekend. Faced with one of the worst teams in the league, we'd expect a goal from number 19.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Alaves - Rayo Vallecano : Victory Alaves @2.02
14:00 - Capable of putting in some fine performances in front of their home fans, the Basques take on a team who have not won in 9 matches in all competitions. With only one defeat in their last 5 home games against Barça (1-3), Alaves will need a win to really distance themselves from the red zone.
Las Palmas - Bilbao : Draw @3.35
4.15pm - The home side may have lost narrowly to Barça and Real at home, but they remain a difficult team for their opponents to handle. Given Bilbao's difficulties away from home, where they have gone 4 games without a win, we're expecting a draw for this La Liga prediction.
Real Madrid - Celta Vigo : Real Madrid clean sheet @1.78
6:00 pm - A very lopsided duel between Madrid's leaders and Celta Vigo, the first non-league side. With 11 wins in 13 games at the Santiago Bernabeu, it's hard to see how the visitors, who have only won 2 away games, can threaten Carlo Ancelotti's side.
Betis - Villareal : Betis win @1.98
21h00 - As we all know, Betis is one of the toughest away fixtures in which to get a result. This is borne out by the fact that the Andalusians have lost just once in 14 home matches. Faced with a team affected by illness and a succession of matches, we're favouring a win for the home side in this free La Liga prediction.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Almeria - Sevilla : Youssef En-Nesyri on target
21:00 - Scorer of a brace in the last match against Sociedad, the Moroccan is often at the heart of Andalusian attacks. Against the league's worst team, the centre-forward is likely to find the net again.

Liga Predictions - J27

Friday, March 01, 2024
Celta Vigo - Almeria : Celta Vigo win @1.68
21:00 - Even though Celta Vigo are a very mediocre team, they are more than capable of beating Almeria at home, the only team yet to win in the Big 5 league. What's more, a win would give Celta some breathing space in the relegation zone. For this first match, our Liga prediction in favor of Celta.
Saturday, March 02, 2024
FC Sevilla - Real Sociedad : Sociedad or draw @1.45
14:00 - Despite 3 defeats in their last 5 games, Real Sociedad are unlikely to lose out to Sevilla, who are stagnating at the bottom of the table this year. Sociedad are playing better and are the fourth-best team in Spain when away from home. Sevilla, meanwhile, are one of Spain's poorest performers at home, with just 3 wins to their name. As a result, we'll be seeing Sociedad hold them to at least a draw.
Rayo Vallecano - Cadiz : Vallecano win @1.72
4.15pm - In this duel between 14th and 18th, the advantage goes to the higher-ranked of the two, Rayo Vallecano. Rayo have not won in 8 matches (7 in the league and 1 in the Copa del Rey). Cádiz's losing streak is even more impressive, since their last win came in November in the cup. Logically enough, we can see the home side winning.
Getafe - Las Palmas : Victory Las Palmas @1.72
6:00 pm - Promoted from Liga 2, the Canary Islands club is enjoying a first season in the top flight, as Las Palmas currently occupies eighth place in the standings, two positions above their opponents Getafe. Correct on their travels, we wouldn't be surprised to see Las Palmas beat Getafe, who took a blow to the back of the head by losing 4-0 to Barca.
Valencia - Real Madrid : Real Madrid win @1.57
21:00 - The leaders travel to Valencia, in 9th place. With a 1-0 win over Sevilla on the final day of the season, Real Madrid were unable to make any headway. With this success, Real moved 6 points clear of runners-up Barca. Valencia, for their part, offered their fans a sad draw against Sevilla. Victory for Vinicius and his team-mates is on the cards!
Sunday, March 03, 2024
Villareal - Granada : Villareal victory @1.63
14:00 - Marcelino's yellow submarine is enjoying a 6-match unbeaten run, but is struggling to break the draw barrier: in the last 6 matches, Villareal has won just twice, with the other 4 games ending in draws. As for Granada, they have won just 2 games this season.
Atletico - Betis : Atletico win @1.51
16:15 - Griezmann's Atletico must bounce back at the Metropolitano against Betis! The Colchoneros, who were on such a roll just a few weeks ago, are now far less flamboyant, with one counter-performance after another. In their last 5 games, Atleti have lost 3, drawn 1 and won 1. Victory for one of the capital's two clubs is imperative if they are to hang on to the top 3.
Mallorca - Girona : Victory Girona @2.22
18:30 - After a 3-match winless streak that gave Madrid a slight advantage, newly-promoted Girona bounced back to beat Rayo Vallecano 3-0. Facing 16th-placed Mallorca, Girona's Catalans have all the weapons they need to win.
Ath Bilbao - FC Barcelona : FC Barcelona win @2.37
21h00 - Barcelona are still in the title race, even though they are 6 points clear of the leaders. Xavi's men are playing well and have just put in a classy 4-0 win over Getafe. What's more, Barca are quite comfortable away from home, which is why we can see them winning against Getafe.
Monday, March 04, 2024
Osasuna - Alaves : Osasuna win @1.63
21:00 - Mid-table duel between Osasuna and Alaves. On our side, we'll give the edge to Osasuna, who have done rather well in their last few home games. Better in attack and with only 1 goal conceded in their last 3 games, we'll be looking for an Osasuna victory over Alaves.

Liga Predictions - J26

Friday, February 23, 2024
Real Sociedad - Villareal : Villareal doesn't lose @1.99
21:00 - On a run of 5 games without a home win and a single goal scored, La Sociedad are in a slump after a very good start to the season. Villareal, on the other hand, have just drawn 3 games against second-tier clubs, but recently beat Barcelona (5-3) away from home. We're expecting an evenly-matched game, with the visitors taking a double chance in this Liga prediction.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Granada - Valencia : Draw @2.97
14:00 - Bogged down in the red zone of the Liga standings, Granada host Valencia, who are struggling on the road with 2 straight defeats (0-2). For this very early game, we can expect a long period of observation for both teams. Faced with Andalusians who have already managed to hold off Barca (1-1), we can see the visitors conceding a draw in this encounter.
Barcelona - Getafe : Barcelona win and both teams score @.
16:15 - Still struggling defensively, the Catalans still managed to get the 3 points despite a couple of games without continuity. Against Getafe, Barcelona are expected to win, but once again, Xavi's players are likely to concede a goal in this Liga match.
Alaves - Mallorca : Victory Alaves @1.85
18:30 - After drawing 0-0 at Betis, Alaves return to their home stadium to face Mallorca, who have won just one of their 12 away games this season. Although the Basques have had mixed results on their home turf, given Mallorca's difficulties away from home, we're expecting a win for the home side.
Almeria - Atletico Madrid : Atletico win without conceding @2.62
21:00 - In last place in La Liga, Almeria host the Colchoneros, who are fighting for a place on the podium. Still without a win this season, it's hard to see the home side holding off Antoine Griezmann's team-mates. Defensively solid, we see Atletico winning without conceding a goal to once again bury the red lantern in the depths of the standings.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Cadiz - Celta Vigo : Jorgen Strand Larsen scores
14:00 - Celta's top scorer in La Liga, the Norwegian has been on a roll lately, scoring 2 goals in his last 3 games. With 9 league goals to his name, Jorgen Strand Larsen should have plenty of opportunity to shine in this crucial match for survival.
Betis - Bilbao : Draw @3.20
16:15 - Duel for the European places between Betis (7th) and Bilbao (5th). Often very tough to keep off balance at home, the Andalusians have not lost at home to this same team in 6 games. Given the Basques' difficulties in securing easy points, as evidenced by their last draw (0-0) at Almeria. We'd prefer a draw after 90 minutes.
Las Palmas - Osasuna : Ante Budimir scores
18:30 - Scorer of 3 goals in his last 2 games, the Croatian is following Osasuna's excellent run of 2 consecutive wins. However, the Basques can expect some stiff opposition from Las Palmas, who are running very well in their own stadium. We're expecting an open match in which Ante Budimir should have plenty of chances.
Real Madrid - Sevilla : Real Madrid win and both teams score @2.27
21:00 - Rayo Vallecano held to a 1-1 draw in the Madrid derby. Real Madrid need to get back on track in a clash that is not a clash this season. Deprived of a number of players, particularly in defence, Real Madrid are struggling defensively, and it's easy to see Sevilla finding a way through despite their lack of confidence. We're favouring a home win with both teams scoring for this free La Liga prediction.
Monday, February 26, 2024
Girona - Vallecano : Victory Girona @1.63
21:00 - Winners of 9 of their 12 home games this season, Girona welcome Rayo Vallecano, who have just caught leaders Madrid (1-1). Still in second place in the standings, the Catalans are expected to dominate this home fixture against visitors who have just one win from their last 7 away games. We'd prefer Girona to win this match.

Liga Predictions - J25

Friday, February 16, 2024
Villareal - Getafe : Draw @3.40
21:00 - Mid-table duel between Getafe (10th) and Villareal (13th). The locals have just drawn their third game in 4. Marcelino's players will have to be particularly wary of Borja Mayoral, who has been in fine form this season. In what promises to be an evenly-matched encounter, we'd prefer to see a draw, as was the case in their last meeting (0-0).
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Atletico Madrid - Las Palmas : Atletico win clean @
14:00 - After two straight defeats, the last of which came against Sevilla (0-1), it's time for the Colchoneros to bounce back. Alvaro Morata's team-mates are expected to respond to Las Palmas' inconsistent away form. Always very serious defensively on their home turf, we're favouring a clean sheet for the home side in this La Liga prediction.
Osasuna - Cadiz : Osasuna win @1.73
16:15 - Still mired in the red zone, Cadiz travels to Osasuna. The Basques have won 3 of their last 4 home games, despite a heavy 0-3 defeat by Celta Vigo. The visitors, meanwhile, have yet to win an away game and have just 5 points from 12 away matches. For these reasons, we're expecting Pamplona to win.
Celta Vigo - FC Barcelona : Barcelona win and both teams score @.
18:30 - After conceding a very compromising draw to Granada (3-3), Barça are about to face Celta Vigo, who are trying to move ahead of the relegation zone. Highly vulnerable defensively, the Catalans have conceded at least 1 goal in their last 11 away games. An opportunity for Iago Aspas' team-mates to score a goal, even if the visitors are expected to win this Liga prediction.
Valencia - Sevilla : Seville doesn't lose @1.61
21:00 - The Andalusians may have found the magic formula! Having beaten Ateltico (1-0), Ocampos' team-mates have just notched up a second win since the start of the season. Faced with a Valencia side alternating between wins and defeats, Sevilla have a double chance in their favor.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Vallecano - Real Madrid : Réal Madrid leads at half-time and wins the match @2.17
14:00 - Easy winners of the top-of-the-table clash with Girona (4-0), Real Madrid must now confirm their position in the derby. Faced with a Vallecano side who have won just one of their last 13 matches, Carlo Ancelotti's players are expected to dominate the game, and this is likely to come to fruition in the first half. We're betting on the visitors to lead at the break, before confirming their victory after 90 minutes for this free La Liga prediction.
Granada - Almeria : Draw @3.40
16:15 - A match of fear between the two worst clubs in La Liga. A match in which neither team wants to lose. We can therefore expect a tight match between these two sides. Still without a win this season, Almeria are likely to hold their opponents to a draw against Bilbao.
Mallorca - Real Sociedad : Less than 1.5 goals @1.95
18:30 - Having just faced each other at the start of the month in the semi-final of the Copa del Rey (0-0). We can expect a match of the same style between Mallorca and Real Sociedad, who are coming off an 8th-final meeting with PSG. Faced with a very serious team in front of their home crowd, the Basques are likely to find it difficult to come up with an attacking game worthy of the occasion. We're expecting a very tight game, with less than 2 goals scored.
Betis - Alaves : Betis victory @1.99
21:00 - Despite some inconsistent results in recent weeks, Betis need to rediscover the solidity they enjoyed at home. Isco's team-mates will have to put in the same performance against a very deserving Alaves side since the start of the season, as they did in their last encounter in Andalusia, when the home side won 4-0. A Betis victory is the preferred option to stay in the top 6 of the La Liga standings.

Liga Predictions - J24

Friday, February 09, 2024
Cadiz - Bétis : Betis win @2.45
21:00 - Relegated to 18th place, Cadiz's attack is the least prolific in the Spanish league, with just 15 goals scored in 23 games. On form at the moment, the home side are suffering a string of setbacks, and the fans are already beginning to forget what a victory feels like, since their last one came in November in the King's Cup. As for Betis, they are in 8th place and have never lost to Cadiz away from home.
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Alaves - Villareal : Draw @3.25
14:00 - Mid-table duel in La Liga between Alaves and Villareal. Alaves have won 4 of their last 6 games, but are coming off a 3-1 defeat by Barcelona. In contrast, Marcelino's side are unbeaten in 3 games and, above all, put in a great performance against Xavi's Barca, winning 5-3. We're expecting a tight encounter between the two sides, which will end goalless.
Real Sociedad - Osasuna : Victory Sociedad @1.77
16:15 - Real Sociedad is on a roll, as the Basque club is unbeaten in its last 5 matches. They have also conceded just one goal in the last 5 games. As for Osasuna, los Rojillos are on a two-game losing streak and are not at all successful away from home, with only one success in the King's Cup against a team in the 3rd division. Consequently, our Liga prediction is in favor of La Sociedad.
Real Madrid - Girona Real win and both teams score @2.20
18:30 - A clash between two teams aiming for the title! A real surprise at the start of the season, Girona's performances have become so commonplace. Girona are the league's best attacking team, just ahead of Real. In their last league match, Girona were held to a goalless draw by Sociedad. As for Real Madrid, they have a two-point lead and are looking to extend it at the Santiago Bernabeu. It's expected to be an open encounter, with both of La Liga's best attacking sides scoring, and a Madrid victory in the end.
Las Palmas - Valencia Victoire Valence @2.72
21:00 - In the race for Europe, every match is crucial. 7th-placed Valencia are just 2 points off a European place, while Las Palmas are 5 points behind. Promoted Las Palmas are having a more than decent season so far, with a record of 9 wins, 5 draws and 9 defeats. However, Las Palmas are not in the best of form at the moment, with just one win in their last 5 home games. Valencia, on the other hand, are doing rather well, and should continue to do so.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Getafe - Celta Vigo : Celta Vigo win @3.30
14:00 - On the verge of relegation, Celta Vigo took a breath of fresh air away from the red zone thanks to a fine victory at Osasuna (0-3). In addition, Celta are on a good away run, with 3 wins and a draw. Getafe, on the other hand, have lost 3 of their last 4 home games. In a race to stay up, we're going to see a Celta Vigo victory on today's free La Liga prediction !
Mallorca - Vallecano Majorca victory @2.27
16:15 - Although Mallorca are a little lower down the table than their opponents, they are the favourites for this match. Indeed, 13th-placed Rayo Vallecano have once again conceded defeat, their fourth in five games. Mallorca could therefore take advantage of this gap to avoid a 3rd defeat in a row.
FC Sevilla - Atletico Atletico victory @1.99
18:30 - Atletico are a little behind the leading trio, but are still hoping for a podium finish at the end of the season. Currently in 4th place, Griezmann and his team-mates are unbeaten in 6 games and have just drawn at arch-rivals Real. Sevilla, for their part, have had a complicated season, but have just taken 4 points from their last 2 matches. In a match to be played in Seville, the Colchoneros are sure to win!
Barcelona - Granada Barcelona victory @1.24
21:00 - Even if Barcelona's play isn't extraordinary, it's hard to see how the Blaugranas could let 3 points slip away against Granada, who are second-bottom in the league. What's more, on their travels, the Grenats are on an 8-game losing streak and have scored just one goal. Logically enough, we're heading for a Barca victory.

Liga Predictions - J23

Friday, February 02, 2024
Bilbao - Mallorca : Bilbao win @1.52
21:00 - 5th-placed Athletic Club open the 23rd day of La Liga with a visit to Mallorca, 10 places behind them in the standings. The Balearic club have not won in the league for 5 matches (2V/2D). A bad omen for Javier Aguirre's men, who face a Bilbao side who have only lost once in all competitions at San Mames this season, and that was in August! We're logically going for a Basque victory in this Liga prediction.
Saturday, February 03, 2024
Valencia - Almeria : Valence victory @1.60
14:00 - Valencia lost last weekend to Atletico at the Metropolitano, but before that they had won 4 in a row in La Liga, which has put the Ches in 8th place, 4 points off the top European qualifying spot. Opposite them is Almeria, the worst team in the 5 major leagues. The Rojiblancos have scored just 6 points this season and have yet to register a single league win. It should be an easy win for Valencia.
Granada - Las Palmas Draw @3.15
16:15 - Before hosting Las Palmas on Saturday afternoon, Granada are second-bottom in La Liga, 5 points behind first-placed Cadiz. For Alexander Medina's men, it's a time-trial in which every match will be crucial. Las Palmas have won 2 of their last 3 league games. This match promises to be complicated for Granada, but they absolutely need to move up the table and will be pushed on by their fans, so we'll be going for a draw.
Alaves - Barcelona Barcelona win and both teams score @2.87
18:30 - Beaten 5-3 by Villareal last week, Barça need to get going again, but they're not facing the best opponent to do so. Especially after a late game at Osasuna 3 days before. Alaves have just won their last 3 games in La Liga and can count on young Samu Omorodion, the 19-year-old striker on loan from Atletico, who scored a brace last week, is in fine form. We're going to build on Barça's success, but we'll be in for a rude awakening.
Girona - Sociedad Girona victory @2.12
21:00 - Saturday's top-of-the-table clash between Girona and Real Sociedad. Real were well on their way to the top 5 at the start of the season, but have fallen off the pace and are now looking to protect 6th place. Alguacil's men have just one win in their last 5 La Liga games. The Blanquivermells, on the other hand, have been unstoppable at home of late, with 4 wins in a row, including a 5-1 victory over Sevilla 10 days ago.
Sunday, February 04, 2024
Villareal - Cadiz : Villareal victory @1.61
14:00 - Villareal beat FC Barcelona last weekend in a crazy 5-3 victory. This success enabled the Yellow Submarine to break a 3-match winless run in La Liga. For Cadiz, the situation is far more complicated: no success in all competitions since the end of November and 11 games. Buoyed by last week's goals from Sorloth and Moreno, Marcelino's team are on course for victory.
Osasuna - Celta Vigo Osasuna victory @2.27
16:15 - The 12th-placed team in La Liga host the 17th-placed team in a match that isn't exactly mouth-watering. Vigo are just one point clear of the first relegation zone, Cadiz. Rafael Benitez's men would be well advised to pick up at least a point to avoid sinking further. However, they face a tough task against Osasuna, who have won 2 of their last 3 games in La Liga and their last 3 at home. The Basques' odds are good, so we'll be going for them in this Liga prediction.
Betis Séville - Getafe Betis Séville victory @1.88
18:30 - Duel in the top half of the table between the 7th and 10th-placed teams. It's sure to be a tight game between these two attractive sides. Getafe have taken just 8 points away from home this season, but in the wake of their 3-3 draw with Atletico at the end of December, things are looking up for the Azulones. They are led by Borja Mayoral, the league's joint top scorer, who has found the net in the last two rounds. Watch out for the Real-trained striker. We'll stay with Betis' victory in front of their home crowd at Benito Villamarin.
Real Madrid - Atletico Madrid Real Madrid win and both teams score @2.62
21:00 - The big game of the day in La Liga! The Madrid derby will bring this Sunday's soccer action to a close in style. This season, Real Madrid have only lost two games, both against Atletico at the Metropolitano. The first was in the league in September, and the second less than a fortnight ago in the Copa del Rey. At home, it'll be a different matter, as Real haven't lost at the Bernabeu since last April. As far as we're concerned, the Merengues will keep their unbeaten run at their own stadium.
Monday, February 05, 2024
Vallecano - Sevilla : Draw @3.20
21:00 - A bottom-of-the-table encounter to round off the day's action in La Liga. Rayo Vallecano have won just one of their last 5 games in La Liga, while Sevilla are still in crisis, unable to win a league match since December 19 and with just one point from 5 games played since then. However, Rayo have not won a game at home since mid-September, a total of 9 matches, and are on a 2-game losing streak at Vallecas. We'll be going for a draw between these two struggling teams.

Liga Predictions - J20 (late games)

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Barcelona - Osasuna : Scoreless Barcelona victory @1.75
19:00 - After a largely avoidable defeat at the weekend against Villareal (3-5), Barça need to get back on track against a team they beat early on a few days ago (2-0). The Catalans are on a run of 4 straight wins without conceding a goal at home to the Basques. For this weekday match, Barcelona's strength of numbers should enable them to win without conceding a goal in this Liga prediction.
Atlético Madrid - Vallecano : Alvaro Morata scores @1.83
21:00 - Preserved for the last victory against Valencia this weekend (2-0). The Spanish striker is set to regain his place at the forefront of the Colchoneros attack. Having scored 13 times this season, Alvaro Morata is expected to add to his tally this evening against a team that can be shaky away from home.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Getafe - Real Madrid : Less than 2.5 goals @1.73
21h00 - For this weekday match, expect a fairly tight encounter between two teams who stand out for their defense. One of the best home defences in the league, Getafe can withstand Madrid's offensives. Faced with a Real side clearly less sovereign than at the start of the season, the home side can contain Carlo Ancelotti's players, and we're favouring less than 2.5 goals in the match for this La Liga prediction.

Liga Predictions - J22

Friday, January 26, 2024
Almeria - Alaves : Draw @3.05
21h00 - After coming close to their first win of the season at Real Madrid, Almeria welcome Alaves, who are enjoying a fine season so far. On a run of 3 draws (0-0) at home, the hosts have already managed to hold Girona and Bétis to a draw. Although the Basques are currently on a roll, we're expecting a draw in this Liga prediction.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Real Sociedad - Vallecano : Sociedad win without conceding a goal @2.00
14:00 - After a period of inactivity over the festive period, La Sociedad are back to the level they were at at the start of the season. Winners of 4 of their last 5 games, the Basques have conceded just 2 goals over this period. Although Rayo have already demonstrated that they are capable of fine performances away from home, we'd prefer to see the home side win without conceding a goal.
Las Palmas - Real Madrid : Draw @4.40
16:15 - After a hard-fought 2-0 defeat of Almeria, Madrid travel to Las Palmas, who have only lost 2 games at home, including a last-gasp 1-2 defeat to Barca. The visitors have shown some defensive weaknesses of late, and have already drawn with this same team 2 years ago. For these reasons, we're expecting a draw at odds of 4.40!
Barcelona - Villareal : Barcelona win and both teams score @1.93
18:30 - Led by the ever-present Ferran Torres in recent games, Barca are trying to keep pace with the leaders in the La Liga standings. However, the Catalans have been struggling defensively, conceding at least one goal in 9 of their last 10 games. Villareal, meanwhile, have lost 4 away games in a row. A Barcelona win is expected with both teams scoring in this La Liga prediction.
Mallorca - Betis : Draw @2.90
21:00 - With just one home defeat this season, the Mallorcans have drawn 7 matches on their home turf this season. Faced with a Betis team that is very shaky away from home and has lost 2 away games so far, we're expecting a tight encounter. Especially as the home side have a game in hand this week. We're aiming for a draw after the final whistle.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Celta Vigo - Girona : Victory Girona @2.40
14h00 - Leaders Girona travel to Celta Vigo, just 2 points from the red zone. Although the home side have enjoyed a good run of form in recent weeks, they have recently suffered two defeats at the hands of Real Sociedad. An opportunity for the Catalans to make up for a dismal 0-0 draw with Almeria last time out. We're favouring a win for the visitors for this free La Liga prediction.
Cadiz - Athletic Bilbao : Bilbao win @1.63
16:15 - Prior to this setback against Valencia (0-1), the Basques were on a run of 6 wins and just one goal conceded. For their part, Cadiz have not won any of their last 10 games and have just suffered their third defeat in a row against Alaves (0-1). Bilbao are expected to welcome back Inaki Williams from the CAN. Athletic are expected to win.
FC Sevilla - Osasuna : Both teams score @1.78
18:30 - On the verge of the red zone, Sevilla, fresh from a heavy defeat (1-5) against Girona, welcome Osasuna. The Andalusians, still struggling this season, are set to face a Basque side who regularly manage to score at least one away goal. We're expecting an open game between two very defensively permeable teams. Our prediction is that both teams will score.
Atletico Madrid - Valencia : Alvaro Morata scores @2.17
21:00 - On the podium of the La Liga scorers' chart, Alvaro Morata has scored one goal in his last 2 games in all competitions. Complementing his strike partner Antoine Griezmann, the Spanish striker has already scored 13 La Liga goals this season. In front of his home crowd, we're expecting another great game from number 19.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Getafe - Granada : Victory Getafe @1.73
Despite their current poor form, Getafe must take advantage of this match against Granada to get back on track. Faced with a team that has managed just one point from its league travels this season, the home side need to get back to winning ways. A victory that will surely depend on a great performance from striker Borja Mayoral. Unbeaten at home since the start of the season until their last 2 defeats, the capital club are expected to win.

Liga Predictions - J21

Friday, January 19, 2024
Alaves - Cadiz : Victory Alaves @1.71
21h00 - Winners of 3 of their last 5 home games, Alaves are having a good season for a promoted team. Cadiz, on the other hand, have won just 2 of their last 20 games and remain stuck in the red zone. Still without an away win, it will be hard for the visitors to get a result in the Basque Country. We're favouring a home win for this Liga prediction.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Vallecano - Las Palmas : Draw @3.20
14h00 - Travelling to Madrid's capital is never easy. In this mid-table duel, it's hard to pick a favorite, even if the home side have only won one match at home this season. Despite this, they have managed to hold their own against good teams such as Barca and Real Sociedad. For these reasons, we're expecting a draw.
Villareal - Majorca : Villareal victory @1.99
16:15 - A duel between two teams struggling for survival this season. If it's not illogical to see Mallorca in this position, it's much more so for Villareal. Nevertheless, we're expecting a big game from the home side, who have won 3 of their last 5 home games. We're favouring a win for Gerard Moreno's team-mates for this Liga prediction.
Valencia - Athletic Bilbao : Bilbao win @2.10
18:30 - A match between two teams in fine form in recent weeks. On a run of 4 consecutive wins, the Valencians took advantage of a fixture list within their reach to regain their confidence and kick-start a run of form. The same goes for Bilbao, but this time against top-of-the-table opposition such as Atletico (2-0) and La Sociedad (2-1). Given their current momentum, we're expecting a Basque victory.
Celta Vigo - Real Sociedad : Draw @2.95
21:00 - Having struggled in recent weeks, Real Sociedad are certainly paying the price for the back-to-back games. Celta, on the other hand, are gradually emerging from the depths of the Spanish D1 and have won 2 home games, including a 2-1 victory over Betis. The visitors, meanwhile, are on a 5-game winless run in the league. For these reasons, we're expecting a draw, as was the case in the last two encounters.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Osasuna - Getafe : Draw @2.95
14h00 - A tough match between two of La Liga's mid-table teams. Osasuna have won 2 of their last 4 home games without conceding a goal, while Getafe remain unbeaten in all competitions. In what promises to be a tight encounter, we're favouring a draw for this free La Liga prediction.
Real Madrid - Almeria : Jude Bellingham goals @1.93
16:15 - La Liga's top scorer, Jude Bellingham, has gone 4 games without scoring a goal. Faced with the worst team in La Liga, the Englishman must take advantage of this match to get back on track and score his 14th league goal of the season.
Betis - Barcelona : Both teams score @1.48
18:30 - As has been the case in their last 6 encounters, we can expect an open match between Sevilla and Barcelona. With many defensive lapses this season, the Catalans will have to be wary of the Andalusian attack at home. We prefer a match in which both teams score at least one goal.
Gerona - Seville : Victoire Gerone @1.63
21:00 - After dropping 2 points to bottom-placed Almeria (0-0). Gerona need to bounce back against one of the league's weakest teams. Winners of 8 of their 10 home games this season, the Catalans must continue their fine form against Andalusia, who have won just one away match in 9 games. A home win is expected for this free La Liga prediction.
Monday, January 22, 2024
Granada - Atletico Madrid : Atletico win @1.63
Granada are having a hard time of it this season, sitting second-bottom in the La Liga standings. With just 2 wins so far this season, the home side are likely to be under pressure, even if Madrid have a hard time away from home. It's important for the visitors to win to keep pace with the leaders. We'd prefer a win for the leaders.

Liga Predictions - J20

Friday, January 12, 2024
Sevilla - Alaves : Seville win @1.83
17h00 - Time for Sevilla to climb the table? Sevilla are currently 16th with 16 points and face Alaves, who are just above them. In contrast to Alaves, Sevilla are doing better in attack, scoring 8 more goals. At home, Ramos' team-mates will also have the opportunity to record their first win since September.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Las Palmas - Villareal : Victory Las Palmas @2.42
14h00 - With 25 points, Las Palmas are in 10th place in the LaLiga standings. Surprisingly, they have the second-best defence in the league with 17 goals conceded behind Real Madrid. On a run of 3 defeats in a row, the players from the Canary Islands will be keen to reverse the trend. Villareal, for their part, have been alternating between success and defeat, but seem to be on the back foot at the start of the year. Our Liga prediction is for Las Palmas to win and take 3 points at home.
Mallorca - Celta Vigo : Majorca victory @2.35
16:15 - A duel between 14th-placed Mallorca and 17th-placed Celta Vigo, just one point clear of the red zone. Although the Mallorcans are coming off a defeat against Real Madrid, they had previously gone 5 games without defeat. At home, they have only lost once this season, on the opening day of the championship. Celta, on the other hand, are struggling away from home, with just 1 away win so far this season. We're going to favour Mallorca's victory for this Liga Prediction.
Athletic Bilbao - Real Sociedad : Bilbao win @2.05
18:30 - It's this weekend's Liga clash. Athletic Bilbao, in 4th place, host Real Sociedad, in 6th place, in a high-flying Basque derby between two teams who haven't lost for a long time in the league. Bilbao are favourites because they are extremely solid at home, with 7 wins, 2 draws and just 1 defeat in La Liga this season, and above all 4 straight wins at San Mamés. Opposite them, La Sociedad are very strong, but have been a little sluggish of late. They've drawn their last 3 league games. We'll be banking on Athletic Club's success in this match.
Betis - Granada : Betis win @1.58
21:00 - After a very strong start to the season, Betis Sevilla are now in the doldrums, with just 2 wins in all competitions since November 26. Manuel Pellegrini's side have not started 2024 any better, to say the least, with a defeat to Celta Vigo in La Liga and another cup defeat to Alaves at the weekend. Facing Betis are Granada, who have won just two games in La Liga this season. At home, Betis, who have far more talent, must logically use this match to revive their fortunes.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Almeria - Girona : Victory Girona @1.63
14:00 - Girona got the year off to a flying start with a 4-3 win over Atletico in the league, before defeating Elche in the Copa del Rey. Tied with Real Madrid, the Catalans can regain a 3-point lead at the top of La Liga if they win, as the Merengue have no games this weekend. Opposite them, probably the worst team in Europe's 5 major leagues. At least, it's the only one not to have won a single league match! With just 5 points on the board and 6 behind second-bottom, Almeria already look doomed. Girona should win easily, especially as they are the best away team in Spain with 7 wins and no defeats in 9 matches.
Cadiz - Valencia : Valence victory @2.62
16:15 - First relegated with 15 points, Cadiz have not won in La Liga since September 1, and have won 1 and drawn 4 of their last 5 league games. Given the quality of their squad, it would be hard to see them staying up. Valencia, on the other hand, are in good form at the start of the year. The Ches are on a 3-game winning streak in all competitions and have climbed to 9th, 6 points off the European places. Away from home, they are on a 2-game winning streak and should make it three in a row in this weekend's final La Liga Prediction .

Liga Predictions - J19

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Getafe - Rayo Vallecano Borja Mayoral scores @2.80
17h00 - Second in the La Liga scoring charts, the Spanish striker is enjoying a fine season with 12 goals to his name already. Although Rayo are conceding very few goals, Getafe remain unbeaten at home, and we're counting on Mayoral to find the back of the net.
Sociedad - Alaves : Victory Sociedad @1.50
7.15pm - Still without an away win, Alaves travel to 6th-placed Real Sociedad. A lopsided encounter between the home side, who were able to take advantage of the short break to recharge their batteries, and the visitors, who are likely to suffer in this Basque derby. We're favouring a win for Oyarzabal's team-mates in this Liga prediction.
Valencia - Villareal Draw @3.30
9:30 pm - A difficult match to analyze between two teams with no continuity in their results. Unbeaten in their last 4 home games, Valencia remain on the back of a positive 1-1 draw with Barcelona. Villareal, on the other hand, have been winning and losing in quick succession. In this match, we're expecting a draw at the end of the 90 minutes.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Granada - Cadiz Draw @3.10
17h00 - Fear match between Granada (19th) and Cadiz (17th). Two teams who haven't tasted victory in over 10 games. The visitors have become accustomed to this kind of scenario, having drawn 5 consecutive matches. The Andalusians are expected to make it 6 for this free La Liga prediction.
Real Madrid - Mallorca Madrid win 1-0,2-0 or 3-0 @1.93
7.15pm - Leaders Madrid host Mallorca (14th). Although they have made a habit of conceding goals in their recent victories, the visitors have gone 4 games without scoring a single goal in the Spanish D1. Carlo Ancelotti's players are favored to win with a triple chance of exact score.
Celta Vigo - Betis Draw @3.20
7.15pm - Celta Vigo are back on track in the league after a nightmare start to the season. Betis remain very solid and are coming off 2 draws against Gerona and La Sociedad. Still in a state of half-finish, we expect a tricky match for the home side, who could be content with a draw.
Gerona - Atletico Madrid : Victoire Gerone @2.40
21:30 - There's no telling how far co-leaders Gerona will go. With 7 wins in 9 home games, the Catalans are formidable in their own stadium. The Colchoneros, on the other hand, are shaky away from home, with 4 defeats and just 3 wins. For these reasons, we'd prefer Artem Dovbyk's team-mates to win to continue this crazy run.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Osasuna - Almeria Osasuna victory @1.58
17h00 - Even if the Basques are inconsistent in their results. Osasuna need a second successive home win against the bottom club. Almeria have yet to win a game and have just one point from their away fixtures. Pamplona are expected to win this free Liga prediction.
Seville - Bilbao Draw @3.20
7.15pm - Far from their usual standards this season, Sevilla welcome Bilbao, who are battling for European places in the Liga standings. However, the Basques have suffered a number of setbacks on their travels. It's time for the Andalusians to bounce back and hold on for a draw against some tough opposition.
Las Palmas - Barcelona Draw @3.95
9:30 pm - Watch out for the promoted side, who are enjoying a fine season at their home stadium. With only 1 home defeat to their name, Las Palmas are a tough nut to crack. Especially as Barcelona have already drawn 5 of their 8 away games this season. For a return match, we're expecting a draw for this La Liga prediction.

Last 5 matches trend

Statistics for your Liga predictions

Season 2023-2024


Favour home wins for your 1X2 La Liga predictions. Almost every 2nd match ends in a home win in the 2023-2024 season.


As for your prediction on the 2 teams scoring in La Liga, the result is divided, with around one match in 2 ending in a clean sheet for one of the 2 teams, and around one match in 2 seeing the nets shake on both sides.


For your La Liga over/under predictions, give preference to +1.5 goals in 76% of matches and -3.5 goals in almost one match out of 3, which is important and generates interesting odds.


For your La Liga prediction on scores, give preference to half-time draws, scores which appear in 45% of matches. For the score at the end of the match, the results are more balanced, but 1-1 followed by 1-0 are the most regular scores, with 2-2 completing the podium.

La Liga prediction: who will win La Liga?

Real Madrid1.88
FC Barcelona2.15
Atlético Madrid8.25
Real Sociedad32.00
Athletic Bilbao60.00
feelingbet odds subject to change

➡️ Despite Barça's Spanish championship triumph, Real Madrid are the favourites to win the title. This is due to the Merengues' more complete squad. For their part, the Blaugranas have a great chance of making a comeback, but the competition will be tough. As usual, Atlético come after the 2 La Liga giants with odds at 8.25. However, the gap between these 3 and the rest is enormous. Sevilla, who are coming off a complicated season in the league, Real Sociedad, Villarreal and Athletic Bilbao are the outsiders for the title.

Want to follow Spanish soccer? We've also included a Liga 2 prediction page to give you the lowdown on the Spanish D2... You can also find the Liga standings and the Liga 2 standings updated after each match, as well as the Liga goalscorer standings here. You'll also find our Champions League prediction page, where each year La Liga automatically qualifies 4 teams for the group stage.

How do you predict La Liga?

1Analyze the stats: Before making your Liga 1X2 predictions, take the time to analyze the teams' stats, such as recent performances, home and away results, goals scored and conceded, etc. This will give you a better understanding of the teams' strengths and weaknesses. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved.
In La Liga this season, there were 43% home wins, 28% draws and 29% away wins. In other words, on a 10-game day, 4 teams will win at home, 3 will draw and 3 will win away from home.
2Take absences into account: Injuries, suspensions or the absence of key players can have a significant impact on a team's performance. Be sure to check the information on absences before making your La Liga prediction.
We all know the importance of goalscorers in La Liga. Barcelona are not the same with or without Lewandowski, nor are Real without Bellingham or Atlético Madrid without Morata. Barcelona relied heavily on LaLiga's top scorer, Lewandowski, to win the title last season.
3Consider head-to-head matches: Previous matches between two teams can provide interesting clues for your LaLiga prediction. Take into account past results and performances in head-to-head encounters.
Example: Real Madrid and Atlético have met once this season, with the Colchoneros coming out on top.
4Consider the context for your LaLiga predictions: Take into account what's at stake in the match, such as the title race, the fight for a place in the European Cup or the battle to avoid relegation. These factors can influence the teams' motivation and intensity.
5Keep up to date with the latest team news, injuries, suspensions, coaching changes and more. This information can have an impact on team performance.
The psychological shock of a change of coach can bring a team back from the brink. Just as the absence of La Liga's top scorer or best passer can handicap a team.
6Study styles of play: Every team has its own style of play. Try to understand the tactics and patterns used by teams to predict how they might perform in a given match.
Like Barça with their traditional 4-3-3, Atlético with their 3-5-2 and Real with their 4-3-1-2.
7Manage your bankroll: When placing a prediction on La Liga, it's important to manage your bankroll responsibly. Set yourself a dedicated sports betting budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose.
It is generally recommended not to exceed 5% of your bankroll.

How does La Liga work?

La Liga, also known as La Liga EA Sports for sponsorship reasons, is the highest division in the Spanish soccer system and one of the best leagues in the world.
👉 Competition format: La Liga consists of 20 teams competing in a two-legged league, which means that each team plays each other twice, once at home and once away. This equates to a total of 38 matches per team over the course of the season.
👉 Points system: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 and a defeat is worth no points. Teams are ranked according to the total number of points accumulated throughout the season. In the event of a tie on points between two teams, total goal difference and direct confrontations are taken into account to determine their ranking.
👉 Relegation and qualification for European competitions: At the end of the season, the three teams at the bottom of the standings are relegated to Segunda División, Spain's second division. At the same time, the top 3 teams in Segunda División are promoted to La Liga to replace the relegated teams.
👉 Champion title: The team finishing top of the La Liga standings at the end of the season is crowned La Liga champion. The title of champion is very prestigious in Spain.
👉 Qualification for European competitions: Teams at the top of the La Liga standings earn the right to take part in European competitions such as the UEFA Champions League for the top 4, the UEFA Europa League for the fifth and the Europa League Conference for the sixth.
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