BIG FIVE predictions

Bundesliga predictions

The 2023-2024 Bundesliga prediction season promises to be an exciting one, as the German championship appears to be more hotly contested than usual for the top spot in the Bundesliga standings. Indeed, despite Bayern's dominance over several years, several teams are still in with a shout of the title at the end of the season. Read our Bundesliga predictions and analyses before each matchday.

Pronostics Bundesliga – les prochains matchs

Pronos Bundesliga – J33

⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Vendredi 10 mai
Augsburg – Stuttgart : Victoire Stuttgart @1.73
20h30 – Stuttgart sort d’une très belle victoire face à Bayern Munich (3-1) dans des circonstances particulières étant donné que les Munichois joue une demi-finale de coupe d’Europe. Opposés à une équipe d’Augsburg qui a perdu 4 de ses 5 derniers matchs, on privilégie un succès des visiteurs pour ce prono Bundesliga.
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⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Samedi 4 mai
Monchengladbach – Francfort : Les deux équipes marquent et +3.5 buts @2.00
15h30 – Duel entre deux formations qui ont encore un enjeu sur ses 2 dernières journées de championnat. Avec 4 points d’avance sur la zone rouge, Monchengladbach peut assurer son maintien ce week-end à domicile. La tâche s’annonce délicate face à Francfort et on s’attend à un match très ouvert avec au moins 4 buts durant les 90 minutes de jeu.
Cologne – Union Berlin : Draw @3.20
15h30 – Cologne peut garder un tout petit espoir en cas de victoire contre l’Union Berlin, premier non relégable. Sur une série de 2 matchs nuls de rang, les locaux sont dans l’obligation de prendre les 3 points. Néanmoins, on s’attend à voit les visiteurs tenir tête à leur adversaire pour assurer l’essentiel avec un match nul.
Fribourg – Heidenheim : Tim Kleindienst buteur @3.10
15h30 – Meilleur buteur d’Heidenheim avec 12 réalisations, l’Allemand a retrouvé le chemin des filets lors du dernier match contre Mayence. Dans une rencontre où son équipe est obligé de l’emporter pour espérer l’Europe, Tim Kleindiest devrait avoir des opportunités de s’exprimer.
Leipzig – Werder Breme : Victoire Leipzig (H-1) @1.57
Mayence – Dortmund : Dortmund dernière équipe à marquer @1.83
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Dimanche 5 mai
Darmstadt – Hoffenheim : Andrej Kramaric buteur @2.12
15h30 – Buteur historique d’Hoffenheim, le Croate compte lui aussi 12 buts à son actif cette saison. Face à une équipe de Darmstadt, déjà condamnée, Kramaric doit porter l’attaque des visiteurs pour croire en une qualification européenne.
Bayern Munich – Wolfsburg : Victoire Bayern sans encaisser de but @
17h30 – Après un revers face à son concurrent direct, Stuttgart. Le Bayern Munich n’a plus le droit à l’erreur s’il veut conserver sa seconde place au classement. À domicile contre un club qui n’a plus aucun enjeu en cette fin de saison, on s’attend à une probante victoire des joueurs de Thomas Tuchel.
Bochum – Bayer Leverkusen : Victoire Leverkusen (H-1) @2.52
19h30 – Bochum a pratiquement assuré son maintien en s’imposant sur les deux dernières journées pour prendre 4 points d’avance sur la zone rouge. De son côté, Leverkusen poursuit sa folle invincibilité et on privilégie un nouveau grand match de ces derniers pour une fois de plus éclabousser de leurs talents.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Pronos Bundesliga – J32

⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Vendredi 3 mai
Hoffenheim – Leipzig : Victoire Leipzig et +3.5 buts @1.85
20h30 – Sur une série de 4 victoires à l’extérieur en championnat, Leipzig est sur une très bonne dynamique en cette fin de saison. Néanmoins, les visiteurs laissent beaucoup d’espaces en défense ce qui donne souvent lieu à des matchs offensifs. On s’attend à un scénario similaire sur cette rencontre avec une victoire des coéquipiers de Loïs Openda.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Samedi 4 mai
Dortmund – Augsburg : Augsburg ne perd pas @1.93
15h30 – Dans cette rencontre entre ses deux demi-finales de Ligue des Champions, Dortmund pourrait décider de faire tourner face à Augsburg. L’occasion pour les visiteurs de grapiller des points dans la course à l’Europe. On voit le huitième du championnat ramener à minima le point du match nul de ce déplacement.
Stuttgart – Bayern Munich : Serhou Guirassy buteur @1.88
15h30 – Officiellement qualifié pour la prochaine Ligue des Champions, Stuttgart peut désormais jouer libérer face à un club qui aura la tête à sa demi-finale. Une opportunité donc pour l’ancien rennais de trouver le chemin des filets.
Werder Breme – Mönchengladbach : Victoire Werder Breme @2.22
15h30 – Vainqueur de ses deux derniers matchs, le Werder peut encore croire à une place dans le Top 7 synonyme de coupe d’Europe. Face à une équipe du Borussia qui espère définitivement s’éloigner la zone rouge, on voit les locaux faire la passe de 3 devant leur public.
Wolfsburg – Darmstadt : Victoire Wolfsburg sans encaisser de but @2.00
15h30 – Condamné à la descente, Darmstadt semble avoir baissé les bras malgré sa récente victoire à Cologne (2-0). Cette fois la marche semble vraiment trop haut face à Wolfsburg et on s’attend à une victoire des locaux sans encaisser de but.
Cologne – Fribourg : moins de 2.5 buts @1.83
18h30 – En position plus que delicate en avant-dernière position, Cologne se retrouve dos au mur avant d’affronter Fribourg. On voit un match assez fermé contre Fribourg qui alterne entre victoires et défaites avec moins de 2.5 buts durant les 90 minutes.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Dimanche 5 mai
Union Berlin – Bochum : Draw @3.25
15h30 – Sans victoire depuis 5 rencontre, l’Union Berlin affronte une équipe de Bochum qui a mis fin à 8 matchs sans victoire le week-end dernier. Deux formations en manque de confiance que l’on voit se quitter avec le point du match nul.
Francfort – Bayer Leverkusen : Les deux équipes marquent et +3.5 buts @2.20
17h30 – Toujours invaincu cette saison, Leverkusen aura surement le regard rivé vers son match retour de Ligue Europa. Face à une équipe joueuse comme Francfort, on privilégie un match très ouvert avec les deux équipes qui marquent.
Heidenheim – Mayence : Draw @3.35
19h30 – Jamais 2 sans 3 ! On voit Mayence suivre ce dicton en echainant un troisième match nul sur la pelouse d’Heidenheim qui a du mal à trouver de la continuité dans ses résultats. Toujours en lutte pour le maintien, un point serait bénéfique pour les visiteurs qui doivent engranger le moindre point pour se sortir de la galère.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Pronos Bundesliga – J30

⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Vendredi 19 avril
Francfort – Augsburg : Match nul @ 3.55
20h30 – Duel crucial dans la course au Top 6 entre Francfort (6ème) et Augsburg (7ème). A seulement 3 points de leur adversaire, une victoire permettraient aux visiteurs de revenir à hauteur. Face à une équipe qui a déjà concédé 3 matchs nuls sur ses 4 dernières rencontres à domicile. On privilégie un score de parité qui n’aidera aucuns des deux clubs.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Samedi 20 avril
Hoffenheim – Monchengladbach : Maximilian Beier buteur @2.22
15h30 – Auteur de 13 buts cette saison, l’attaquant allemand a réussi à prendre le dessus sur le buteur historique d’Hoffenheim, Kramaric. Opposé à une équipe de Monchengladbach très irrégulière notamment à l’extérieur, Maximilian Beier devrait avoir des occasions de s’exprimer.
Cologne – Darmstadt : Victoire Cologne sans encaisser de but @2.15
15h30 – Match de la peur entre les deux derniers du championnat. Condamné à la descente en deuxième division, Darmstadt va défier une équipe qui peut encore croire en son maintien. Vainqueur de Bochum à domicile, on voit les locaux capables de faire la passe de deux pour se rapprocher du premier non-relégable.
Heidenheim – Leipzig : Les deux équipes marquent et +3.5 buts @1.92
15h30 – Après avoir surpris le Bayern Munich sur sa pelouse (3-2), Heidenheim accueille cette fois-ci Leipzig. Dans le ventre mou au classement Bundesliga, les locaux n’ont pas peur de se projeter vers l’avant quitte à laisser des espaces en défense. Une mentalité qui donne souvent lieu à des matchs ouverts. En ce sens, on voit les deux équipes marquer pour ce prono Bundesliga.
Wolfsburg – Bochum : Victoire Wolfsburg @1.63
15h30 – Premier non relégable, Bochum se déplace sur la pelouse de Wolfsburg qui les devance d’un petit point au classement. Même si la dynamique des locaux n’est pas bonne, le fait qu’ils jouent ce match devant leur public leur donne un avantage quand on sait que Bochum est la plus mauvaise équipe à l’extérieur avec seulement 7 points en 14 journées.
Union Berlin – Bayern Munich : Bayern Munich mène à la mi-temps et gagne le match @1.98
18h30 – Après avoir laissé filer le titre, le Bayern Munich doit maintenant protéger sa deuxième place face à Stuttgart qui compte le même nombre de points que les Munichois. Après 3 matchs sans victoire, les coéquipiers d’Harry Kane se sont ressaisis face à Cologne (2-0), on attend un match aussi sérieux des visiteurs contre l’Union Berlin.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Dimanche 21 avril
Werder Breme – Stuttgart : Serhou Guirassy buteur @1.73
15h30 – Meilleur buteur de Stuttgart malgré une blessure qui l’aura privé des terrains un bon petit moment, Serhou Guirassy a déjà inscrit 25 buts en Bundesliga cette saison. Toujours en course pour accrocher la deuxième place, les visiteurs n’ont pas le droit au faux pas. Sur une série de 6 matchs avec au moins un but, on voit l’ancien Rennais poursuivre ainsi.
Dortmund – Bayer Leverkusen : Draw @3.60
17h30 – Officiellement champion le week-end dernier, Leverkusen a pu fêter comme il se doit ce titre tant attendu. Une pression en moins pour les visiteurs qui vont peut-être se relâcher pour privilégier la coupe d’Europe. Sur la pelouse du Borussia, on s’attend à ce que le champion ramène un point pour conserver son invincibilité.
Fribourg – Mayence : Victoire Fribourg @2.30
19h30 – Sur une très belle série à domicile, les choses se compliquent grandement à l’extérieur pour Mayence avec aucune victoire cette saison. L’occasion parfaite pour Fribourg de s’imposer afin de se rapprocher des places européennes. Plutôt solides devant leur public, on privilégie une victoire des locaux pour ce pronostic Bundesliga.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Pronos Bundesliga – J29

⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Vendredi 12 avril
Augsburg – Union Berlin : Ermedin Demirovic buteur @2.72
20h30 – Buteur le week-end dernier, le Bosnien a assumé son statut de meilleur buteur d’Augsburg. Face à une équipe de l’Union Berlin qui alterne entre victoires et défaites, on privilégie un but d’Ermedin Demirovic pour porter ses coéquipiers vers la victoire et se rapprocher du podium des meilleurs buteurs.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Samedi 13 avril
Monchengladbach – Dortmund : Les deux équipes marquent ? Non @
15h30 – Cette confrontation entre les deux Borussia a souvent donné lieu à des matchs très offensifs. Cependant, cette fois-ci, on part à contre sens de la tendance en envisageant un match plus fermé qu’il n’est annoncé. Dortmund se montre de plus en plus sérieux défensivement et on les voit contenir cette rencontre.
Bayern Munich – Cologne : Victoire Bayern Munich (H-2) @2.07
15h30 – Le Bayern Munich n’y arrive plus ! Alors qu’ils menaient 2-0, les coéquipiers d’Harry Kane se sont inclinés pour une seconde fois de suite en championnat. A domicile, les Munichois vont devoir se réveiller s’ils ne veulent pas subir la fronde de leurs supporters. On voit les locaux s’imposer avec au moins 3 buts d’écart contre un club relégable.
Bochum – Heidenheim : Les deux équipes marquent et +2.5 buts @1.50
15h30 – Vainqueur renversant du Bayern Munich (3-2), Heidenheim se déplace sur la pelouse de Bochum, premier non-relégable. Si les locaux sont mal classés, ils gardent de bonnes aptitudes offensives avec au moins 1 but inscrit sur 9 de leurs 10 derniers matchs. Face à des visiteurs qui ont inscrit 6 buts en 2 matchs, on privilégie un but des deux formations pour ce prono Bundesliga.
Mayence – Hoffenheim : Victoire Mayence @1.83
15h30 – Sur une série de 5 rencontres sans défaite à domicile dont 3 victoires sans encaisser de but, Mayence accueille Hoffenheim avec une belle confiance sur son terrain. De leur côté, les visiteurs n’ont remporté qu’un seul de leurs 10 derniers déplacements toutes compétitions confondues. On s’attend à une victoire des locaux pour poursuivre leur invincibilité.
Leipzig – Wolfsburg : Lois Openda buteur @1.72
15h30 – Impliqué dans les 4 buts de son équipe le week-end dernier avec 2 buts et 2 passes décisives, le Belge s’est redonné de la confiance après un mois de mars en demi teinte. Auteur de 21 buts en 28 journées de Bundesliga, Loïs Openda doit maintenant confirmer cette belle performance face à une équipe qui joue le maintien.
Stuttgart – Francfort : Victoire Stuttgart et les deux équipes marquent @2.42
18h30 – Avec une seule défaite à domicile cette saison en championnat, Stuttgart fait partie des trois meilleures équipes du championnat à la maison. Opposés à une équipe de Francfort sans continuité dans ses résultats, on envisage une victoire des locaux pour continuer à mettre la pression sur le Bayern Munich pour ce pronostic Bundesliga.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Dimanche 14 avril
Darmstadt – Fribourg : Victoire Fribourg @1.72
15h30 – Toujours sans victoire depuis le 7 octobre, Darmstadt reste plus que jamais la lanterne rouge au classement Bundesliga et sort d’une large défaite contre Mayence (0-4). Une opportunité donc pour Fribourg de s’imposer afin de se rapprocher des places européennes. Vainqueurs de leurs derniers matchs à l’extérieur, on voit les visiteurs faire la passe de deux.
Bayer Leverkusen – Werder Breme : Victoire Bayer Leverkusen 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.22
17h30 – En route vers le titre sans aucune concurrence, le Bayer compte désormais 16 points d’avance et peut voir venir en tête du championnat. Toujours invaincu, Leverkusen s’apprête à affronter le Werder Breme qui n’a plus gagné depuis 6 rencontres. On privilégie une victoire en triple chance score exact des joueurs de Xabi Alonso.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Pronos Bundesliga – J28

⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Samedi 6 avril
Cologne – Bochum : Draw @3.35
15h30 – Premier non relégable, Bochum se verrait bien venir faire un résultat sur la pelouse de Cologne pour se donner de l’air sur la zone rouge. Cependant, les visiteurs n’ont glané qu’un seul point sur leurs 6 derniers déplacements. Dans un match qui s’annonce fermé, on privilégie le score de parité pour ce pronostic Bundesliga.
Fribourg – Leipzig : Fribourg ne perd pas @2.15
15h30 – Après avoir tenu en échec le Bayern Munich et posé des problèmes à Leverkusen sur sa pelouse, on s’attend à une belle opposition de Fribourg face à la jeunesse de Leipzig. Auteurs d’un nul bien triste face à Mayence (0-0), les visiteurs devraient avoir du mal à prendre le dessus et on privilégie une double chance en faveur des locaux.
Heidenheim – Bayern Munich : Victoire Bayern Munich (H-1) @1.67
15h30 – Après avoir perdu le Klassiker sans réellement rentrer dans la rencontre. On s’attend à une forte réaction des joueurs de Thomas Tuchel juste avant leur quart de finale de Ligue des Champions. Heidenheim devrait donc faire les frais de l’armada offensive des Bavarois.
Mayence – Darmstadt : Draw @4.40
15h30 – Match de la peur entre la lanterne rouge au classement Bundesliga et Mayence, premier relégable. Les locaux sont donnés assez largement favoris dans cette rencontre mais on s’attend à une réaction de Darmstadt qui a réussi à ramener le point du match nul sur 3 de ses 4 derniers matchs à l’extérieur. Même si Mayence montre de belles choses, on tente le match nul pour une belle cote.
Union Berlin – Bayer Leverkusen : Patrick Schick buteur @2.35
18h30 – Auteur du but victorieux dans les dernières minutes lors de la récente victoire contre Hoffenheim (2-1), le Tchèque a inscrit 4 buts sur ses 3 derniers matchs avec Leverkusen. Face à une équipe de l’Union Berlin qui réussit plutôt bien aux visiteurs ces dernières années, on voit bien Patrick Schick trouver le chemin des filets.
Dortmund – Stuttgart : Victoire Dortmund @2.15
Sur une série de 5 victoires de rang dont la dernière sur la pelouse du Bayern Munich (2-0), Dortmund est dans la meilleure forme de sa saison actuellement avant d’affronter Stuttgart. Des visiteurs invaincus depuis 9 journées de championnat et qui devraient donner du fil à retordre au Borussia. Néanmoins, on privilégie une victoire des locaux.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Dimanche 7 avril
Hoffenheim – Augsburg : Maximilian Beier buteur @2.30
15h30 – Meilleur buteur du club avec 13 réalisations, l’attaquant allemand a encore inscrit un but lors du choc contre Leverkusen le week-end dernier. Dans un match qui s’annonce très ouvert entre deux équipes qui n’ont pas peur de proposer du jeu, on s’attend à ce que Maximilian Beier porte à nouveau Hoffenheim dans cette rencontre.
Wolfsburg – Monchengladbach : Draw @3.60
17h30 – A égalité de points au classement, les deux équipes espèrent rapidement s’éloigner de la zone rouge eux qui n’ont que 8 points d’avance sur celle-ci. Une rencontre entre concurrents directs qui pourraient freiner les ardeurs offensives pour donner un match assez fermé. On privilégie un score de parité au coup de sifflet final pour ce prono Bundesliga.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Pronos Bundesliga – J27

⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Samedi 30 mars
Monchengladbach – Fribourg : Draw @3.35
15h30 – Duel de milieu de tableau entre le Borussia (12ème) et Fribourg (9ème). Si les visiteurs ont beaucoup de difficultés à l’extérieur, Monchengladbach ne se montre pas irréprochable avec une seule victoire sur les 4 dernières rencontres face à des clubs qui jouent le maintien. Pour ces raisons, on privilégie un score de parité pour ce pronostic Bundesliga.
Leverkusen – Hoffenheim : Victoire Leverkusen et +3.5 buts @1.75
15h30 – Plus que jamais leader, Bayer Leverkusen accueille une équipe d’Hoffenheim souvent à l’origine de rencontres très plaisantes en terme de buts. On s’attend tout de même à une victoire des joueurs de Xabi Alonso dans un match qui devrait être très animé comme c’est régulièrement le cas entre ces deux formations.
Francfort – Union Berlin : Victoire Francfort @1.78
15h30 – Opposé à une équipe de l’Union Berlin qui tente toujours de retrouver le niveau qui était le sien l’an dernier. De son côté, Francfort réalise une saison en dents de scie mais reste invaincu depuis 6 rencontres à domicile. Vainqueur des 4 dernières confrontations devant leur public, on privilégie une victoire des locaux pour ce prono Bundesliga.
Werder Breme – Wolfsburg : Les deux équipes marquent @1.45
15h30 – Deux équipes en peine de résultats s’affrontent pour tenter de relancer une série victorieuse notamment Wolfsburg tout proche de la zone rouge. De mauvais résultats qui peuvent s’expliquer par des défenses perméables alors qu’offensivement cela reste acceptable. On s’attend à voir un but de chaque côté sur cette rencontre.
Bayern Munich – Dortmund : Victoire Bayern Munich et les deux équipes marquent @1.81
18h30 – Choc de cette 27ème journée entre le Bayern Munich, second et Dortmund qui lutte pour se rapprocher du podium de tête. Après une période très poussive, les Munichois semblent retrouver leur supériorité et sortent de deux victoires avec 13 buts inscrits sur ses 2 matchs. On s’attend à un match offensif où les coéquipiers de Leroy Sane devraient avoir le dernier mot.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Prono Bundesliga – Dimanche 31 mars
Augsburg – Cologne : Victoire Augsburg @1.61
15h30 – Sur une très bonne dynamique, Augsburg vient d’enchainer une quatrime victoire contre Wolfsburg (3-1). On voit mal Cologne arrêter cette série, d’autant que les visiteurs ont gagné un seul match sur les 10 dernières journées. Pour cette raison, on privilégie une victoire des locaux pour se rapprocher des places européennes.
Stuttgart – Heidenheim : Victoire 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.52
17h30 – Toujours aussi chirurgical à domicile, Stuttgart reçoit Heidenheim qui a du mal à ramener de précieux points des différents déplacements. Porté par Serhou Guirassy, les locaux devraient une nouvelle fois s’imposer devant leur public et on privilégie une triple chance score exact en faveur de ces derniers.
Bochum – Darmstadt : Victoire Bochum @1.53
19h30 – Match de la peur entre Bochum, premier non relégable et Darmstadt qui truste la dernière place depuis un long moment. Malgré deux récentes défaites sur leur pelouse, les locaux gardent un bon bilan à domicile. Face à la plus mauvaise équipe du championnat, on voit ces derniers récupérer de précieux points dans la lutte pour le maintien.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Bundesliga Predictions - J26

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, March 15
Cologne - Leipzig : Victory Leipzig (H-1) @2.12
20:30 - Now that they're out of the Champions League, the visitors can focus 100% on the league. Leipzig travel to Cologne, who have just 3 wins to their name this season and rank as the worst attacking team. Loïs Openda's team-mates are expected to win by at least 2 goals.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, March 09
Darmstadt - Bayern Munich : Victory Bayern Munch (H-1) half-time @2.42
15:30 - Bayern Munich have finally woken up! With a comprehensive 8-1 win over Mainz, the Munich giants now have to follow up their performance at the home of the red lantern. Darmstadt will need to get into the game quickly if they are to avoid suffering in the opening minutes. For this Bundesliga prediction, we're favouring a minimum 2-goal advantage after the interval.
Heidenheim - Mönchengladbach : Draw @3.45
15:30 - Hiedenheim and Mönchengladbach face off in the Bundesliga's mid-table, separated by just one point. While the home side are coming off two defeats, the visitors have a cup tie at Saarburcken to play for, and may well be lacking in physical strength. We're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw.
Union Berlin - Werder Breme : Draw @3.30
15:30 - A meeting between two teams coming off 2 league defeats. With a 7-point lead over the relegation zone, Union Berlin must keep up their momentum if they are to avoid seeing the relegation zone close in. Opposite them, Werder Bremen have a fine away record, including a 1-0 win in Munich earlier this year. Nevertheless, we'd prefer a draw for this Bundesliga prediction.
Wolfsburg - Augsburg : Ermedin Demirovic scores @
18h30 - Fourth in the Bundesliga scoring charts, the Bosnian has already scored 14 goals and provided 8 assists this season with Augsburg. Against a team that has always conceded at least one goal in its last 10 matches, Demirovic should have plenty of chances to shine and score another goal for the visitors.
Hoffenheim - Stuttgart : Serhou Guirassy goals @1.77
Scoring 3 times in his last 2 games, the Guinean is back to the level he was at before his mid-season injury. In a match that Stuttgart are expected to dominate, it is highly likely that the former Rennes man will find the net again away from home to reaffirm his return to form.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, March 10
Freiburg - Leverkusen : Leverkusen win @1.55
15:30 - Who can stop Leverkusen this season? Still unbeaten in all competitions, Bayer travel to Freiburg. Still in the Europa League, the home side will be coming off a perilous trip to West Ham, while Xabi Alonso's side welcome Qarabag. A win for the latter would consolidate their top spot.
Dortmund - Frankfurt : Dortmund win @1.57
5:30 p.m. - We can expect a thrilling match between Dortmund and Frankfurt, who have always provided us with some great encounters in the Bundesliga. In front of their home crowd, we'd give the home side the edge against an Eintracht team that's having a few problems away from home. For this free Bundesliga prediction, we prefer a Borussia victory.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga

Bundesliga Predictions - J25

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, March 08
Stuttgart - Union Berlin : Victory Stuttgart @1.39
20:30 - Unbeaten at home since October, Stuttgart are enjoying a superb season with a 3rd place finish and 9 wins from 12 home games. Opposite them, although Union Berlin are regaining their confidence, the level of play seems inferior and we're favouring a win for the home side in this Bundesliga prediction.
👉 Betting on the Bundesliga
⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, March 09
RB Leipzig - Darmstadt : Leipzig win 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0 @2.30
15:30 - Darmstadt's hopes are dashed! Bottom of the table, the visitors are coming off a heavy defeat at home to Augsburg (0-6). There's every reason to fear another disappointment against Leipzig's attacking armada, who can't afford to drop any more points on the podium. A triple chance in favor of the home side.
Augsburg - Heidenheim: Augsburg win @1.77
15:30 - How could we be more confident than after a 6-0 win, especially as it confirms the fine victory over Freiburg (2-1) two weeks ago. Even if Heidenheim do very well away from home, we'd prefer a win for the home side to make it 3.
Mönchengladbach - Cologne : Monchengladbach win and both teams score
15:30 - Still mired in the red zone, Cologne travel to Mönchengladbach. Borussia have been inconsistent since the start of the season, but are capable of some fine performances, such as their latest home match against Bochum (5-2). We're expecting the same kind of match this weekend.
Bayern Munich - Mainz : A clean sheet for Bayern Munich
15:30 - The top spot already seems too far away for Bayern, who dropped further points at Freiburg (2-2). This match against Mainz is the perfect opportunity to get back on track against a team that has just racked up 3 consecutive away defeats. We're aiming for a straightforward victory for Thomas Tuchel's players.
Werder Bremen - Dortmund : Donyell Malen goals @2.90
18h30 - Deprived of the last match, the Dutchman has scored 4 goals in his last 3 games with BVB. Against a defensively vulnerable Werder side, we're expecting another goal from the young Dortmund winger.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, March 10
Bochum - Freiburg : Draw @3.25
15:30 - Bochum, the first non-league team, hosts Freiburg, in the bottom half of the table. Despite their recent defeat by Leipzig, the home side are pretty solid at home, having gone 8 games without defeat, including a win over Bayern. Opposite them, Freiburg are on a run of 3 defeats away from home, and we're expecting a draw in this Bundesliga prediction.
Frankfurt - Hoffenheim : Maximilian Beier goals @2.95
17h30 - Sixth in the Bundesliga scoring charts, the German has scored twice in his last two games, including the first against Dortmund. Against a team that often concedes goals, Maximilian Beier is expected to have plenty of chances to shine.
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Bundesliga predictions - J24

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, March 01
Freiburg - Bayern Munich : Bayern Munich win @1.47
20h30 - An important victory for Kane and the Bayern Munich players against Leipzig! This match put an end to 3 consecutive defeats and ensured that the Bavarians did not drop any points against Leverkusen. Even if the title looks a long way off, Bayern won't give up, and against Freiburg, we're looking for a win.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, March 02
Bochum - RB Leipzig : Bochum or draw @2.20
15:30 - Going to Bochum and winning has been a real challenge for some time now! In fact, the hosts have been unbeaten at home since October, and even beat Bayern on their last visit. Against a Leipzig side with its ups and downs, Bochum are likely to win or draw.
Darmstadt - Augsburg : Augsburg win @2.35
15:30 - Augsburg's odds are stacked against the German league's bottom club. Darmstadt 98 are in last place with just 2 wins from 23 games. They also have the worst defense in Germany. We'll be hoping for an Augsburg victory in this match, on the strength of their win over Freiburg.
Heindenheim - Frankfurt : Draw @3.30
15:30 - 6th in the table, Eintracht have just drawn their 10th game of the season and 3rd in a row, 2-2 against Wolfsburg. Heindenheim haven't fared much better of late, so we're expecting a game in which the two sides neutralize each other.
Mainz - Mönchengladbach : Mainz win @1.85
15:30 - Unbeaten in 6 games against Mönchengladbach, Mainz are our favourites for this match. It's not Mainz who seem to have the upper hand in this duel, but rather Mönchengladbach's inability to win away from home that poses a problem. As a result, we're expecting the relegation battlers to do everything in their power to stay in the Bundesliga.
Union Berlin - Dortmund : Draw @3.60
15:30 - Union Berlin, who were still relegated a few months ago, are doing much better and have recorded just two defeats in their last 10 matches. At home, Berlin have won 4 times and drawn once, for a total of 13 points out of 15! As for Dortmund, it's 3 draws in a row away from home, and we believe the run will be extended to 4 after the trip to the German capital.
Wolfsburg - Stuttgart : Victory Stuttgart @2.07
6.30 pm - Wolfsburg, who have not enjoyed much success in the last 7 games, are in 13th place and face Stuttgart, who occupy 3rd place in the Bundesliga. Stuttgart are one of the best defenders in the Bundesliga, and this has been evident in their recent games, losing only to leaders Leverkusen. Logic would dictate a win for the visitors.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, March 03
Cologne - Bayer Leverkusen : Bayer Leverkusen win @1.36
15:30 - By far the best German team this season, if not in Europe, Bayer Leverkusen, led by Spaniard Xabi Alonso, are unstoppable and continue to extend their unbeaten run. With the title in their sights, every game is a step closer to that long-awaited crown, and a trip to Cologne is not going to faze Leverkusen!
Hoffenheim - Werder Bremen : Hoffenheim win @1.36
5:30 PM - Hoffenheim's victory over Borussia Dortmund has given them a great deal of confidence, which bodes well for their visit to Werder Bremen. Victory would also allow Hoffenheim to return to winning ways with their fans.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J23

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, February 23
Bayer Leverkusen - Mainz : Leverkusen win 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0 @2.05
20h30 - More than ever at the top of the Bundesliga, Leverkusen welcome Mainz, who are stuck in the red zone. Still unbeaten this season, the home side should have no trouble overcoming their opponents, who have yet to win an away match. With the league's best defense, Bayer are expected to win with a threefold chance of an exact score.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, February 24
Monchengladbach - Bochum : Bochum doesn't lose @1.75
15:30 - Borussia must be wary of Bochum in this encounter. The valiantly-promoted visitors have managed to stay in the bottom half of the Bundesliga standings, unlike the hosts, who are first and foremost in the relegation zone. Without a win in 5 games, Monchengladbach arrive without confidence, while their opponents are coming off a surprising 3-1 victory over Bayern. Monchengladbach's opponents have a double chance in their favor.
Stuttgart - Cologne : Stuttgart win and both teams score @.
15:30 - On an 8-match unbeaten run at home, Stuttgart can look forward to this match with great confidence against a team that has won just one of its last 10 away games. However, the home side have developed a bad habit of conceding at least one goal, as they have done on 7 consecutive occasions. For these reasons, we're expecting the home side to win, with both teams scoring in this Bundesliga prediction.
Union Berlin - Hiedenheim: Draw @3.30
15:30 - In the year 2024, Union Berlin are back on track in the league with a run of 2 wins without conceding a goal. However, we'll have to watch out for Heidenheim, who were on an 8-game unbeaten run prior to their narrow defeat by Leverkusen (1-2). Despite a run of 3 rand wins at home, we'd prefer to see a draw at the end of the 90 minutes.
Werder Bremen - Darmstadt : Werder win @1.57
15h30 - Winners of 4 of their last 5 matches, Werder Bremen face a Darmstadt side who haven't won since October 7. The worst team away from home, the red lanterns come into this match without any reference points. It's up to the home side to make the most of this opportunity and move closer to the European places.
Bayern Munich - Leipzig : Loïs Openda scores @2.65
18:30 - Third in the Bundesliga scoring charts, it didn't take long for the Belgian to adapt to his new club, and he has already scored 16 goals this season. Faced with a struggling Munich side, the visitors have a good opportunity to get a result at the rival's home ground. A result that will depend on a great game from the former Lens player.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, February 25
Frankfurt - Wolfsburg : Victory Frankfurt @2.17
15:30 - Wolfsburg travel to Frankfurt, struggling to stay in the Top 6. Winners of 3 of their last 4 home games, the home side are slight favourites against a side who have not won in 6 matchdays. We're favouring an Eintracht victory for this Bundesliga prediction.
Dortmund - Hoffenheim : Victory Dortmund (H-1) @1.99
17:30 - Unbeaten in 9 matches in all competitions, Borussia welcome Hoffenheim, who have not won in 7 away games. Very prolific in terms of goals since the start of the new year, the hosts have won twice, scoring 3 times in front of the yellow wall. Marco Reus's team-mates are expected to win easily against visitors lacking in confidence.
Augsburg - Freiburg : Draw @3.40
19h30 - A duel between two teams with no continuity in their results. While the hosts managed to hold off Leipzig in their last home match (2-2), Freiburg have lost 4 of their last 5 away games in all competitions. We're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J22

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, February 16
Cologne - Werder Breme : Draw @3.30
20:30 - After beating Frankfurt (2-0) in front of their own fans, Cologne welcome a Werder team in fine form at the start of the year, with 3 wins from their last 4 games. The home side now need just a point to get out of the red zone, having lost just one of their last 6 matches to Dortmund (0-4). We're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, February 17
Darmstadt - Stuttgart : Deniz Undav scores @1.81
15h30 - Fourth in the Bundesliga goalscoring charts, the German striker has already scored 14 goals this season and is on a 5-goal run in his last 4 games. Deniz Undav is likely to have the opportunity to add to his tally against the bottom club.
Heidenheim - Bayer Leverkusen : Goalless Leverkusen victory @1.98
15:30 - Unstoppable this season, Bayer confirmed their state of grace with an easy 3-0 win over Bayern Munich last weekend. Still unbeaten, the Bundesliga leaders now face a team who had drawn four games prior to their last victory. Although Heidenheim are very deserving for a promoted club, we don't see them worrying Xabi Alonso's side, and we'd prefer a win for the visitors in this Bundesliga prediction.
Hoffenheim - Union Berlin : Draw @3.50
15:30 - After a catastrophic start to the season, Union Berlin are beginning to get their heads above water and are gradually moving away from the red zone. Hoffenheim, for their part, are within touching distance of the European places, but have just gone seven games without a win. We can therefore expect a tight game in which a draw is the preferred outcome.
Mainz - Augsburg : Ermedin Demirovic scores @3.50
15:30 - Top scorer for Augsburg, Ermedin Demirovic is the player who is keeping the visitors out of the relegation zone. With 12 goals and 6 assists to his name, the Bosnian will surely have further opportunities to shine against a team with just one league win to their name this season.
Wolfsburg - Dortmund : Dortmund win @2.20
15:30 - Back to their best form since January, Borussia have won 4 of their last 5 games, conceding just one goal and scoring 13. Wolfsburg, meanwhile, have gone 5 games without a win and are coming off a 0-1 defeat by Union Berlin. Given the convergence of the two dynamics, the visitors are expected to win this Bundesliga prediction.
Leipzig - Monchengladbach : Leipzig win and both teams score @1.97
18h30 - Leipzig's recent inconsistency has seen them host Monchengladbach, who have now gone four games without a win. Needing a win to keep the top four at bay, the home side will be keen to beat one of the league's worst defences. Loïs Openda's team-mates are expected to win by conceding at least one goal.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, February 18
Freiburg - Frankfurt : Freiburg win @2.27
15:30 - Solid at home despite their latest defeat by Stuttgart (1-3), Freiburg had gone 7 games unbeaten in front of their home fans in all competitions. Faced with a Frankfurt team that is very shaky away from home, as evidenced by their latest defeat by Cologne (0-2), we're favouring a win for the home side in this free Bundesliga prediction.
Bochum - Bayer Munich : Bayer Munich leads at half-time and wins the match @1.60
17:30 - It's redemption time for Bayern Munich. After suffering a heavy defeat against Leverkusen (0-3) in the race for top spot. We're expecting a reaction from the Munich team against the promoted side, whom they've beaten comfortably in recent seasons, including 2 wins (7-0). We can see the visitors taking an early lead before winning outright.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J21

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, February 9
Dortmund - Freiburg : Dortmund win @1.48
20:30 - Dortmund are back to their best at the start of 2024. Even though Marco Reus' team-mates are taking advantage of a very affordable fixture list to score points, everything is looking up for Borussia despite having drawn their last away game (0-0). Faced with a Freiburg team on the back of two heavy defeats (1-3), we favour a win for the home side in this Bundesliga prediction.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, February 10
Monchengladbach - Darmstadt : Monchengladbach win @1.55
15:30 - Bottom of the Bundesliga table, Darmstadt travel to Borussia with just 2 wins from 21 games this season. Close to the red zone, this encounter is an opportunity for the home side to distance themselves further from it. A win for Plea's team-mates is our preferred option.
Union Berlin - Wolfsburg : Draw @3.20
15:30 - Wolfsburg, an avid fan of draws, are on a run of 4 draws when they travel to Union Berlin, who are struggling to put together a string of good results. With a game in hand in the middle of the week, the home side will surely have less of a leg to stand on than their opponents. In this second-tier duel, we're expecting another draw for this Bundesliga prediction.
Werder Breme - Heidenheim : Marvin Ducksh scores @2.22
15h30 - Werder's top scorer in the Bundesliga, the German has 9 goals and 4 assists this season. Marvin Ducksh, who has scored in his last two games, must continue his run of form against a Heidenheim side that concedes a lot of goals away from home.
Frankfurt - Bochum : Victory Frankfurt @1.68
15:30 - On a run of 3 home wins, Frankfurt have every chance of beating Bochum, who are fighting for survival. Just sixth, a win would allow Eintracht to get back on track after losing to Cologne. A win for Niels N'Kounkou's team-mates is preferred for this free Bundesliga prediction.
Augsburg - Leipzig : Both teams score and +3.5 goals @1.93
15:30 - When it comes to a Leipzig match, you can always expect a hard-fought encounter. While the visitors are formidable in attack, Xavi Simons' team-mates are particularly weak at the back, especially on the road. An open game is expected, with both teams scoring at least one goal.
Bayer Leverkusen - Bayern Munich : Bayern Munich win @2.35
6.30pm - The Bundesliga's top-of-the-table clash between leaders Leverkusen and runners-up Bayern. Still unbeaten in all competitions this season, the visitors know what to expect from Bayern, who are likely to give 100% in this match. With only 2 points separating them from the home side, we'd prefer the visitors to win on experience.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, February 11
Stuttgart - Mainz : Deniz Undav scores
15:30 - With 5 goals in his last two Bundesliga games, Deniz Undav is Stuttgart's man of the moment. At home to an out-of-sorts Mainz side, the German striker is likely to have opportunities to shine again.
Hoffenheim - Cologne : Draw @3.80
17:30 - Hoffenheim are the obvious favourites, but they'll have to be wary of Cologne, who are coming off a solid 2-0 win over Frankfurt. The visitors are sure to cause the home side plenty of problems, having gone 7 games without a win. We're favouring a draw at the final whistle for this free Bundesliga prediction.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J20

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, February 2
Heidenheim - Dortmund : Dortmund win @1.65
20:30 - Dortmund are back to their best at the start of 2024. Even though Marco Reus' team-mates are taking advantage of a very affordable fixture list to score points, everything is looking up for Borussia. On a run of 3 wins with 10 goals scored, we'd prefer to see the visitors beat the promoted side.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, February 3
Bayern Munich - Monchengladbach : Bayern Munich win and both teams score @1.82
15:30 - Bayern are currently experiencing a slight slump. Even though they're still winning, they're far less surgical than they were at the start of the season. Faced with a team they've always struggled against, we're expecting the home side to win a tight game in this Bundesliga prediction.
Bochum - Augsburg : Bochum win @2.05
15:30 - Bochum have won 3 of their last 4 home games. This contrasts with Augsburg, who have won just 2 of their last 10 away games. In this battle to break away from the relegation zone, we're favouring a win for the home side.
Darmstadt - Bayer Leverkusen : Goalless Leverkusen victory @1.93
15:30 - Clash of the extremes between the red lantern and the leader, Bayer Leverkusen. Still unbeaten this season, the visitors should have no trouble overcoming a team that has gone 12 games without a win. With the Bundesliga's best defensive record, a win for Xabi Alonso's side would keep them at the top of the Bundesliga standings.
Freiburg - Stuttgart : Victory Freiburg @2.85
15:30 - Unbeaten in 7 home games in all competitions, Freiburg are a tough outfit to handle on home turf. Stuttgart are far less convincing on the road than at home, where they are coming off a 5-2 win over Leipzig. Close to the European places, the home side are expected to win this Bundesliga prediction.
Mainz - Werder Bremen : Werder Bremen doesn't lose @1.68
15:30 - In fine form of late, with victories over Bayern (1-0) and Freiburg (3-1), Werder travel to a team who have not won in 8 league games. On the contrary, the visitors are on a 6-game unbeaten run. We're expecting another performance from them, and we're favoring a double chance in their favor for this free Bundesliga prediction.
Cologne - Frankfurt : Victory Frankfurt @2.17
18:30 - Cologne, languishing in the red zone, have just 2 wins to their name this season, and suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Dortmund (0-4) in their last home match. Winners of 3 of their last 4 matches, including a 1-0 victory at Leipzig, Eintracht are expected to win.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, February 4
Wolfsburg - Hoffenheim : Draw @3.55
15:30 - A duel between two teams currently in doubt and on a winless run. On a run of 3 draws, Wolfsburg welcome a Hoffenheim team who have not won in 6 matches. We should therefore see a close match between these two clubs. We're favouring a draw at the end of the 90 minutes.
Leipzig - Union Berlin : Leipzig win and + 2.5 goals @1.60
17:30 - On a run of 3 defeats in a row, it's time for Leipzig to get back on track against Berlin, who are still struggling this season. First non-relegated, the visitors are the league's worst away team, with just 4 points from 9 games. Often very attack-minded, the home side are expected to win a game of goals.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J19

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, January 26
Frankfurt - Mainz : Frankfurt win and both teams score @3.20
20:30 - After drawing 2-0 with the red lanterns, the home side must now respond to the challenge of 16th-placed Mainz. On a run of 2 home wins, including a fine 5-1 victory over Bayern, Eintracht have the attacking potential to get the better of visitors who have gone 9 games without an away win. We're favouring a Frankfurt win with both teams scoring in this Bundesliga prediction.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, January 27
Augsburg - Bayern Munich : Bayern Munich win (H-1) @1.55
15:30 - After losing to Werder Bremen (0-1), Bayern Munich are expected to react, as they can no longer afford to drop points against the leaders. Faced with an Augsburg team alternating between wins and defeats, the München should revive their winning streak in style. Munich are expected to win by at least 2 goals.
Stuttgart - Leipzig : Draw @3.50
15:30 - Stuttgart, who have only drawn and lost at home this season, face Leipzig, just 1 point behind. Although the home side are formidable in their own stadium, the absence of Sehrou Guirassy leaves a gap in attack which could give Xavi Simons' team-mates a chance. We're favouring an even match that could result in a draw for this Bundesliga prediction.
Wolfsburg - Cologne : Wolfsburg win @1.72
15:30 - Second-bottom in the Bundesliga standings, Cologne have just suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Dortmund (0-4) and have won just one of their last 10 games. For their part, despite 2 recent defeats, Wolfsburg have already proved themselves at home, with 2 wins over Leipzig. In this free Bundesliga prediction, we expect Jonas Wind's team-mates to win against the visitors.
Werder Bremen - Freiburg : Both teams score and - 3.5 goals @2.35
15:30 - Werder, who beat Bayern Munich 1-0 at the weekend, like to play an attacking game which often leads to open matches. Against Freiburg, the home side will face stiff opposition and should find it hard to hold off the opposition's offensives. Both teams should score less than 3.5 goals per game.
Hoffenheim - Heidenheim : Heidenheim doesn't lose @2.15
15:30 - Watch out for the promoted side, who are on a 5-game unbeaten run, especially as the home side have won just one of their last 10 games. After drawing 3-3 with the bottom club in the dying minutes, Hoffenheim's lack of confidence could allow the visitors to take home at least 1 point from this trip.
Bayer Leverkusen - Monchengladbach : Alejandro Grimaldo goals @3.08
18h30 - With 7 goals and 8 assists to his name this season, the full-back is a vital part of the leaders' attacking play. Bayer's second-highest scorer in the Bundesliga, Grimaldo also provided 2 assists. Continuing his fine season, we're expecting a goal from the Spaniard.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, January 28
Union Berlin - Darmstadt: Union Berlin victory @1.55
15:30 - After a disastrous start to the season, Union Berlin managed to hold Freiburg to a 0-0 draw and beat Cologne 2-0 in their last home match. By contrast, Darmstadt have not won since October 7. With only a 3-point lead over the relegation zone, a win for the home side is expected to take them a step clear of the red zone.
Dortmund - Bochum : Dortmund leads at half-time and wins the match @1.63
17:30 - Easy winners over Cologne (4-0) and Darmstadt (3-0), Dortmund face a Bochum side who have only won one away match this season. As usual, we're expecting the home side to get off to an attacking start, quickly taking the lead and then going on to win. We'll go for the lead in the first half and then go for the win.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J18

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, January 19
Mainz - Union Berlin Draw @3.15
20:30 - Mainz (16th) and Union Berlin (15th) go head-to-head in the battle for survival. With just one win from their 8 away matches this season, the Berliners are failing to win away from home. The same applies to Mainz, who have won just one match on home soil. In a match where both teams will be desperate not to lose, we're aiming for a draw.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, January 20
Heidenheim - Wolfsburg Victoire Heidenheim @2.57
15:30 - A fine season for the promoted side at home, with 5 wins from 8 matches. A fact to be taken into account against a Wolfsburg team that has already lost 6 of its 9 away games. Winners of 3 of their last 4 Bundesliga games, the home side are expected to win again in this Bundesliga prediction.
Bochum - Stuttgart Bochum doesn't lose @1.77
15:30 - The odds are stacked against Bochum, who remain unbeaten in their last 5 home games, and Stuttgart, who have lost 3 of their last 4 away matches by at least 2 goals. Without Serhou Guirassy, the visitors will be hard pressed to win. We're favouring a double chance for the home side.
Darmstadt - Frankfurt Victoire Frankfurt @1.85
15:30 - Winless in their last 10 Bundesliga games, Darmstadt don't come into their clash with Frankfurt full of confidence. The visitors are coming off a 1-0 win at Leipzig. As the league's worst home team, the home side are expected to suffer another defeat.
Cologne - Dortmund Dortmund win and both teams score @2.42
15:30 - Easy winners over Darmstadt (3-0), Dortmund travel again to Cologne, second-bottom in the Bundesliga standings. While Borussia should win this match to keep pace with the podium, the visitors remain defensively shaky, having conceded 25 goals in 17 games. Marco Reus's team-mates are favored to win, with both teams scoring in this Bundesliga prediction.
Freiburg - Hoffenheim : Victory Freiburg @1.97
15:30 - Unbeaten in their last 6 home games, Freiburg have conceded just one goal in their last 5 matches at their home stadium. Hoffenheim, meanwhile, have gone 5 games without an away win, including 4 defeats. After a dismal 0-0 draw with Union Berlin, it's time for the home side to get back on track with a win.
Leipzig - Bayer Leverkusen Draw @3.50
18:30 - It's the Bundesliga fixture of the weekend, as the leaders travel to the third-placed team. It's likely to be an offensive encounter between two teams who aren't afraid to put on a show. Although the home side are coming off a defeat on their own turf, they are used to big games and should have what it takes to keep Leverkusen at bay. We're expecting a draw for this free Bundesliga prediction.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, January 21
Bayern Munich - Werder Bremen Jamal Musiala scores @2.45
15h30 - Scorer of 3 goals in his last 2 games, the young German midfielder is Munich's man of the moment. In a match where the Bavarians are expected to put on another demonstration, Musiala should have new opportunities to express himself on the edge of the box.
Mönchengladbach - Augsburg Monchengladbach victory @1.81
17h30 - Winners of their last 6 home games, Borussia are very solid on their home turf. In contrast, Augsburg have won just one of their away games this season, collecting just 5 points. Easy winners over Stuttgart (3-1), the home side are expected to win again.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J17

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Friday, January 12
Bayern Munich - Hoffenheim : Bayern Munich win without conceding a goal @1.78
20:30 - For their first home game of the year, the Munich players are expected to put in a great performance, as they have no points to lose to keep pace with the leaders. Even if Hoffenheim are travelling well, with 5 wins in 8 away games, we'd prefer Harry Kane's team-mates to win without conceding a goal.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Saturday, January 13
Augsburg - Bayer Leverkusen Leverkusen win by at least 2 goals @2.07
15:30 - Leverkusen are the impeccable leaders this season and remain unbeaten in the Bundesliga. Even if Augsburg are a difficult team to surprise at home. Xabi Alonso's players are expected to play a great game for the first time this year. For this free Bundesliga prediction, we'd prefer the visitors to win by at least 2 goals.
Cologne - Heidenheim Heidenheim doesn't lose @1.71
15:30 - It's hard to understand the odds on this match. Second-bottom in the Bundesliga standings, Cologne are set to host a team on the back of 3 consecutive wins, the last of which came against Freiburg (3-2). Although the visitors have a harder time of it away from home, the home side have only won one match at their stadium this season. For these reasons, we're favoring a double chance in favor of the promoted team.
Fribourg - Union Berlin : Victoire Fribourg @1.95
15:30 - Having struggled this season, Union Berlin travel to Freiburg, who have lost just one match at home this season. As the second-worst away team in the Bundesliga, it's hard to see this Berlin team worrying their opponents. We're expecting the home side to win this Bundesliga prediction.
Mainz - Wolfsburg Draw @3.15
15:30 - In the red zone, Mainz host Wolfsburg (10th). A rather unpredictable match between the visitors, who have lost 6 of their 8 away games, and the hosts, who have only won one match this season. Used to draws, we're expecting the first relegation zone side to catch their opponents on the hop.
Leipzig - Frankfurt Leipzig win and both teams score @2.32
15:30 - A great clash between two European clubs. Leipzig are on a 6-game home winning streak. The home side have made a habit of conceding goals and haven't had a clean sheet since October 28. For these reasons, we prefer a win for Xavi Simons' team-mates, with both teams scoring.
Darmstadt - Dortmund Dortmund victory @1.43
18h30 - Dortmund must win against Germany's D1 bottom club. Lagging behind the leaders, Borussia must win this Saturday. Faced with a team that has won just one match at home this season, we're favoring a win for the visitors in this Bundesliga prediction.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, January 14
Bochum - Werder Breme : Victoire Bochum @1.99
15:30 - Bochum (14th) and Werder (13th) go head-to-head in the battle for survival. The promoted side must take advantage of this home match to take a 3-point lead over their opponents. After 2 fine home wins, the home side are expected to make it 3 wins out of 3 in this free Bundesliga prediction.
Mönchengladbach - Stuttgart Deniz Undav scores
17h30 - With 9 goals since the start of the season, the German striker is one of the top scorers in the Bundesliga scoring charts. Having benefited from the absence of Sehrou Guirassy, Undav has become an important player in the Stuttgart eleven, who should still have plenty of chances in this match.
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Bundesliga Predictions - J16

⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Wednesday, December 20
Union Berlin - Cologne : Draw @ 4.00
18:30 - A bottom-of-the-table encounter between the first non-relegated side and first relegated Cologne. With the two teams level on points, we can expect a very tight encounter. Although Union Berlin seem to be going into the game as favourites, the sequence of matches could prove too much for them. For this reason, we're favoring a draw for this free Bundesliga prediction.
Bayer Leverkusen - Bochum : Leverkusen win without conceding @ 1.63
20:30 - Bundesliga leaders Leverkusen host Bochum, who have just one away win to their name. They have been almost flawless at home, apart from a 1-1 draw with Domrtund. The home side should have an easy time of it against this mid-table outfit. Xabi Alonso's side are expected to win without conceding a goal.
Frankfurt - Mönchengladbach Victoire Frankfurt @ 1.83
With 6 defeats in their last 7 games in all competitions apart from a 5-1 victory over Bayern, the home side are in a bad way at the moment. However, the visitors' record isn't exactly flattering either, with just 6 points from 7 away matches. Frankfurt are expected to win on home turf in this free Bundesliga prediction.
Heidenheim - Freiburg : Draw @ 3.40
Currently in 12th place in the German D1, the newly-promoted team is having a good season, playing some attractive football. Their season is all the more interesting at home, as they have won 4 of their 7 games on home turf. The Freiburg team, who have been on a winning streak of late, will be a good opponent. We're favouring a draw in this encounter.
Stuttgart - Augsburg : Stuttgart win without conceding a goal @ 2.05
Having enjoyed a fine season at home, with 6 wins from 8 games, Undav's team-mates are about to take on an Augsburg side who are struggling on the road, with just 5 points from 7 trips. One of the best defences in the league, the hosts are expected to win without conceding a goal.
Wolfsburg - Bayern Munich Bayern Munich win by at least 2 goals @ 1.78
After a 1-5 thrashing at Frankfurt, Bayern bounced back to inflict a 3-0 defeat on Stuttgart. For this final match of the year, we can expect another easy victory for Thomas Tuchel's players. Particularly as Wolfsburg have been unable to string results together this season, winning just one of their last 4 home games. For this Bundesliga prediction, we'd prefer the visitors to win by at least 2 goals.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Tuesday, December 19
Werder Bremen - Leipzig : Victory Leipzig @ 1.55
18h30 - Winners of their last 3 Bundesliga matches, Leipzig travel to Werder, who have just one win in their last 6 league games. Marco Rose's side are in fine form at the end of the year, and have the opportunity to consolidate their position on the podium with a win. For today's soccer prediction, we're favouring a win for the visitors.
Dortmund - Mainz Dortmund MT/FM @ 1.93
20h30 - Having struggled in December, it's time for Dortmund to end the year on a high. Faced with one of the only two teams yet to win an away match, the home side are expected to put in a hard-fought performance. Having won 5 of their 8 games at Signal Iduna Park, Marco Reus' team-mates are expected to win.
Hoffenheim - Darmstadt Kramaric scores @ 2.17
20h30 - An experienced goalscorer, the Croatian often proves decisive when he's the first-choice striker. Having scored 5 Bundesliga goals this season against the league's worst defence, Kramaric is expected to find the net again to return to the top of the Bundesliga scoring charts.
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⚽️ Bundesliga Prediction - Sunday, December 17
➡️Leverkusen - Frankfurt: Leverkusen win @ 1.38
17:30 - Still leading the Bundesliga despite two draws in a row, Xabi Alonso's Bayer Leverkusen entertain Eintracht Frankfurt, who punished Bayern 5-1. Frankfurt's victory shouldn't trouble Leverkusen too much, as it just ended a run of 4 consecutive defeats.
➡️Bayern Munich - Stuttgart: Bayern win @ 1.42
19:30 - Humiliated at Frankfurt (5-1), the Bavarians face a crucial match against the third-placed team in the league. To bounce back, Bayern beat Man United in the LDC thanks to Coman. Stuttgart, meanwhile, are on a winning streak (unbeaten in 6 games) and held leaders Leverkusen to a 1-1 draw. At the Allianz Arena, however, the Munich side took all 3 points.
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Trends over the last 5 matches

Statistics for your Bundesliga predictions

Simple bet


Favour home wins for your 1X2 Bundesliga predictions. Around 1 in 2 matches will end in a home win in the 2023-2024 season.



For your prediction on the 2 teams scoring in the Bundesliga, the "yes" is to be preferred, as just over one match in 3 ends in a clean sheet for one of the 2 teams and less than two matches in 3 see the nets shake on both sides.



For your Bundesliga over/under predictions, opt for +2.5 goals in 64% of matches and +3.5 goals in just under 1 in 2, which is important and generates interesting odds.


For your Bundesliga score prediction, opt for 0-0 or 1-1 half-time, 2 scores that appear in more than one match out of 3. For the score at the end of the match, the results are more balanced, but 1-1 followed by 3-1 are the most regular scores, with 2-1 completing the podium.

Bundesliga prediction : Who will be champion?

Bayern Munich1.19
Borussia Dortmund5.50
Bayer Leverkusen32.00
Eintracht Frankfurt70.00
Union Berlin70.00

Bayern Munich are aiming for a 12th consecutive Bundesliga title. Nevertheless, the Yellow and Blacks of Borussia Dortmund were very close to winning their first Bundesliga trophy since 2012. As usual, BVB are the main outsiders in the title race. Leipzig complete the podium as the most consistent club, not to mention the other two German giants.

Bundesliga predictions: who will finish in the top 4?

Borussia Dortmund1.05
RB Leipzig1.30
Bayer Leverkusen1.93
Union Berlin3.20
Eintracht Frankfurt4.00

Union Berlin has only gone up in the last 5 seasons. 11th in 2019-2020 then 7th in 2020-2021, 5th in 2021-2022 and 4th last year. But watch out for Bayer Leverkusen, who get closer to the Champions League places every year!

Interested in the German 2nd Division? Take a look at our Bundesliga 2 prediction page with the best matches analyzed and predicted before each matchday. See also our soccer tip of the day as well as our selection of striker prediction to help you make the right choices. With our sports betting tipstake the time to analyze and think about your predictions, whatever the championship.

How to predict the Bundesliga?

1Analyze the stats: Before making your Bundesliga 1X2 predictions, take the time to analyze the teams' stats, such as recent performances, home and away results, number of goals scored and conceded, etc. This will give you a better understanding of the teams' strengths and weaknesses. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved.
In the Bundesliga this season, there were 49% home wins, 21% draws and 30% away wins. In other words, on a 9-game day, 5 teams will win at home, 2 will draw and 3 will win away from home.
2Take absences into account: Injuries, suspensions or the absence of key players can have a significant impact on a team's performance. Be sure to check the information on absences before making your Bundesliga prediction.
We all know the importance of goalscorers in the French championship. Bayern Munich is not the same with or without Kane, nor is Stuttgart without Guirassy or Leverkusen without Boniface. For many years, Bayern relied heavily on Lewandowski to win titles.
3Consider head-to-head matches: Previous matches between two teams can provide interesting clues for your Bundesliga prediction. Take into account past results and performances in head-to-head encounters.
Example: Leipzig and Munich have met 2 times this season: a win for RB Leipzig and a draw.
4Consider the context for your Bundesliga predictions: Take into account what's at stake in the match, such as the race for the title, the fight for a place in the European Cup or the battle to avoid relegation. These factors can influence the teams' motivation and intensity.
5Keep up to date with the latest team news, injuries, suspensions, coaching changes and more. This information can have an impact on team performance.
The psychological shock of a change of coach can bring a team back from the brink. Just as the absence of the Bundesliga's top scorer or top passer can cripple a team.
6Study styles of play: Every team has its own style of play. Try to understand the tactics and patterns used by teams to predict how they might perform in a given match.
7Manage your bankroll: When placing Bundesliga bets, it's important to manage your bankroll responsibly. Set yourself a dedicated sports betting budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose.
It is generally recommended not to exceed 5% of your bankroll.

How does the Bundesliga work?

The Bundesliga is the highest soccer division in Germany and one of the most popular and competitive soccer leagues in Europe.
👉 Competition format: The Bundesliga consists of 18 teams competing in a two-legged league, meaning that each team plays each other twice, once at home and once away. This equates to a total of 34 matches per team over the course of the season.
👉 Points system: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 and a defeat is worth no points. Teams are ranked according to the total number of points accumulated throughout the season. In the event of a tie on points between two teams, total goal difference and direct confrontations are taken into account to determine their ranking.
👉 Relegation and qualification for European competitions: At the end of the season, the bottom two teams in the standings are relegated to Bundesliga 2 (with a potential third-placed team), Germany's second division, while the top four teams qualify directly for the group stage of the UEFA Champions League, Europe's most prestigious club competition. In addition, the fifth-placed teams, along with the German Cup winner, qualify for the UEFA Europa League. Finally, the sixth-placed team qualifies for the Europa League Conference.
👉 Bundesliga 2 promotion: The top two teams in Bundesliga 2 are automatically promoted to the Bundesliga for the following season. Third place qualifies for the play-offs against the 16th-placed team in d1.
👉 The champion: The team finishing with the most points is crowned Bundesliga champion. The German champion will face the winner of the DFB Pokal in the German Supercup the following season.
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