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French Ligue 2 Predictions

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Cotes & matchs Ligue 2

Pronos Ligue 2 – J31

Feeling Ligue 2 du samedi 13 avril
Ajaccio – Saint Etienne : Victoire Saint Etienne @1.95
15:00 – Qui pourra stopper la remontée stéphanoise ? Sur une série de 8 matchs sans défaite, les Verts ont enchainé un cinquième match sans encaisser de but. De son côté, Ajaccio n’a plus gagné depuis 7 rencontres et restent sur 2 défaites sur l’île de beauté alors qu’ils étaient si solides à domicile. Vu leur forme actuelle, on privilégie une victoire des visiteurs.
Bordeaux – Bastia : Victoire Bordeaux @1.91
19:00 – Avec une marge de 6 points d’avance sur la zone rouge, Bordeaux doit confirmer sa dernière victoire à Caen (1-0) s’il ne veut pas voir des clubs du bas de tableau revenir à sa hauteur. Justement Bastia fait partie de ses clubs et ne comptent que 4 points de retard sur les Girondins. Invaincus depuis 6 rencontres au Matmut Atlantique, on envisage une victoire des locaux.
Laval – Annecy : Annecy ne perd pas @1.58
19:00 – Série folle pour les Anneciens qui ont remporté leurs 4 derniers matchs ce qui leur ont permis de s’extirper de la zone rouge. Pas de quoi rassurer Laval qui n’a plus gagné depuis le 30 septembre à domicile et reste sur 2 défaites en Mayenne face à des clubs qui jouent le maintien. Vu les dynamiques convergentes, on voit les visiteurs réussir à ramener à minima le point du match nul de ce déplacement.
Caen – Rodez : Rodez ne perd pas @1.58
19:00 – La Normandie est un nouveau terrain conquis. Pourtant si performant devant leur public, les Caennais restent sur 2 défaites sans inscrire de but à domicile. Une bonne occasion donc pour Rodez de toujours croire à une potentielle montée en Ligue 1. Avec une seule défaite sur leurs 9 derniers déplacement, on privilégie une double chance en faveur des Ruthénois pour ce pronostic Ligue 2.
Valenciennes – Pau : Les deux équipes marquent ? Non @1.68
19:00 – Déjà condamné même si ce n’est pas encore officiel, Valenciennes reçoit Pau qui reste à proximité du Top 5 même si cela va être difficile de s’y approcher. On s’attend à un match assez fermé dans le Nord d’autant que les locaux n’ont plus inscrit de but depuis 3 rencontres à domicile. Comme se fut le cas sur 5 des 6 derniers matchs du VAFC, on voit une des deux équipes ne pas marquer durant la rencontre.
Troyes – Paris FC : Les deux équipes marquent @1.67
19:00 – Sur une pente glissante, Troyes acceuille Paris FC qui a l’inverse n’a plus perdu depuis 9 journées et propose un jeu plutôt offensif notamment sur ses 3 derniers matchs. Souvent auteurs de matchs rebondissants dans l’Aube, on s’attend à un match ouvert des Troyens avec un but de chaque côté pour le plus grand plaisir des spectateurs.
Concarneau – Amiens : Plus de 2.5 buts @2.25
19:00 – Malgré une mauvaise série de 4 défaites, Concarneau garde son envie d’aller vers l’avant notamment devant son public avec plus de 4 buts lors de ses 4 derniers matchs. Contre une équipe d’Amiens qui navigue dans le ventre mou du classement et qui peut jouer sans pression, on privilégie un match à buts avec un minimum de 3 réalisations.
QRM – Auxerre : Draw @3.15
19:00 – Plus que jamais leader au classement Ligue 2, Auxerre compte 7 points d’avance sur Saint-Etienne, son dauphin. Attention tout de même à ce déplacement sur la pelouse de QRM qui a tenu en échec 5 de 6 dernières équipes qu’ils ont affronté. Face à des Auxerrois qui ont déjà laissé des points en route à l’extérieur, on envisage un score de parité pour ce prono Ligue 2.
Dunkerque – Guingamp : Dunkerque ne perd pas @1.63
19:00 – Duel entre deux équipes les plus en forme du championnat ces dernières semaines. Deuxième meilleure formation sur les 10 journées précédentes avec 21 points remportés, Dunkerque a les arguments pour venir freiner la remontée des Bretons au classement. Contre Guingamp qui n’a remporté qu’un seul de ses 5 derniers déplacements, on privilégie une double chance en faveur des Nordistes.
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Pronos Ligue 2 – J31

Feeling Ligue 2 du samedi 6 avril
Saint Etienne – Concarneau : Victoire Saint-Etienne 1-0, 2-0 ou 3-0 @2.25
15:00 – Meilleure défense des premières et deuxièmes divisions du Top 5 européen en 2024, l’ASSE est sur une très bonne dynamique avec 6 succès sur ses 7 derniers matchs dont 5 sans encaisser de but. Contre une équipe de Concarneau qui vient d’enchainer une 3ème défaite de rang contre Angers (2-4), on s’attend à une nouvelle victoire sans trembler des verts.
Caen – Bordeaux : Draw @3.20
19:00 – Avec une courte marge de 5 points sur la zone rouge, Bordeaux s’apprête à affronter Caen qui alterne entre victoires et défaites. Sans victoire depuis 5 déplacements, le moindre point va être important pour les Girondins. Face à des Vikings en demi-teinte, on s’attend à un match engagé qui pourrait déboucher sur un match nul comme lors du premier affrontement.
Angers – Laval : Les deux équipes marquent @1.95
19:00 – Dans ce choc crucial pour la montée, Angers reçoit Laval au pied du podium. Avec seulement 5 points d’écart entre les deux équipes, les Lavallois sont dans l’obligation de venir faire un résultat pour se rapprocher du Top 2. Deuxième meilleure équipe du championnat à l’extérieur, on s’attend à ce que le club de la Mayenne ait du répondant et on privilégie un but de chaque côté.
Rodez – QRM : Draw @3.20
19:00 – Invaincu depuis 7 journées, les Ruthénois peuvent prétendre à jouer le Top 5 vu leur dynamique actuelle. Attention tout de même au piège QRM qui reste sur 4 matchs sans défaite en déplacement dont une victoire (4-2) sur la pelouse de Laval. Avec une seule victoire sur ses 4 derniers matchs devant son public, on voit Rodez être tenu en échec.
Pau – Ajaccio : Victoire Pau @2.45
19:00 – Deuxième plus mauvaise équipe à l’extérieur avec seulement 9 points en 15 rencontres, Ajaccio se déplace sur la pelouse de Pau qui vient d’enchainer un second succès de rang sur le terrain d’Amiens (3-2). Vu les difficultés du club corse loin de ses terres, on privilégie une victoire paloise pour faire la passe de 3.
Paris FC – Grenoble : Victoire Paris FC @1.88
19:00 – Pourtant si séduisant il y a quelques mois, Grenoble est en pleine dérive avec seulement 1 point sur les 7 dernières journées. Face à une équipe du PFC invaincue depuis 9 rencontres, on s’attend à une victoire des Franciliens pour se rapprocher du Top 5 dans la course aux phases finales.
Guingamp – Amiens : Plus de 2.5 buts @2.25
19:00 – Duel entre deux équipes capables de proposer un jeu porté vers l’attaque quitte à laisser des espaces comme se fut le cas pour les Amienois lors de la dernière défaite (2-3) contre Pau. Des confrontations directes souvent fournis en buts avec au moins 3 buts sur 4 des 5 derniers affrontements. On envisage plus de 2.5 buts lors de cette rencontre pour ce pronostic Ligue 2.
Annecy – Valenciennes : Victoire Annecy @1.62
19:00 – Qui pourra arrêter Annecy ? Bien mal en point, les Annéciens viennent d’enchainer 3 victoires de rang pour se rapprocher du premier non relégable. Opposés à des Valenciennois déjà condamnés à descendre en National, les locaux peuvent poursuivre leur série contre une équipe qui a laissé beaucoup de force en demi finale de Coupe de France. On privilégie une victoire des coéquipiers de Vincent Pajot.
Bastia – Dunkerque : Dunkerque ne perd pas @1.62
19:00 – Alternant entre victoires et défaites sur sa pelouse, Bastia s’apprête à recevoir Dunkerque qui reste sur 2 victoires à l’extérieur dont la dernière contre Laval (2-1). Dans ce match très important pour le maintien, on voit les Nordistes venir inquiéter cette équipe bastiaise qui n’a aucune continuité dans ses résultats.
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Pronos Ligue 2 – J30

Feeling Ligue 2 du samedi 30 mars
Valenciennes – Saint Etienne : Victoire Saint Etienne sans encaisser de but @2.30
15:00 – Meilleure défense du championnat, les Verts n’ont encaissé que 3 buts en 2024 ! Une défense de fer qui est le symbole du renouveau stéphanois avec 5 victoires en 6 rencontres. Face à des Valenciennois lanterne rouge et plus que jamais proche d’une descente en National, on privilégie une nouvelle victoire des visiteurs pour ce prono Ligue 2.
Bordeaux – Paris FC : Draw @3.05
19:00 – Face à des Bordelais malades, Paris FC pourrait enchainer une troisième victoire de rang après avoir enchainé 5 matchs nuls. Cependant, à domicile, on s’attend à une révolte des girondins qui restent sur 5 matchs sans défaite au Matmut Atlantique. On privilégie un score de parité à l’issue des 90 minutes.
Laval – Bastia : Bastia ne perd pas @1.70
19:00 – Toujours sans victoire depuis le 30 septembre dernier sur sa pelouse, Laval n’y arrive pas à domicile et perd de précieux points dans la course pour la montée. Face à des Bastiais irréguliers cette saison, on s’attend à un match équilibré d’autant que Bastia pourrait être revanchard après avoir subit une lourde défaite contre l’ASSE (0-4). On privilégie une double chance en faveur des Corses.
QRM – Caen : Draw @2.92
19:00 -Sur une série folle de 4 matchs nuls dont 3 sur le score de 0-0, QRM accueille une équipe caennaise qui reste sur 2 défaites après avoir connu un bon mois de février. Comme souvent avec les locaux, on peut s’attendre à un match fermé où les deux formations auront très peu d’actions pour s’exprimer. On envisage un match nul au coup de sifflet final.
Amiens – Pau : Moins de 2.5 buts @1.55
19:00 – En difficulté depuis le début de l’année avec seulement 2 victoires en 10 rencontres, Pau se déplace sur la pelouse d’Amiens pour y affronter une équipe qui n’a elle perdu qu’à une seule reprise sur la même période. Deuxième meilleure défense de Ligue 2, il faut s’attendre à un match fermé face à la muraille amiénoise. On privilégie moins de 2.5 buts dans le match pour ce pronostic Ligue 2.
Concarneau – Angers : Concarneau ne perd pas @1.65
19:00 – Angers a mis fin à une série de 5 défaites à l’extérieur en ramenant le point du match nul de Valenciennes, lanterne rouge. Pas de quoi se rassurer donc pour des Angevins qui n’ont pas inscrit le moindre but sur cette période. Même si Concarneau connait aussi une période creuse, on privilégie une double chance en faveur des Bretons.
Grenoble – Guingamp : Draw @2.82
19:00 – C’est la crise à Grenoble ! Pourtant bien parti pour figurer dans le Top 5, les Grenoblois viennent d’enchainer une sixième défaite de rang sur la pelouse de Rodez (1-3). Une bonne occasion donc pour les Guingampais de poursuivre leur bonne dynamique de 2 victoires. Néanmoins, on s’attend à une révolte des locaux pour accrocher le point du match nul.
Troyes – Rodez : Both teams score @1.57
19:00 – Il faut s’attendre à un match ouvert entre des Troyens très performants à domicile malgré des lacunes défensives et des Ruthénois auteurs d’une folle remontée au classement. Meilleure attaque sur les 10 derniers matchs avec 17 buts inscrits, on voit les Aveyronnais inscrire au moins un but dans cette rencontre.
Dunkerque – Annecy : Victoire Dunkerque @2.20
19:00 – Invaincu depuis 10 rencontres de Ligue 2 dont 7 victoires, Dunkerque ne s’arrête plus et à déjà pris une marge relative sur la zone rouge. Même si les Anneciens restent sur 2 victoires de rang, à domicile, on s’attend à une nouvelle belle prestation des Nordistes pour s’imposer devant leur public.
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Monday, April 1, 2024
Ajaccio – Auxerre : Ajaccio ne perd pas @1.63

Ligue 2 predictions - J29

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday March 16
Auxerre - Caen : Draw @3.60
15:00 - A slight blip in Auxerre's fortunes in recent weeks, with 2 home draws and last weekend's defeat by Saint Etienne (0-1). A poor run of form which may give cause for hope to the Caennais, who have won 3 of their last 5 games. On a run of 3 consecutive draws in head-to-head encounters in Burgundy, we're favoring a similar scenario for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Annecy - Bordeaux : Draw @3.20
19:00 - Without a win in their last 4 outings, Bordeaux travel to Annecy, who are fighting for survival. The Annecians are coming off a convincing 3-1 win at Ajaccio, where it's always difficult to come away with a result. Even if the home side don't get the results they'd hoped for in front of their home fans, we'd prefer to see a draw at the end of the 90 minutes.
Angers - Amiens : Draw @3.20
19:00 - Angevins on a rather disappointing run of form welcome Amiens, who have already done well away from home. After holding Laval (1-1) and Ajaccio (0-0) to a draw away from home, the visitors take on the Angevins, who have won just one of their last 5 games and are coming off a disappointing 0-0 draw with Valenciennes. An evenly-matched encounter is expected.
QRM - Troyes : Troyes doesn't lose @1.77
19:00 - Following their 2-0 victory over Bastia, Troyes are set to face QRM, who have gone 4 games without a home win. Although Troyes find it harder to win away from home, the visitors are likely to keep their opponents at bay, and why not take at least a point from this encounter to keep the red zone at bay.
Paris FC - Ajaccio : Victory Paris FC @2.12
19:00 - Powerless away from home, Ajaccio have just one point from their last 7 away games. An opportunity for Paris FC to take all 3 points and close in on the Top 5. Fairly solid in front of their home fans, the Parisians are expected to win, having lost just once at home in their last 7 matches.
Pau - Concarneau : Over 2.5 goals @1.82
19:00 - One of the league's most prolific attackers, with 40 goals in 28 games, Pau host Concarneau, who are also enjoying some fine attacking success. In this vital match for survival, the Bretons will not be content with a draw and will probably have to go on the attack. It's a chance for the Palois to find space more easily, and thus quickly increase their lead.
Guingamp - Valenciennes : Guingamp win @1.50
19:00 - Faced with a Valenciennes side all but doomed, Guingamp must raise their game at home. Victorious over Concarneau (3-2) in the Breton derby, the home side are expected to continue their good run of form and come away with a precious win against a team that has lost 8 of its 14 away games.
Bastia - Saint Etienne : Victoire Saint Etienne @2.50
19:00 - On a roll since the arrival of their new coach, the Stéphanois have won 4 of their last 5 games, conceding just one goal. Faced with a Bastia side struggling at home, the Greens look capable of overturning a Corsican side struggling to stay in the red zone.
Laval - Dunkerque : Draw @3.10
19:00 - While things are going well for Laval on the road, they're having a tougher time at home, having gone 9 games without a win. This is an opportunity for Dunkerque to pick up a point, as they are unbeaten in 4 Ligue 2 outings. We're favoring a draw for this Ligue 2 prediction.
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Ligue 2 predictions - J28

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday March 09
Saint Etienne - Auxerre : Victoire Saint Etienne @2.67
15:00 - A big clash on the opening day of Matchday 28 between leaders Auxerre and ASSE. The Greens have regained their confidence since the arrival of their new coach. In contrast, the visitors are coming off 2 home draws against bottom-of-the-table opposition. The home side, who perform very well in big games, are expected to win.
AC Ajaccio - Annecy : Ajaccio win @1.80
19:00 - Still unbeaten at home this season, Ajaccio are proving very solid defensively, conceding just 6 goals in 13 games. Annecy, on the other hand, have won just one of their last 11 league games. For these reasons, we prefer a Corsican victory for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Amiens - Rodez : Draw @3.00
19:00 - With 4 draws in its last 5 matches, Amiens is becoming a regular fixture on the scoresheet. Good results at Laval and ACA. Amiens will have to be wary of Ruthénois, who have been travelling very well of late with 2 wins. Nevertheless, both teams are expected to share the points.
Bordeaux - QRM : Bordeaux victory @1.85
19:00 - On a run of 4 consecutive home wins, including the last 3 without conceding a goal, the Girondins have finally become a team to be feared. Even if QRM are capable of some fine performances, such as their 4-2 win at Laval, we'd prefer a Bordeaux victory to take a definitive step away from the red zone.
Caen - Paris FC : Caen victory @2.17
19:00 - Winners of 5 of their last 6 home games, Caen have not conceded a goal in that time. Paris FC, on the other hand, are without a win in 8 matches and have drawn 5 consecutive games. The Vikings are expected to win this Ligue 2 prediction.
Dunkerque - Pau : Draw @3.15
19:00 - Unbeaten in their last 7 league games, Dunkirk are still hoping to climb out of the red zone. However, watch out for Pallois, who are travelling well with just one defeat in their last 9 away games. We're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw.
Concarneau - Guingamp : Concarneau doesn't lose @1.60
19:00 - With just one defeat in 5 games, the promoted club has managed to stay out of the red zone. In this Breton derby, the hosts face a team that has won just one of its last 7 matches. We're favouring a double chance in favour of the league's minnows to maintain their good momentum.
Troyes - Bastia : Troyes win @2.45
19:00 - Before their last home defeat to Dunkerque, Troyes had won 3 straight matches against clubs in the top half of the table. The Bastiais, on the other hand, have struggled away from home and are one of the league's worst away teams. For these reasons, we'd prefer the home side to win.
Valenciennes - Angers : Valenciennes doesn't lose @1.65
19:00 - On paper, a very lopsided duel between bottom-placed Valenciennes and second-placed Angers. However, the Angevins are having a tough time of it at the start of the year, losing 5 away games in a row without scoring a single goal. It's time for the home side to confirm the point they picked up at Auxerre by securing at least 1 point from this encounter.
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Monday, March 11, 2024
Grenoble - Laval : Draw @2.92

Ligue 2 predictions - J27

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday March 02
Paris FC - Saint Etienne : Victoire Saint Etienne @2.75
15:00 - Les Verts continue their climb up the standings and are currently 4th, which is good enough for a play-off round for promotion to Ligue 1. Les Stéphanois are on a run of 3 wins in a row, including 2 clean sheets and a victory over runners-up Angers. When they travel to Paris, who are on a run of 4 draws in a row, Saint Etienne look set to get the better of the capital's players.
Annecy - QRM : Victoire Annecy @2.72
19:00 - Crucial match between the two teams fighting to stay in Ligue 2 next season! For the moment, Quevilly Rouen have a slight 2-point advantage, but Annecy have every intention of reversing the trend at home and overtaking their opponents.
Laval - Amiens : Laval victory @2.05
19:00 - Although Laval aren't quite as accurate as they were at the start of the season, they're still 3rd in Ligue 2 and got back on track last time out when they beat Concarneau 1-3. As for Amiens, goals are few and far between, as they are the second-worst attacking team in the league. At home, we'll be seeing a win for Laval, their first in 8 matchdays.
Rodez - Bordeaux : Victory Rodez @2.50
19:00 - This Ligue 2 prediction is in favor of Rodez! Les Rhodaniens have just had 3 clean sheets in a row, with 2 wins and 1 draw. What's more, Rodez are just a few points off the top 5, and this could spur them on to some good games at the end of the season. Les Bordelais, for their part, are in 13th place, with the climb virtually out of reach at this stage.
SC Bastia - Grenoble: Draw @2.97
7:00 PM - SC Bastia have been pretty consistent at home this season, losing just 2 of their last 9 matches on Corsican soil. Grenoble, in 5th place, should be favourites, but their last 3 poor results mean that a draw will be enough to delight both sides.
Pau - Caen : Caen or draw @1.37
19:00 - The mood has changed since 2024 for Pau, who only just recorded their first win of the season at the end of February. Caen, for their part, are experiencing the opposite dynamic as the start of the season was complicated, but have managed to reverse the trend since the end of 2023 to climb to sixth place, just one point behind the top 5. In this duel, we don't see Caen losing.
Dunkerque - Concarneau : Victory Dunkerque @2.25
19:00 - Dunkerque win to escape the relegation zone for today's Ligue 2 prediction ! Indeed, on a much better run (unbeaten in 5 matches 4V/1N. With this win, Dunkerque would move ahead of their opponents by just one point!
Guingamp - Troyes : Guingamp win @1.73
19:00 - At the Roudourou, Guingamp, who lost their last match, welcome Troyes, who also lost their last match. EAG's advantage is that Troyes have been ineffective away from home this season, with just one away win to their name.
Auxerre - Valenciennes : Auxerre win @1.25
19:00 - Leaders of Ligue 2 with a 5-point lead Auxerre are heading straight for the elite of French soccer. Having only lost 3 times, Auxerre have the best attack in Ligue 2 with 51 goals scored. Their opponents are well behind them in the standings, with Valenciennes in 20th position. As a result, Auxerre's victory is a safe bet.
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Ligue 2 predictions - J26

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday, February 24
Saint Etienne - Annecy : Saint Etienne wins without conceding a goal @2.27
15:00 - The best defensive record in the league with 22 goals conceded, Stéphanois are on a roll with 2 wins and 8 clean sheets, including a 3-0 victory over Angers. This is enough to frighten Annecy, who are in the red zone and have won just one of their last 10 games. In front of their home crowd, with a virtually full-strength squad, the Verts are expected to win without conceding for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Ajaccio - Amiens : Draw @2.87
19:00 - Victorious in their last 4 home games, Ajaccio are very efficient on the Isle of Beauty. As the only unbeaten team on their home turf, Ajaccio's task promises to be a tricky one. However, the visitors have lost just one of their last 6 matches and have already managed to surprise the likes of Saint Etienne (1-0) and, more recently, Bordeaux (1-1). We're expecting an evenly-matched game that could end in a draw.
Auxerre - Bastia : Auxerre win @1.51
19:00 - Leaders of Ligue 2, Auxerre are unlikely to do the Bastians any favors, as they are one of the worst away teams in the league with just 9 points from 12 away games. Auxerre, for their part, have won 5 of their last 6 matches in front of their home fans, and we're expecting another win for the home side.
Bordeaux - Guingamp : Bordeaux win @2.15
19:00 - On a run of 3 consecutive home victories against the likes of Grenoble (1-0) and Angers (1-0), the Girondins are regaining some solidity in front of their home fans. Faced with an inconsistent Guingamp side, this is a good opportunity for the Marines et Blancs to move a little further away from the red zone with a win. In this Ligue 2 prediction, we'd prefer them to win.
Concarneau - Laval : Draw @2.97
19:00 - After a remarkable start to the season, Laval are gradually returning to the standards of previous seasons and are close to leaving the podium in the Ligue 2 standings. Concarneau, meanwhile, have gone 3 games unbeaten at home and are keeping their distance from the red zone. After a draw at Valenciennes, Lavallois are expected to draw again.
Grenoble - Pau : Pau doesn't lose @
19:00 - With just one win in their last 6 matches, Grenoble are going through a tricky period and have just suffered 2 consecutive defeats, the latest of which came against Troyes (1-3). For their part, Pau are also on a winless run, but still manage to snatch a draw on many occasions, as they did against Auxerre (2-2). It's a close game, with the visitors taking double chances.
QRM - Paris FC : Draw @3.10
19:00 - After 3 consecutive draws, the streak could well continue for Paris FC when they travel to QRM. A Quevilly team capable of better or worse, as shown by their recent results with two away wins and a home defeat to Bastia. We're expecting an evenly-matched 90 minutes for this Ligue 2 free bet.
Valenciennes - Rodez : Draw @3.15
19:00 - In last place in Ligue 2, Valenciennes host Rodez, one of the leaders. With a 3-match unbeaten run at home, including 2 wins over Bastia and Paris FC, Valenciennes have finally found their feet after a nightmarish start to the season. For their part, Rodez ended a 5-match winless streak by also beating Bastia. A draw is our preferred outcome.
Troyes - Dunkerque : Troyes win @2.15
19:00 - Despite a heavy defeat at St Etienne (0-5), Troyes bounced back immediately to record a third consecutive victory over Grenoble (3-1). This boosted their confidence ahead of their clash with newly-promoted Dunkirk, who remain mired in the red zone despite their current momentum. Even though the visitors have won 4 of their last 5 games, we're expecting the home side to win.
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Monday, February 26, 2024
Caen - Angers : Caen does not lose and - 2.5 goals @1.61
20:45 - After losing heavily to Les Verts (0-3), second-placed Angevins Angevins have to make up for it at Caen. However, the Angevins have lost all four of their away games. In contrast, Caen have won 4 of their last 5 home games and have not conceded a goal in that time. A double chance in favor of the Vikings.

Ligue 2 predictions - J25

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday, February 17
Angers - Saint Etienne : Saint Etienne doesn't lose @1.58
15:00 - Unbeaten at home, Angers is set to welcome Ligue 2's best defense, which is coming off a benchmark 5-0 victory over Troyes. Even if the Angevins seem to be unbeatable in front of their home fans, Saint Etienne have what it takes to get a result at the home of the second-placed team. All the more so as the home side's last two games at their stadium have been less than convincing. We're favouring a double chance in favour of the visitors.
Annecy - Auxerre : Victory Auxerre @1.73
19:00 - After reclaiming their position at the top of the Ligue 2 table with a 1-0 win over Angers, Auxerre travel to Annecy, who have just 2 wins at home this season. Auxerre are coming off two draws away from home, but must take advantage of this encounter against a relegation zone to retain their place on the throne. Gauthier Hein's team-mates are expected to win this Ligue 2 prediction.
Bastia - Rodez : Victory Bastia @2.30
19:00 - Irresistible on the Isle of Beauty, Bastia have lost just one of their last 9 home games. For their part, Rodez are among the worst away teams, with just 10 points from 12 games. On a run of 2 wins by the narrowest of margins, we're expecting a victory for the Corsicans to make it 3 and move away from the red zone.
Concarneau - Paris FC : Draw @2.95
19:00 - Winners of their last two home matches (1-0), Concarneau welcome Parisians who have not won in 5 matches in all competitions. Despite this, the Parisians managed to secure a draw against Amiens and Laval. With the Bretons in confident mood, we expect Paris FC to pick up another point from this Ligue 2 trip.
Dunkerque - Valenciennes : Victory Dunkerque @2.07
19:00 - Fear match between 17th-placed Dunkerque and bottom-placed Valenciennes. Unbeaten in their last 4 matches, the Dunkirkers are coming off two wins in front of their home fans against Ajaccio and Saint Etienne. A positive momentum ahead of this crucial match for survival. Faced with visitors who have just 7 points from 12 outings, the home side are expected to win.
Guingamp - Caen : Caen doesn't lose @1.83
19:00 - Away from the mark in their last two games, the Bretons have conceded 7 goals and scored just 1. A lack of confidence could be felt against Caennais, who have won 3 of their last 5 games. With just one win in 9 home games, the home side have lost their consistency on home turf, and we're favoring a double chance in favor of the Vikings for this Ligue 2 free tip.
Laval - Ajaccio : Draw @3.25
19:00 - After a dazzling start to the season, Lavallois are crumbling at the start of the year and slipping away from the battle for the top two places. Without a win in their last 7 home games, the home side can still have some hope against the second-worst away team. However, given the dynamics of the two clubs, we're expecting a draw.
Pau - QRM : Draw @3.15
19:00 - Without a win in their last 8 games in all competitions, Pau host QRM, who easily beat Laval (4-2) on their last trip. The win masks Quevilly's poor run, with only one win in their last 8 games. We can therefore expect a fairly tight encounter between two clubs in need of confidence. We're favouring a draw after 90 minutes.
Troyes - Grenoble : Troyes doesn't lose @1.58
19:00 - Having won 3 of their last 4 home games, Troyes must bounce back from their heavy defeat at Saint Etienne (0-5). Faced with Grenoble, who have won just one of their last 6 away games, this is a good opportunity for the home side to revive their momentum. In this respect, David Guion's players have a double chance.
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Monday, February 19, 2024
Amiens - Bordeaux : Draw @2.95
20:45 - In the closing game of this 25th day, Amiens host Bordeaux in a mid-table encounter. Unbeaten in their last 5 matches on home turf, the Amiens outfit are proving relatively solid in the Somme. Faced with a Bordeaux side capable of the best and the worst, we're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw at the final whistle.

Ligue 2 predictions - J24

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday, February 10
Auxerre - Angers : Draw @3.40
15:00 - It's the real clash of the Ligue 2 season between leaders Angers and runners-up Auxerre. Rather shaky away from home with 3 consecutive defeats, this match against a direct rival is an opportunity for the Angevins to redeem themselves. Even if Auxerre lose very few points at home, we'd prefer a draw for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Ajaccio - Guingamp : Draw @2.85
19:00 - In this mid-table duel, we know that it's very difficult to come away with a win at ACA. The Corsicans, unbeaten at home this season, are about to take on Guingamp, who have been very inconsistent at the start of the year. We're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw.
Annecy - Concarneau : Do both teams score? No @1.65
19:00 - A crucial encounter between Concarneau and the first relegated Annéciens. Neither team is likely to take any risks, so expect a tight encounter. The Bretons have now gone 6 games without a goal for either team. A similar scenario is expected for this match.
Bordeaux - Grenoble : Bordeaux win @2.10
19:00 - Although the Girondins' results are still lacking, the Bordelais have regained a certain solidity at home with 2 wins in a row, the latest of which (1-0) came against leaders Angevin. Grenoble, meanwhile, are coming off a convincing 5-1 win over Caen, but we're still favouring a Bordeaux victory for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Caen - Amiens : Amiens doesn't lose @1.68
19:00 - Unbeaten in their last 6 games, Amiens are taking advantage of their defensive solidity to pick up precious points in the race for the Top 5. Opposite them, Caen remain highly inconsistent and capable of anything, as evidenced by their latest defeat (1-5) to Grenoble. We'll be focusing on the Amiens' consistency, and expect the visitors not to lose this game.
Paris FC - Pau : Victory Paris FC @1.80
19:00 - A clash between two teams on the back foot at the start of the year. On a 7-game winless run, Pau are not arriving in the capital with the greatest of confidence. Paris FC, for their part, lost their last home game to Dunkerque (1-2). However, for this free Ligue 2 prediction, we'd prefer a win for the Francilians at home.
QRM - Bastia : QRM victory @1.87
19:00 - Surprisingly victorious at Laval (4-2), QRM will face a Bastia side who have just won the Corsican derby against Ajaccio (1-0). Nevertheless, away from home, Sporting Club are the worst team in the league, with just 6 points from 11 away games. For these reasons, we're expecting a win for the home side to close the gap on their rivals.
Rodez - Dunkerque : Dunkerque doesn't lose @2.02
19:00 - Dunkirk is in a state of grace at the start of the year, with 3 wins in a row, including the latest against ASSE (1-0). Although it's always difficult to get a result at Rodez. The Auvergnats have gone 4 games without a win and could well suffer against a team full of confidence. A double chance in favor of the visitors.
Valenciennes - Laval :
19:00 - Still bottom of the Ligue 2 standings, Valenciennes have won 2 games in a row at home. However, Lavallois are formidable away from home, having lost just one of their last 10 away games. The visitors are expected to win if they are to keep pace with the leaders.
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Monday, February 12, 2024
Saint Etienne - Troyes : Victoire Saint Etienne @1.65
20:45 - After two defeats in a row, even if the last one against Dunkerque was debatable, Les Verts need to get back into the swing of things if they still want to believe in the Top 5. In a cauldron that should once again be in full voice, the Stéphanois have no room for error against Troyes, who have won just one away match this season. The home side are expected to win.

Ligue 2 predictions - J23

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday, February 3
Dunkerque - Saint-Etienne : Saint-Etienne win @2.07
15:00 - After a setback against Amiens at the weekend, ASSE need to bounce back against newly-promoted Dunkirk. Although the northerners have won 2 games in a row, they had still not won a home game prior to their 2-0 victory over Ajaccio. This match is therefore an opportunity for the Greens to get back on track and close in on the Top 5.
Amiens - Paris FC : Less than 1.5 goals @2.42
19:00 - Having won their last 3 matches by the narrowest of margins, Amiens and Paris FC are set for a tight encounter. Even if the Parisians know how to play an attacking game, the Amiens' defensive game plan should be able to counter the Parisians' enthusiasm. We're expecting less than 1.5 goals for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Angers - Rodez : Victory Angers @1.85
19:00 - After relinquishing the top spot to Auxerre, Angers must now make up for it on home turf. Having won their last 9 matches on home turf, the Angevins will face a Rodez side that is performing rather poorly on the road, with just 10 points from 11 games. With this in mind, we'd prefer Loïs Diony's team-mates to win.
Concarneau - Valenciennes : Concarneau win @2.25
19:00 - The red lantern in the Ligue 2 standings travels to Concarneau. Despite the Bretons' inconsistent results, this home match is an opportunity for them to extend their lead over the red zone against a team with just 7 points from 11 away games. Having beaten Troyes in their last match in Brittany, we're expecting another win for the home side in this Ligue 2 prediction.
Grenoble - Caen : Draw @3.25
19:00 - On a run of 3 draws, Grenoble welcome Caen, who are also coming off a 0-0 draw with Troyes. Although every series comes to an end, this should be an even encounter between two teams separated by 4 points. Once again, we're aiming for a draw after 90 minutes.
Guingamp - Annecy : Guingamp win @1.52
19:00 - After managing to hold on to Auxerre (1-1), Guingamp host Annecy, the first relegation zone. Without a win in their last 8 games in all competitions, Annecy are not approaching this match with the greatest of confidence. The same goes for the Bretons, who have gone 4 games without a win in front of their home fans. Nevertheless, we're expecting a win for the home side in this free Ligue 2 prediction.
Laval - QRM : Draw @3.00
19:00 - Despite being so strong at home since the start of the season, Lavallois are on a 6-game winless streak on their own turf. They will therefore have to be wary of this very valiant QRM team, who have already managed to pick up valuable points on their travels. Despite a match that may seem unbalanced given the positioning of the two teams, we're expecting a draw at the final whistle.
Pau - Auxerre : Auxerre win @1.70
19:00 - After dropping 4 points in their last two games, Auxerre need to get back on track against Pau. Pau are on a 6-game winless run. The Ligue 2 's best away team, with just 1 defeat in 11 games, Auxerre must take advantage of their opponents' sluggish start to put the hammer down. We'd prefer a win for the leaders to stay in the lead.
Troyes - Bordeaux : Troyes doesn't lose @1.78
19:00 - Winners of their last two matches, including the latest victory over Angers (1-0), Bordeaux are back in the limelight in the year 2024. A period which also coincides with the return to form of Troyes, who already beat the Girondins in the first leg (1-0). Favourites for the match, the visitors are likely to face stiff opposition, and we're favouring a double chance in favour of the home side.
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Monday, February 5, 2024
Bastia - Ajaccio : Victory Bastia @2.32
8.45pm - Corsican derby on the program this Monday. In this type of match, the location of the match is very important in preparing an analysis. When you consider that Ajaccio are the third-worst away team, with just 8 points from 11 away games, it's logical to expect a Bastia victory. Especially as the home side have lost just one of their last 8 games in front of their home fans.

Ligue 2 predictions - J22

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday, January 27
Saint-Etienne - Amiens : Saint-Etienne win @2.05
15:00 - After a convincing 1-0 win over Pau this week, the Stéphanois have now gone four games without defeat. Although the Amiens have shown themselves to be serious away from home, the visitors have taken advantage of encounters with lower-ranked opponents to win. This time, the opposition should be more serious at Geoffroy Guichard, and we're expecting a win for Les Verts in this Ligue 2 prediction.
Ajaccio - Concarneau : Ajaccio win @1.88
19:00 - Ajaccio remain unbeaten in front of their home fans, winning 6 of their last 7 league matches. For their part, Concarneau have been alternating between the good and the not-so-good of late. Despite a 1-0 win over Troyes at the start of the week, the Breton team's low squad density could make itself felt, and we'd prefer a Corsican victory.
Annecy - Pau : Draw @3.15
19:00 - A meeting between two teams who have been losing momentum since the start of 2024, with no wins in their last 5 games. Although Les Palois have already put in some fine performances away from home, their lack of confidence could result in a tight encounter in which neither side wants to lose. We're expecting a draw at the end of the 90 minutes for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Auxerre - Guingamp : Guingamp doesn't lose @1.93
19:00 - Watch out for Guingamp, who are capable of anything lately. Despite Auxerre's 4 home wins in a row, the Bretons have won 4 of their last 5 away games, and lost to leaders Angevin (0-1). Despite home advantage, we're expecting a tight game that could end in a draw at the final whistle.
Caen - Troyes : Victory Caen @1.78
19:00 -After a shaky start to the season, Caen have managed to climb into the top five with 3 straight 1-0 home wins. Faced with Troyes, who have only won one away game this season, the Vikings need to confirm their excellent momentum. We're favouring a win for the hosts in this free Ligue 2 prediction.
Paris FC - Dunkerque : Victory Paris FC @1.73
19:00 - In the red zone, Dunkerque got some breathing space with a 2-0 win over Ajaccio. Away from home, however, Dunkerque's record is far less encouraging, as they have now gone 3 games without a win. For their part, Les Franciliens have won 3 of their last 5 home games. After holding Laval to a 1-1 draw, the Parisians are expected to win.
QRM - Grenoble : Draw @3.00
19:00 - QRM came close to picking up a point from their 2-3 away win over Angers, and will be looking to get back to winning ways when they welcome Grenoble. It's a tough task against Grenoble, who are currently sitting on the Ligue 2 podium. Although the home side have won 3 of their last 5 home games, the opposition promises to be tough this Saturday, and we're aiming for a draw.
Rodez - Laval : Draw @3.05
7:00 PM - With just one defeat in their last 7 matches against Monaco (1-3), the Ruthenians are currently enjoying a fine run of form that has them closing in on the Top 5. Laval, on the other hand, are winless in their last 6 league games and are taking advantage of the Coupe de France to get some breathing space. However, in Aveyron, we're expecting a draw that won't help either team.
Valenciennes - Bastia : Draw @2.95
19:00 - Still without a win at home this season, Valenciennes welcome the worst away team in French D2 . The home side did, however, manage to beat Paris FC in the Coupe de France in front of their own fans. For their part, Bastia are still very shaky on their travels, but against the bottom team in Ligue 2, we'd prefer to see a draw.
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Monday, January 29, 2024
Bordeaux - Angers : Angers doesn't lose @1.71
20:45 - Bordeaux are playing a more attractive game at the start of the year, and are coming off a 3-1 win over the red lantern. However, the Angevins have won 7 of their last 10 games and should provide a fine opposition to the Girondins. Leaders in the standings, we're expecting an open match in which the visitors will be favored with a double chance.

Ligue 2 predictions - J21

Feeling Ligue 2 Tuesday, January 23
Amiens - Annecy : Victory Amiens @1.97
20:45 - On a run of 3 defeats away from home, including one in the Coupe de France against Thionville (1-2), Annecy have been on a very poor run of form of late and are fighting for survival as the first relegation zone. For their part, Amiens are coming off a 1-0 win over Valenciennes, and have already put in some fine performances at the Stade de la Licorne, including a 1-0 victory over Saint-Etienne. For this Ligue 2 prediction, we favour a win for Amiens.
Concarneau - Troyes : Troyes victory @2.77
20:45 - Watch out for Troyes, who are back in the spotlight since the departure of their former coach. With 3 wins from their last 5 French D2 matches, the visitors may well arrive in Brittany with ambitions against a direct rival. Particularly as the home side have now lost 3 of their last 5 home games. A win for David Guion's side would be a major boost to the Ligue 2 standings.
Guingamp - Rodez : Rodez doesn't lose @1.77
20:45 - Despite a hard-fought 1-0 win over QRM in their last match, the Bretons had lost all three of their games without scoring a single goal. The home side will have to be wary of Rodez, who have won 4 of their last 5 matches and are in with a shout of qualifying for the finals. We're expecting a tight game in which the Aveyronnais can at least take home a draw.
Bordeaux - Valenciennes : Bordeaux win @1.45
20:45 - What can we say about the Valenciennes' season, with just one win in 20 matches this season? Even if their current form isn't exactly flattering, this match is an opportunity for them to get back on track at home and get out of the red zone. What's more, the visitors will be coming off a Coupe de France match this weekend, and may well be affected by the back-to-back fixtures. The Girondins are expected to win.
Dunkerque - Ajaccio : Both teams score nothing @1.51
20:45 - Still without a win at home, Dunkirk and Ajaccio are set for a tight encounter. Even if the Corsicans appear to be in with a chance, their away record casts doubt on a possible victory. Ligue 2 's third-worst away team, ACA have just 8 points from 10 away games. We're expecting a low-scoring match for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Pau - Saint Etienne : Draw @3.20
20:45 - With just one win in their last 7 matches, the Stéphanois have yet to find the right ingredients to return to the top flight. Faced with a Palois team unbeaten in 6 home league games, Les Verts will be up against some stiff opposition. Irregular away from home, we're expecting a draw from the Ligériens at the end of the 90 minutes.
Grenoble - Auxerre : Draw @3.25
20:45 - For Tuesday evening's clash, Grenoble welcome leaders Auxerre. On a run of 5 consecutive wins in Ligue 2, the visitors must be wary of this trip to Isère. Especially as they will be coming off the back of a Coupe de France match that could wear them down physically. With only one defeat so far this season at their home stadium, Grenoblois are expected to put in a great performance, and could well salvage a draw.
SC Bastia - Caen : Victory Bastia @2.20
20:45 - Having recently beaten Angers (2-0) on their home turf, Bastia are now on a 6-game unbeaten run at home. A stadium where it's very difficult to get a result. Caennais have been inconsistent since the start of the season, and will be hard-pressed to thwart the Corsicans, who have conceded just one goal in their last 5 games. A Bastide victory is expected for this free Ligue 2 prediction.
Angers - Quevilly : Angers victory @2.07
20:45 - Winners of their last 8 home games without conceding a single goal, the Angevins are proving to be formidable at home. Faced with a QRM side who have gone 5 games without an away win, the home side will quickly get the better of the visitors, who have lost 2 games without scoring a goal, including one in the Coupe de France against a club from a lower division. We're favouring a SCO victory.
Laval - Paris FC : Draw @2.95
20:45 - Despite being so strong at home at the start of the season, Lavallois are in total disarray on their home turf, having gone 5 games without a win. This is in stark contrast to the Francilians, who have won their last 6 away games in all competitions. Despite this, we're expecting a draw from the home side, who managed to pick up a point from Saint Etienne just over a week ago.
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Ligue 2 predictions - J19

Feeling Ligue 2 on Saturday, January 13
Saint Etienne - Laval Victoire Sain Etienne @2.05
15:00 - After a 7-game winless streak in Ligue 2, the Greens now find themselves a long way from the podium. However, they are unbeaten in 3 matches, two in L2 and one friendly. Meanwhile, Laval, who had made a fine start to the season, have found themselves in a bit of trouble over the last 4 games. The visitors have drawn twice and lost twice. For today's first Ligue 2 prediction , we're leaning towards a Greens victory at Geoffroy Guichard.
Grenoble - Dunkirk : Grenoble win without conceding a goal @1.62
19:00 - A lopsided clash between Grenoble, currently on the podium (third), and Dunkirk, second from bottom with 32 goals conceded and the worst defence in France's second division. The two teams are on two different trajectories: Grenoble have won their last two league games, while the northerners have taken just one point from their last 5 matches. What's more, the Dunkirkers are also very poor in attack, scoring just 1 goal in their last 5 Ligue 2 games. Our Ligue 2 prediction is Grenoble.
Rodez - Pau Victoire Rodez @1.75
20:45 - Rodez's momentum continues to build as they host Pau FC, currently fifth in the Ligue 2 standings. At home, Rodez are doing well, with just one defeat in their last 10 games at the Stade Paul-Lignon. Pau, for their part, are stalling a little, with two draws in Ligue 2 against Laval and Troyes. Les Palois were then outclassed by Nantes (1-4) in the CDF. We're expecting a tight game which will end in victory for the home side.
Bastia - Angers Victoire Angers @2.15
First up in the rankings, Angers travel as leaders to Corsica's Bastia, just two points from the relegation zone. The Angevins have been unstoppable in their league, losing just 3 games so far this season. Also, against Brest in the Coupe de France, Angers didn't look foolish, losing just 1 goal to 0. On the Corsican side, things are more complicated, with the players from the Isle of Beauty picking up points here and there but unlikely to be able to catch Angers even at home.
Caen - Concarneau Victoire Caen @2.15
Caen are gradually getting back on track in the league and are now unbeaten in their last 4 matches, winning 10 of their last 12. The Normans have also shown great defensive solidity, conceding just 3 goals and winning 3 clean sheets in their last 6 matches in all competitions. Concarneau's 3-1 friendly win over Avranches has lifted the spirits of the players, but the level in Ligue 2 is a cut above the rest, and that's unlikely to be enough on the pitch at the Stade Michel d'Ornano.
Paris FC - Annecy Victoire Paris FC and +2.5buts @2.80
On current form, Paris FC are without doubt the best team in Ligue 2, and have been since mid-October. At the same time, Annecy is one of the worst teams in the league, with just two wins, including one in the CDF, in 10 games played. There's no doubt that PFC will make the most of their status and win in front of their numerous fans to gradually climb back to the top of the table.
Troyes - Ajaccio Ajaccio or draw @1.35
10 points separate the two teams! Troyes are on the brink of relegation, just one point ahead of 17th-placed Annecy. Ajaccio, for their part, are aiming for the top 5, with the Corsicans in 6th place, just one point behind Pau. Victorious in their last two head-to-head encounters, ACA could go for a second consecutive win.
QRM - Guingamp Draw @2.95
For Quevilly Rouen, every point is vital for the club's survival in the second division. In the league, QRM have drawn two games in a row, bringing them to within two points of Savoyard club Annecy. Guingamp, for their part, are slipping back a few places and are even seeing teams close in dangerously. A 0-0 draw is expected between the two teams.
Valenciennes - Amiens Amiens or draw @1.29
Ligue 2's bottom club, with just one win to their name this season, continue their descent into hell. VAFC's only source of joy came in the Cup, with a victory and consequent qualification for the 1/16 final. In the cold of Valenciennes, the home side are not doing so well, with no wins at home this season. Valenciennes won't be able to show what they're made of against an Amiens team that is performing well away from home.
Feeling Ligue 2 Monday, December 15
Auxerre - Bordeaux Victoire Auxerre @1.75
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Trends over the last 5 matches

Latest Ligue 2 predictions

Ligue 2 predictions - J18

Tuesday December 19: Feeling Ligue 2
Ajaccio - Valenciennes : Ajaccio victory @1.87
20:45 - A lopsided duel between the unbeaten home side and the red lantern of French D2. Having recently beaten Laval at home (2-0), Ajaccio are the second-best team in the league in their own stadium. Faced with Valenciennes, who have just one win to their name this season, Olivier Pantaloni's players are expected to win this Ligue 2 prediction.
Amiens - Caen Draw @3.15
8.45pm - Mid-table encounter between Amiens (12th) and Caen (9th). Even if the Caennais remain on a 3-game winning streak. These victories have all come against bottom-of-the-table clubs. Facing Amiens, the visitors will have a tougher task on their hands, especially as the home side have only lost 2 games in 10 matches at their stadium. A draw is likely at the end of the 90 minutes.
Angers - Guingamp Victoire Angers @2.15
20:45 - Leaders in the Ligue 2 standings, Angers are building on their current momentum with 7 straight wins without conceding a goal at home. Even if Guingamp are more solid away from home than at home. The Angevins, who have conceded just 2 goals in front of their home fans, should get the better of a team coming off a defeat by Concarneau. Alexandre Dujeux's players are expected to win.
Annecy - Rodez Draw @3.05
8.45pm - If this match doesn't sound dreamy on paper. In view of the events surrounding Annecy's descent last year, this meeting is now a confrontation between two rival clubs. Even if the home side are on a 3-game losing streak, it's likely to be a hostile trip for the Ruthénois, who are on a 3-game losing streak on the road. We're favoring a draw between these two teams for this Ligue 2 prediction.
Concarneau - Grenoble Draw @3.05
20:45 - Ligue 2's minnows, Concarneau's matches are often unpredictable, as demonstrated by their latest victory over Guingamp (1-0). Faced with Grenoblois, who have proved to be irregular on their travels, we're expecting a tight game with the back-to-back fixtures. We therefore expect a draw for this Ligue 2 free tip.
Dunkerque - Bordeaux Victoire Bordeaux @1.91
8.45pm - Dunkerque (19th) and Bordeaux (17th) battle it out for survival. Even if the results are still not up to scratch for the Girondins. Bordeaux are looking more attractive in the game, coming off a fine performance against Saint-Etienne despite a goalless draw (0-0). Faced with the hosts, who have now lost 6 home games in a row, we're expecting a Girondins victory in this free Ligue 2 prediction.
Laval - Auxerre Gauthier Hein scores @3.50
20:45 - Gauthier Hein, scorer of a brace in the last match against Ajaccio, has come through a period of 8 games without a goal. The French striker is the real playmaker of this Auxerroise team, and we're expecting a great performance from him in this Ligue 2 clash. An opportunity for him to consolidate his place on the podium of the Ligue 2 scorers' chart.
Paris FC - QRM : Victory Paris FC @2.15
20:45 - Winners of their last 3 games without conceding a goal, Paris FC arrive with confidence high ahead of their clash with QRM. Especially as the visitors are one of the worst away teams, with just 1 win in 9 away games. Faced with a club stuck in the red zone, we're expecting a win for the Francilians in today's soccer combine.
Pau - Troyes : Victoire Pau @1.95
20:45 - Fifth-placed Pau have just gone nine games without defeat at Laval (1-1). Their record contrasts with that of Troyes, who are coming off a heavy defeat (1-4) at home when leading 1-0. With the third-best team in the league on their home turf, we're hoping for another Palois victory.
Saint Etienne - Bastia Victoire Saint Etienne @1.78
20h45 - After ending a run of 5 consecutive defeats against Bordeaux (0-0) this weekend. Les Verts return to the cauldron for the last time this year. Against Ligue 2 's worst away team, with just 6 points from 9 games. Oliver Dall'Oglio's first win with the Stéphanois players is expected, despite the Corsicans' recent 5-0 demolition of Dunkirk.
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Statistics for your Ligue 2 predictions

Simple Bet

Season 1X2

Favour home wins for your Ligue 2 1X2 predictions. Just under 1 in 2 matches will end in a home win in the 2023-2024 season.



As for your prediction on the 2 teams scoring in Ligue 2, the result is balanced, with just over one match in 2 ending in a clean sheet for one of the 2 teams and therefore less than one match in 2 seeing the nets shake on both sides.



For your Ligue 2 over/under predictions, favour +2.5 goals, which occurs in 45% of matches, and +3.5 goals in just one match out of 4, which is important and generates interesting odds.


For your Ligue 2 score prediction, go for 0-0 at half-time, which occurs more than once in 3 matches. For the score at the end of the match, the results are more balanced, but 0-0 followed by 0-1 are the most regular scores, with 2-0 completing the podium. Note that almost 40% of this season's matches ended with a 1-goal margin, so opt for a one-goal margin.

Ligue 2 prediction: Who will win Ligue 2 2024?

Saint Étienne5.75
SC Bastia9.00
Feelingbet odds at 19/07

Bordeaux, the historic French club and Ligue 1 regular, is the logical favourite to win the second division title, as is Saint-Étienne, who are among the favourites. Troyes, Auxerre and Angers also feature in the top three, having all been relegated from the top flight this season, so they'll have to be counted on to play the leading roles, along with Bastia and Caen, who came close to going up last season and in previous seasons. This Ligue 2 season promises to be competitive and exciting.

Do you like French soccer? Consult the Ligue 1 prediction page to get the feeling about Paris SG, Marseille, Lens or Monaco... You'll also find the Ligue 1 ranking and the Ligue 2 ranking updated after each match. And if you'd like to bet on the goalscorers, take a look at the goalscorer rankings . Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 sc orer rankings here.

How to predict Ligue 2?

1Analyze the stats: Before making your Ligue 2 1X2 predictions, take the time to analyze the teams' stats, such as recent performances, home and away results, goals scored and conceded, etc. This will give you a better understanding of the teams' strengths and weaknesses. This will give you a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved.
In the French D2 this season, there were 41% home wins, 29% draws and 30% away wins. In other words, on a 10-game day, 4 teams will win at home, 3 will draw and 3 will win away from home.
2Take absences into account: Injuries, suspensions or the absence of key players can have a significant impact on a team's performance. Be sure to check the information on absences before making your Ligue 2 prediction.
We all know how important goalscorers are in the French second division. Caen is not the same with or without Mendy, nor is Saint-Étienne without Sissoko or Auxerre without Hein. Metz relied heavily on Mikautadze to help them go up last season.
3Consider head-to-head matches: Previous matches between two teams can provide interesting clues for your Ligue 2 BKT prediction. Take into account past results and performances in head-to-head encounters.
Example: Ajaccio and Bastia have met once this season, with ACA winning the derby (2-0).
4Consider the context of your Ligue 2 predictions: Take into account what's at stake in the match, such as the race for the title, the fight for promotion or the battle to avoid relegation. These factors can influence the motivation and intensity of the teams.
5Keep up to date with the latest team news, injuries, suspensions, coaching changes and more. This information can have an impact on team performance.
The psychological shock of a change of coach can bring a team back from the brink. Just as the absence of Ligue 2's top scorer or top passer can handicap a team.
6Study styles of play: Every team has its own style of play. Try to understand the tactics and patterns used by teams to predict how they might perform in a given match.
7Manage your bankroll: When placing a League 2 bet, it's important to manage your bankroll responsibly. Set yourself a dedicated sports betting budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose.
It is generally recommended not to exceed 5% of your bankroll.

How does Ligue 2 work?

Ligue 2, also known as Ligue 2 BKT for sponsorship reasons, is the second division of professional soccer in France.
👉 Competition format: Ligue 2 consists of 20 teams competing in a two-legged league, meaning that each team plays each other twice, once at home and once away. This equates to a total of 38 matches per team over the course of the season.
👉 Points system: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 and a defeat is worth no points. Teams are ranked according to the total number of points accumulated throughout the season. In the event of a tie on points between two teams, total goal difference and direct confrontations are taken into account to determine their ranking.
👉 Relegation and promotion: The top two teams in Ligue 2 are automatically promoted to Ligue 1, France's highest division, at the end of the season. At the same time, teams at the bottom of the standings risk relegation to the National, France's third division.
👉 Play-offs: In addition to the two teams automatically promoted, a third team can also access Ligue 1 via the promotion play-offs. This involves teams ranked third to fifth. Teams in the play-offs compete for a further place in Ligue 1 in a series of knockout matches.
👉 Champion title: The team finishing top of the Ligue 2 standings at the end of the season is crowned league champion.
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